5 Behaviors to Purify for Healthy Connections
1. Separation
2. Comparison
3. Judgment
4. Blame
5. Shame
What we do internally we also do externally. It’s human. However, if done automatically, unconsciously, or reactively it’s going to create disconnection & disempowerment.
What’s your Shadow & Gift in your Gene Keys?
Renee has Gene Key #55 which is about moving from victimization to freedom (empowerment).
Validation & rupture repair of hurt & harm is what we want when we have been victimized & it is so healing when given, but this is not the norm. Our cultural norm is to avoid discomfort. Unconscious reactions add insult to injury. However, staying “stuck” in the victim story or state isn’t workable long-term as it creates bitterness, resentment, & disconnection.
Our culture has an epidemic of shame. Shame & its corresponding strategies have been passed down across generations largely in an attempt to keep certain people, places, & things secure & safe.
Disempowerment, Disconnection, & Calling Out:
Recognizing & drawing attention to problems is necessary for change & yet “calling out” contributes to separation.
Instead, CALL IN what you want to create more of, amplify, or elevate.
Where would you like to put the focus of your attention & intention, regardless of the outcome?
What is the challenge you’re facing & how can you frame it into an invitation for yourself & others?
Calling in & inviting is a better set up for all & increases connection, harmony, unity, & resolution.
What gets in the way of that for you? Check in with yourself to see who & what is running your show. What parts of you use the above 5 strategies? How connected or disconnected or you to yourself & others?