S6.M4. Two Timelines: Building a Relationship with Your Future Self.

Don’t Touch My Mindset

27-03-2024 • 15 mins

Welcome to another episode of "Don't Touch My Mindset." I'm Jay Chase, and today we're exploring the concept of 'Two Timelines' and how they profoundly shape our growth and relationship with our future selves.

Introduction to Two Timelines:

  • We start by introducing the idea of operating from two timelines and using them as a measure of our progress.
  • Highlighting the importance of freeing ourselves from past constraints to open possibilities for future actions.

Courage and Self-Reflection:

  • Diving into Jim Hightower's insights on courage over conformity, we discuss the necessity of carving one's path.
  • A reflective segment urges listeners to consider the trajectory of their lives and the influences around them, advocating for the bravery needed for change and self-directedness.

Goal Evaluation and Reflection:

  • Reflecting on the year's first quarter, we prompt listeners to assess their headway towards their set ambitions.
  • Sharing personal setbacks and challenges, reinforcing the need for self-awareness and compassion on this journey.

Personal Growth Journey:

  • Sharing my personal growth story post-prison, underscoring my dedication to self-betterment and continuous learning.
  • Discussing the creation of a 90-day action plan that served as a catalyst for personal enhancement.

Relationship with Future Self:

  • Delving into the significance of nurturing a connection with our future selves and its impact on personal growth.
  • We cite research on the common disconnection from our future identities, underlining the power of future-self visualization.

Action Plan for Future Self:

  • We outline a comprehensive plan for becoming your envisioned future self, including actionable commitments to growth, knowledge acquisition, and self-care.
  • A discussion on implementing a system of consequences within the action plan to maintain motivation and accountability.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

  • A final call to action for listeners to contemplate their timelines and measure their progress towards 'becoming.'
  • A strong message to maintain focus on personal growth, inspiring listeners to delve deeper into their aspirations and the passage of time.
  • Encouraging the audience to engage with the podcast community through ratings, reviews, and social sharing.
  • Closing with a heartfelt reminder to protect and nurture your mindset always.

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Here's to a season of groundbreaking growth, transformation, and boundless possibilities. Let's amplify our visions and soar to new heights together!

#DontTouchMyMindset #VisionExpansion #PersonalGrowth #AmplifyWorkshop #MindsetMatters