Geopodmas (Day 7) The Highest Order

TGIF Geocaching Radio

24-12-2022 • 14 mins

In this special 7-part mini-podcast special, follow the adventures of the Treasure Troops, and find out what lies in store! Join us for short daily episodes leading up to Christmas.

* DAY 7 * (or watch the series on Youtube)

And as always, have a wonderful Christmas, happy holidays, merry caching and excellent adventuring!

What happened in past specials?

Contest Update: 15/50 prizes claimed!

  1. Watch the 12 videos in the Lone Wolf Legacy series (
  2. Note the 11 words that each have a yellow smiley icon next to them
  3. In playlist order with no spaces, string all 11 words together
  4. Visit
  5. Follow instructions there!
  6. (Hint: the digital root for verification of the wordstring is 7)


  • First FIFTY to complete the task will earn themselves a special, secret, exclusive prize, yet to be announced, soon...
  • 11 people have already claimed their spot - are you next?


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