024 - Success on Freelancer Sites

The Closers Playbook

30-06-2021 • 13 mins

Freelance work doesn't come with the promise of guaranteed success. Sometimes companies are project-based and difficult to predict the amount of work that will be involved, making it tough to find a steady paycheck. But there is still a way to find freelance work that's right for you, whether you choose something small or have a specific skill set!

In this video Pete and Tyler share lessons learned from successful freelancers about finding success on freelancer sites and how you can apply it to your business!

Check out the article they talk about here: I'm a freelancer who's made more than $500,000 on Upwork. Here are 3 proposals that won me gigs online. https://www.businessinsider.com/proposal-examples-freelancer-upwork-win-gigs-online-2021-6

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