• Empowerment: moving from victimization to “I am the one.”
• Activation – if it’s in you or around you, it’s for you to turn towards.
• Reclaiming your birthright, your inherited gifts, & recovering your vitality.
• Moving from disempowered, transactional relationships to equal power + love + co-creating in alignment.
• Realizing FEAR was given to you to PROTECT you & knowing that it is not needed in the same way.
• Releasing FEAR & turning towards Courage & Conviction.
• Moving from FEAR to Possibilities.
• Seeing the larger context of trauma transmission across your lineage – across generations & taking the HURT less personally.
• Being ok no matter what.
• Allowing yourself to learn missed lessons & forgive yourself for past mistakes.
• Knowing the PEACE that being the path of least resistance offers you.
• Ending the cycle of relationships created in disempowerment & power over dynamics. Ending the passing of HURT & HARM.
• Releasing shame as you learn that your “worst” was your “best” attempt at protection.
• Releasing shame as you unwind conditioning & shake off what was projected onto you.
• Pride & celebration that you survived & you have time to begin again.
• Opportunity to pass gifts, wisdom, & love forward.
• Owning your story wholeheartedly.
• Be a lighthouse for others seeking safety & creating transformation at any level. Cycle breaking is for you, your community, & the collective. You are the epicenter of the ripple effect.
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