A Bit of Optimism

Simon Sinek

The future is always bright…if you know where to look. Join me each week for A Bit of Optimism! I talk to inspiring people who teach me more about life, leadership and general interesting things. read less

Our Editor's Take

The A Bit of Optimism podcast shares a positive outlook on life. Author Simon Sinek started the series during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic when he saw a need for optimism. He began by sharing the conversations he was having with friends. The first episodes share their challenges and opportunities during a time of uncertainty. Simon has continued the podcast to provide a guide to living a happy life. Guests include nutritionist Mark Hyman, founder Bruce Deel, and entrepreneur Jean Oelwang.

Outside of the podcast, Simon admits that he is, of course, an optimist. He wants to build a world in which most people wake up feeling safe, inspired, and fulfilled by the end of the day. Some listeners may know Simon for his TED Talk on how great leaders inspire action. It's also the topic of his bestselling books Leaders Eat Last and The Infinite Game.

Inspiring business leader Sharmadean Reid discusses the community's importance on the podcast. Through her work, she seeks to encourage women to find their sense of power. Sharmadean credits her confidence to the female Jamaican community that supported her. It was this upbringing that taught her to believe in herself. Author David Von Drehle discusses his book The Book of Charlie: Wisdom from the Remarkable American Life of a 109-Year-Old Man. David's a journalist who shares his neighbor's lessons about how to live a life worth living. Entrepreneur Cassandra Worthy shares her transformational approach to change. She helps companies harness the power of resilience.

The founder of Wikipedia discusses the principles of trust on the podcast. In an era of misinformation, Jimmy Wales believes transparency is vital. YouTuber Jimmy Darts explains how he changed his career to help others. Author Steven Pressfield discusses the need for determination and a muse.

The A Bit of Optimism podcast shares conversations with inspiring authors and entrepreneurs. Why does writer Kathryn Finney believe it's essential to be authentic? How can people love without judgment, according to CEO Ana Kirova? From psychotherapist Sara Kuburic to writer Susan Cain, each one shares their motivations. New episodes debut each week.

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