Lose The Mum Pooch - FOR GOOD! (for mums on the go!)

The Holistic Health Show

09-02-2024 β€’ 28 mins

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Lose The Mum Pooch - FOR GOOD! (shorter edit for mums on the go!)
Fitness Workouts for Tired Mums

Leslie Ann is a certified personal trainer specializing in helping busy moms achieve their health and fitness goals.

As a mom herself, she understands the unique challenges that come with balancing family, work, and personal wellness. That's why she am passionate about helping fellow mothers make time for themselves and prioritize their health and fitness!

Her approach to training is personalized and supportive, taking into account each client's individual needs and goals. She believes in a holistic approach to fitness that includes not only exercise but also nutrition, stress management, rest and recovery.

She also understands that time is a precious commodity for busy moms. That's why she prioritizes efficiency and effectiveness in her workouts, so you can get the most out of your training in as little time as possible. Whether you are looking to lose weight, build strength, or simply feel more energized and confident in your own skin, she is here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Bringing you valuable insights on Diastasis Recti, a common postpartum condition, Leslie shares effective fitness techniques tailored for post-baby bodies. Learn how to heal, strengthen your core, and embrace your newfound strength!


LeslieAnn Fit Facebook Page
The Postpartum Core Blueprint eBook

Author: The Holistic Health Show
Guest Speaker: Lesley Santos,
Category: Health and Wellness

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