Encore: Learn what your Aura is telling you

Transformational Healing

31-12-2015 • 55 mins

What is an Aura? Find out on today’s show when Dr. Bonnie’s special guest Belle Star talks to us at length about Auras and Aura Photographs and what they reveal: * ENERGETIC ASSETS. The color size, shape and intensity of your aura reveal your energetic bank account, the nature and variety of your gifts. Compassion, vitality, empathy, curiosity, and healing energy are but a few of the qualities visible as colors in the auric field. * ENERGETIC OVERLOADS. There are areas in the aura that could be called electric fences, varying wattages of energy often in excess of someone's actual needs. Belle has had three years of Huna training in Soul Recovery, Energetic Rebalancing and Negative Energy Removal. She has had extensive training with Brugh Joy MD in uncovering Archetypal Patterning. Belle has studied Dream Analysis many years with Jeremy Taylor and is a permanent staff member of the Institute of the Nine Gates Mystery School.