Common Mistakes My Clients Make
(With or Without CPTSD)
1. Making decisions or interacting with others from a place of HURT
2. Making decisions or interacting with others from a place of PROTECTIVE PARTS
Do You Do This?
Listen to find out if you engage in a power struggle between your parts & theirs.
Stop the Fawn/Collapse or FLIP
Many people on a healing journey have “go to” nervous system responses when stressed. Shutting down via silence, people pleasing, or avoiding conflict is super common - & it may be crucial to safety.
However, some tire of feeling disempowered, of feeling like the “loser” in a “win-lose” dynamic & might FLIP to “power over.”
Someone Has to Make the First Move
A natural reaction to disempowered energy is to lead with PROTECTIVE PART energy (I must, I can’t, I won’t, I will destroy). Your protective parts will trigger another person’s protective parts…& then you both are OFF to the races of a continued power struggle (DEFEND – ATTACK – DEFEND & REPEAT).
The Solution
1. Exit the power struggle. Don’t stay in the place of “power over” aka “persecutor” & don’t stay in the place of disempowered aka “victim”.
2. Connect inside to your own hurt & protective parts first. This is attuning & attachment repair work that will help you embody personal power in a pure & clean way.
3. Set an intention, align your actions, & embody your boundaries. Remember other people’s behaviors are about them. YOU can retain your personal power & avoid feeding the drama cycle or power struggle.
4. For difficult/challenging people consider deepening your understanding of *Energetic Stewardship.