Episode 23: How to be Highly Sensitive & Manage Energy

Reset With Renee

11-01-2024 • 52 mins

HSPs can really struggle with energetic stewardship especially as it relates to boundaries & people pleasing.  Courtney shares her journey of self-discovery of being HSP as validating & illuminating.

Her drive to get to know herself, her purpose, & to lead her best life, led to the creation of her IG handle #wisperstomyfutureself & her own upcoming podcast show.

Courtney & I discuss the process, challenges, & rewards of:

  • slowing down versus forcing, rushing, & people pleasing
  • digging deep versus skimming the surface
  • resourcing & orienting vs living life in reactivity or autopilot.

We also discuss diverse ways HSP is being conceptualized as it relates to neurodivergence, trauma, & other diagnosis.  We agree a person can have HSP without trauma & also have a combination of both.

The depth, complexity, & perspective that HSP people have is truly a superpower and is a gift to the collective when embraced & not judged, shamed, or blamed.

Take a listen to find the nuggets of pure gold that are helpful for all humans, not just those of us with HSP, & be sure to follow Courtney Raquel at:




About Courtney:

“I’m a life mentor who loves to help guide individuals towards their fullest potential. I provide personalized support to empower you to overcome challenges, set meaningful goals, and lead a life of intention. Through a unique blend of empathy and wisdom, I will help you seek positive transformation and growth!”

#resetwithrenee #hsp #recovery #healing #boundaries #peoplepleasing #energy #purpose #boundaries

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