Welcome to the prestigious Armchair Adventures Grammy Awards, or AAGA's for short, where Uncle Chris picks out his favourite musical moments from the episodes so far! 🎶🏆👩🎤
"First up is the AAGA for 'Best Use Of A Musical Instrument To Represent An Animal!"
While Connie makes her way back from Mrs Maestro's 'Musical Extravaganza Adventure', she's asked her Uncle Chris to pick out his favourite musical moments from previous Armchair Adventures Episodes.
Listen now to find out who will come out on top in categories like 'Best Lyrics', 'Best Ivory Tinkling' and not forgetting our 'Extra Super Special Lifetime Achievement Armchair Adventure Grammy Award!'
Don't forget to tell us what your favourite Armchair Adventure musical moments are adventurer. Ask a grown up to let us now by leaving a review on Apple Podcasts and we'll give you a shout out next time!
Download the transcript for this episode here.
Say hello adventurer!
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Produced by Made By Mortals
Actors - Chris Brett
Music - AJS Music
Sound Design - AJS Music
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 4th April! 😀