Episode #227: Healing With Your Mind: The Power of the Placebo Effect with Brandy Gillmore

LONGEVITY with Nathalie Niddam

16-04-2024 • 1 hr 24 mins

We’ve all heard of the placebo effect, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. But how powerful is it really?

In this episode of Biohacking Superhuman Performance, I chat with Brandy Gillmore about her life-changing injury and how she healed herself with her mind. We discuss the power of positive reinforcement, the importance of repetition in creating new positive neuropathways, and how emotions influence healing. It’s important to be careful with how you talk to yourself so that you’re not reinforcing negative energy. Our conversation covers biophotons, and their implications in healing due to the effect it has on cellular proliferation.

Overall, this episode offers guidance for working on your health outside of conventional methods and the power our emotions have over the body.

Brandy Gillmore is a motivational speaker, author, and consultant. Her expertise began after her own devastating illness when she found herself somewhere she never thought she’d be — disabled, spending most of her days in bed, on various forms of morphine, and yet still in extreme pain.  For years, one doctor after another told her there was nothing they could do for her. That’s when Brandy became determined to get her life back. She spent several years studying and researching and eventually began to discover key insights that became life-changing. Since her incredible recovery, Brandy works with people worldwide to understand the profound impact that stress and emotions can have on their bodies and their lives.

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Find more from Brandy Gillmore:

Website: https://brandygillmore.com/

Ted Talk: https://youtu.be/5dEbqRYqY_0?si=COa00XWw3s1zoGQY

Podcast: Heal Yourself Change Your Life

Instagram: @brandygillmore

Book Now Available: Master Your Mind & Energy To Heal Your Body (Kindle, Amazon, Barnes & Noble)

Love what you heard on this episode?  Special Offer for Listeners of this Podcast: get a free 90 Minute Training with Brandy Gillmore plus a special offer - go to brandygillmore.com/Nat-Gift

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What We Discuss:

(1:30) Healing with the mind - Gillmore’s Work

(3:00) Life changing injury

(8:30) Placebo effect and belief

(12:00) Open-Label Placebo Studies

(15:00) How emotions influence healing

(21:00) Amplifying emotions

(28:00) Creating positive neuropathways

(34:00) The shift from effort to full healing

(38:00) Coaching others in mind healing

(42:00) Biophotons

(54:00) Homunculus map

(56:00) Pain relief through mindset

(1:08:00) The 4 minute mile principle

(1:11:00) Find more from Brandy Gillmore

Key Takeaways:

  • When it comes to healing with the mind, it takes real mental change. You must work on your patterned way of thinking, reinforcing good or positive energy. You can create positive neuropathways in your brain to fight the negative. Working on optimism helps, but you must amplify the emotions and really feel it.

  • Our subconscious is a very powerful thing. How you speak to yourself can affect how you live and feel. By amplifying your emotions, you can help influence your subconscious by delivering a different message. Repetition helps develop these patterns, which in turn can enhance your healing.

  • Biophotons are light particles that are generated within the body and are constantly radiated from the body's surface. These spontaneous emissions are thought to be associated with the generation of free radicals due to energy metabolic processes. Research shows biophoton emissions affect cellular proliferation, meaning it should be able to aid in healing. Some studies have shown that emotions influence biophotons. But more studies are currently being done.