E4 - Gaming The Game

TGIF Geocaching Radio

27-01-2023 • 1 hr 5 mins

In this jam-packed super sized-episode, we have another guest on to talk about how he "games the game", and we hear the first hand story about he managed to complete SIX JASMER GRIDS! Come hang out with us for a chat with (the infamous?) TTO2, Vince Rowe, and his excellent geocaching adventures. We've also got news, buried treasure, contest update, more adventures, and overall geocaching goodness.

Come and hang out for a while!

On Youtube: cachetheline.net/gamingthegame


CITO: Cache In Trash Out

Winter CITO photos: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnhhoe-O5kS/

Set Sail souvenir (blog post)

CONTEST: Instructions below

Geocaching Geogames: geocaching.com/geogames

2022 Year in review (blog post)

Geocaching Podcast 750 - Playing your own way (episode page)

TTO2 - "Torment The Obsessed"

jasmerb's first Jasmer challenge - GC1GBC1 (Dec 2008)

thebruce0's first Jasmer grid complete - Sleepy Hollow (video)

Patron Adventurer of the Month: rogking

BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64254209

Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/old-nazi-map-sparks-treasure-hunt-netherlands-2023-01-06/

Muggle logs from Australia +pics (Facebook)

Desert rescue +pics (Facebook)

SAGA - How it looked: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkP--rOjM3/

Aug 2000 finds #5 and 6: GC83C2, GC7DE2

Bonus: User unclerojelio may still be able to complete 6 jasmer loops if he finds 2 more active Aug 2000 geocaches!

Contest Update: Prizes still to be claimed!

  1. Watch the 12 videos in the Lone Wolf Legacy series (cachetheline.net/lonewolf)
  2. Note the 11 words that each have a yellow smiley icon next to them
  3. In playlist order with no spaces, string all 11 words together
  4. Visit cachetheline.net/stringofallthewords
  5. Follow instructions there!
  6. (Hint: the digital root for verification of the wordstring is 7)


  • First FIFTY to complete the task will earn themselves a special, secret, exclusive prize, yet to be announced, soon...
  • Many people have already claimed their spot - are you next?

Contact: tgif@cachetheline.net

POI! Phone One In: cachetheline.net/poi

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