Understanding That Another Person’s Criticism is Not Your Business

Eat, Girl, Eat

09-05-2023 • 27 mins

Maria recently went on a trip to Mexico, so in this episode, she’s sharing some of her reflections during that time. Most notably, she heard a lot of talk about dieting, weight, and working out—sometimes to who they were with, but other times to complete strangers. It occurred to her that a lot of people were looking for permission to just be human.

The only person you ever need to give you permission is yourself. It’s your life and it’s your body, so it’s only ever your decision. If you can make decisions for yourself out of love and compassion rather than criticism, you’ll make decisions differently.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • What she experienced on the beach and how it made her feel.
  • The mindset that has become normalized across cultures.
  • What giving yourself permission on vacation looks like.
  • The motivation Maria had to eat in balance and where it came from.
  • What happens when we try to tell our caveman mind that we can’t have something.
  • Where your decision making should come from.
  • Why you’re not wrong for wanting to enjoy life’s pleasures.
  • What could happen when you get rid of diet rules.
  • Why it takes a leap of faith to let go.
  • Why the fear you feel is valid and what to do about it.
  • The importance of simply opening up to a new way of managing your life.
  • Practices you can do regardless of what your mind says.
  • Why your mind doesn’t have to be in charge.

Sarah’s website: www.wellofbeing.co.uk

Join the Food Freedom Formula: https://go.m-path.ca/foodfreedomformula