Health is Multidimensional


03-01-2024 • 11 mins

Health is Multidimensional, It's like a puzzle!

We need to be able to see the fractured pieces in a 3D perspective, in order to assimilate the puzzle into a perfect picture!

In this episode I explore the reality that physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and electromagnetic levels of the human experience are individual languages overlapping on each other, and how they all need to be addressed simultaneously!

The process required to address multiple levels simultaneously, begins with a thorough and complete intake process.

I emphasize the essential nature of the intake form, and review my patient intake process.

I discuss the use of the intake form as a gateway to access deeper subconscious information and the dangers or repercussions of not doing a thorough intake.

And finally we will spend a little time looking at one of the glaring limitations of the conventional medical system.

Come on, Let's Dive In, to Level Up!