HR Inside Out

Susan Ney

In the podcast series HR Inside Out - Demystifying HR & People Management Susan and her guests weave a tapestry of information, insights and guidance around HR, people management and the work processes we could all understand and “do” better. Sharing examples both personally and through interviews of others who have walked the path of daring greatly, she offers insights for those who wish support on their own journey as they become the best version of themselves and within their organizations. read less


Susan Signing Off – Thank you – It has been a wonderful journey! | HR 74
Susan Signing Off – Thank you – It has been a wonderful journey! | HR 74
Episode Intro:It is time to “sign off” with this being my final podcast in the series HR Inside Out. And wow, what a wonderful experience this has been, learning how to become a podcaster, having the courage to reach out to potential guests, developing the programs, working with an editor, undertaking the related research, meeting new people, and deepening my relationship with others – so many new experiences along the way. I sincerely hope that the series has accomplished its goal of providing you insights that have helped you personally, and in your people oversight responsibilities. As shared in the podcast, at times I tackled a topic on my own. At other times, I reached out to experts in the specialized areas, my podcast guests. It is with huge gratitude to the individuals who agreed to be those guests over the tenure of the series: Malcolm White, Paul Moffat, Stuart McNish, Monique Liddle, Pamela Jones, Debbie Comis, David Harvey, James Ridge, Dr. Kieth Deats, Lisa Wilson, Victoria Miles, Tony Martignetti, Gwyn Teatro, Paul Harrietha, Dimple Dhabalia, Sharon Summerfield, Melissa Deally, Julia Wooster, Catherine Elliott, Steve Serbic, Cheryl Brewster, Sam Thiara, Barb Ashcroft, Amal Anup, Dr. Aliaa Remtilla, Kate Bravery, Ayo Owodunni, Tracy Lee Lorenson, Nadine Hanchar, Marc S. Miller, Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt, Heather Abbott, Stephen Hammond, Alex Cann, Cindy Rogers, Bill Howes, Ed Seymour, Brian Schramm, and Charlene Wright. Thank you to each of you for trusting in the process, in me, and in the product. And thank you to my listeners. I have appreciated your time and support. I wish each of you well in your own endeavors. Remember – Dare to Soar! I believe you can! Fly high! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:
Challenging the Narrative of Service Before Self  with Guest Dimple Dhabalia | HR 73
Challenging the Narrative of Service Before Self with Guest Dimple Dhabalia | HR 73
Episode Intro:Dimple Dhabalia has woven both her own story and that of others she has worked with into a phenomenal book, Tell Me My Story: Challenging the Narrative of Service Before Self; a book that digs deep into the realities that so many of us who provide service to others (because “caring for others in inherent to who we are, and to do anything different would leave us feeling unfulfilled and restless”) experience. Did you know that vicarious trauma can result from repeated exposure to other people’s trauma and their stories of traumatic events, and that compassion fatigue can result from caring for those who are in significant pain and distress? It will likely come as no surprise that factors such as lack of transparency, decision making that doesn’t consider workforce health, and perceptions of unfairness in the workplace can tip our organizations into what is being termed “organizational trauma”, all of which contribute to toxic work environments, burnout, disengagement, and sickness. If your role includes oversight of people, you could be having to deal with all these - both as the leader of the team you are responsible for - and personally. The good news is that we can reset and redesign once-traumatized cultures. Join us to learn more! About Dimple Dhabalia: Dimple D. Dhabalia is the founder of Roots in the Clouds and a human-centered leadership coach with over twenty years of government and public sector experience. Dimple partners with leaders across mission-driven sectors to address root issues and design inclusive, human-centered workplace cultures where emerging and seasoned leaders can learn how to preserve their own humanity as they work to preserve it for others.After almost two decades working on the front lines of the government and humanitarian sectors, Dimple had experienced vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, moral injury, burnout, and anxiety. Like so many others, she worked in an organization that celebrated the resilience of the human spirit in the refugees and