Care for all

Sturdy Glass Sponges

16-03-2023 • 35 mins

It’s alarming to know that at any point in time, 1 in 3 Canadians are struggling with their mental health and those who do feel they need mental health care, can’t access it. It’s unbelievable to think that in this day and age, a time where we’re constantly hearing about the importance of getting help, access to care still isn’t equitable.

Psychological services are proven to be an effective way to improve people’s mental health and allow them to participate fully in their life, work, and community. Many resources are free and in this episode, I’m joined by special guest Autumn Tuffin McDonaldwho shares her personal experiences with the Canadian Mental Health Association.

With this episode, I aim to inspire us to think critically about what it is we might need in terms of care, and sharpen our own criteria of things to look for in mental health resource options. I know it’s easy for me to send out a list of mental health resources, websites or phone numbers, but instead I wanted to round out my podcast, Sturdy Glass Sponges, with a discussion that prompts us to think differently about sourcing out mental health care options.

For a roundup of mental health care support ideas, please visit

I’m Elena Iaconoand my aim with Sturdy Glass Sponges is that we're inspired to look at our own lives, and the challenges that may come our way, in a renewed way.

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