EP98: Addiction Treatment & Strategies for Mental Health with Dr. Constance Scharff

Truehope Cast

27-12-2022 • 59 mins

Dr. Constance Scharff has a Ph.D. in Transformative Studies, specializing in radically transformative personal experience. She is a full-time author and speaker, travelling globally to help people overcome trauma and addiction. Her life’s work is to help people heal from addiction and trauma, as she has done so that each of us can live lives of meaning and purpose.

Dr. Scharff is an award-winning, bestselling author. She has published three books. The most recent is called Rock to Recovery: Music as a Catalyst for Human Transformation.

Today we will discuss Addiction Treatment & Strategies for Promoting Mental Health.


WATCH - https://vimeo.com/782715758/eb03d878a9

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