displaced persons they served, while failing to extend the same ethos to those working within their own organizations. Determined to educate and support heart-centered leaders, she developed and launched the Daring Leaders Project (DLP), the first mindfulness-based leadership development program of its kind within the agency. Her vision and leadership earned her Director’s awards for Innovator of the Year and the Pillar of Leadership.In 2021, Dimple launched Roots in the Clouds with a personal mission of putting the “human” back into humanitarian and making service sustainable across mission-driven sectors. Today, Dimple’s cutting-edge work explores the intersection of generational trauma and moral injury and supports a holistic approach to addressing individual and organizational trauma using principles of mindful performance, positive psychology, and human-centered leadership. Her new book, Tell Me My Story–Challenging the Narrative of Service Before Self [Ambika Media 2024], was recently excerpted in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and her work has also been featured in Fast Company, CEO World Magazine, and the Federal News Network. Dimple recently debuted a limited-series companion podcast to Tell Me My Story called  Service Without Sacrifice  and is also creator and co-host of the popular podcast What Would Ted Lasso Do? You can find Dimple @dimpstory across all social media platforms, and at dear HUMANitarian on Substack.Connect with Dimple:Website: @dimpstory
Passion and Legacy with Host Susan Ney | HR 72
Passion and Legacy with Host Susan Ney | HR 72
Episode Intro:Passion and legacy… will those attending your celebration of life affirm that you found and lived yours? What lives will you have positively impacted over the course of your career? Are you genuinely practicing the values you aspire to? Will you be able to say that you had some fun along the way? Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
Campfire Lessons for Leaders with Guest Tony Martignetti | HR 71
Campfire Lessons for Leaders with Guest Tony Martignetti | HR 71
Episode Intro:If you are seeking tools to help your spark or that of those you care about burn brighter, I would like to introduce you to Tony Martignetti. Through Tony’s latest book, Campfire Lessons for Leaders: How Uncovering Our Past Can Propel Us Forward, he shares transformational stories of courageous individuals, including himself, unearthing concepts like the significance of flashpoints in our lives, using question bursts, removing social masks, using experimentation to fail forward, replacing fear with curiosity, living our core values, making brave spaces, slowing down to go fast, and more. Tony uses a foundation of what he calls his three C’s – curiosity, compassion, and connection – ones he also considers his core personal values and ones he very definitely practices. I enjoyed meeting and talking with Tony as much as I enjoyed his book. I hope you will, too!Join us to learn more! About Tony Martignetti: Tony is the Chief Inspiration Officer at Inspired Purpose Partners and is a trusted advisor, leadership coach and facilitator, best-selling author, podcast host, and speaker. He brings together over 25 years of business and leadership experience and extreme curiosity to elevate leaders and equip them with the tools to navigate through change and unlock their true potential. He has been recognized as one of the Top Voices in Leadership and by LeadersHum as one of the Biggest Voices in Leadership. Tony has been a finance and strategy executive with experience working with some of the leading life sciences companies. Along his journey, he also managed small businesses and ran a financial consulting company. Tony hosts The Virtual Campfire podcast and is the author of Climbing the Right Mountain: Navigating the Journey to An Inspired Life and Campfire Lessons for Leaders: How Uncovering Our Past Can Propel Us Forward. He has been featured in many publications, including Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Forbes, Life Science Leader, and CEO Today. He earned an MBA degree from Northeastern University and is a certified professional coach with training from various coaching institutions and programs. Tony lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with his wife and son. He is an adventure seeker fascinated by nature, art, and architecture. He always includes some elements of art, architecture, and adventure in the itinerary whenever he travels. Connect with Tony:Website: www.ipurposepartners.comPodcast: (11) Tony Martignetti | LinkedInBook: Campfire Lessons for Leaders: How Uncovering Our Past Can Propel Us Forward Campfire Lessons for Leaders: How Uncovering Our Past Can Propel Us Fo ( Lessons for Leaders: How Uncovering Our Past Can Propel Us Forward: Martignetti, Tony: 9781032428994: BooksBook: Climbing the Right Mountain: Navigating the Journey to An Inspired Life
Enhancing the Employment Experience – Onboarding and Retention – With Guest Dr. Aliaa Remtilla | HR 70
Enhancing the Employment Experience – Onboarding and Retention – With Guest Dr. Aliaa Remtilla | HR 70
Episode Intro:Most organizations are struggling with skill shortages and retention of talent. A lack of social connection at work is a widespread problem – made worse by remote and hybrid work. Did you know that: 57% of employees feel invisible at work. 20% of new hires will quit their job in the first 45 days. Many don’t even show up on day one (particularly when the gap between offer and start date is long). According to a 2021 research study by McKinsey, a lack of connection and appreciation is the number one driver for attrition! In fact, people are nearly three times more likely to quit because they don’t feel like they belong at work than because of poor compensation. It is Dr. Aliaa Remtilla’s mission to help companies foster stronger, more authentic human connections amongst their employees. She is the Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of StoryTiling: a platform that uses anthropology and tech to bring more authenticity to workplace relationships; a simple, automated way to create impactful, personalised films that show employees they matter. Join us to learn more! About Dr. Aliaa Remtilla:Dr. Aliaa Remtilla is an anthropologist and filmmaker, whose mission is to improve understandings of the human experience. Originally trained as a filmmaker at Harvard University, Aliaa takes complex ideas and communicates them to the general public through emotive storytelling in the visual medium.Aliaa is also a professional researcher, with an MA and PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester (UK). She has worked as a researcher at both the Institute of Ismaili Studies (UK) and at Simon Fraser University (Canada). Together, she has conducted research in over 20 countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Portugal, Tajikistan, and Tanzania examining the confluence of religion, economics and politics. Aliaa has also served extensively with the Shi’a Ismaili Muslim community through the Aga Khan Councils in Australia, New Zealand, and the USA. Aliaa is skilled at shaping the strategic direction of community organisations at all levels: for example, at a grass roots level, supporting youth to navigate their Muslim identity while living in a Western context; or at an institutional level, establishing strategic partnerships with government and civic entities.Aliaa is currently the Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of StoryTiling, a platform that uses anthropology and tech to bring more authenticity to workplace relationships by offering a simple, automated way to create impactful, personalised films that show employees they matter. Specifically, for new graduate hires, StoryTiling reduces the risk of reneges and speeds up the time to productivity with automated & personalised keep warm videos.Aliaa has recently posted a YouTube video - Gen Z Engagement: Beyond Myths to HR Innovation – where she very nicely explains how these videos and narratives can enhance a number of organizational initiatives, positively not only Gen Z but all other generations of our work colleagues’ employment experiences. Connect with Aliaa:Email: aliaa@storytiling.comLinkedIn: 9) Aliaa Remtilla, PhD | LinkedInSubscribe to Aliaa’s Monthly Newsletter, AntHRo Insights:
Work Different: 10 Truths for Winning in the People Age – With Guest Kate Bravery | HR 69
Work Different: 10 Truths for Winning in the People Age – With Guest Kate Bravery | HR 69
Episode Intro:Kate Bravery is co-author of the recently published book, Work Different: 10 Truths for Winning in the People Age. If the “10 Truths” headings: “Goodbye employees, hello contributors”, “Stressed out, burnt out and quietly quitting”, “It doesn’t pay to stay”, “Purpose rules and empathy wins”, “Trust and accountability are a team sport”, “The new rhythm of work”, “Skills are the real currency of work”, “Supply is unchained”, “Intelligence is getting amplified”, and “Sustainability starts with people”, don’t pique your curiosity, the impact of AI, ESG, and the very vocal expectations of our younger generations, are certain to. Lots of interesting research and insights - wherever you are in your role overseeing people within your organization – hope you will join us! About Kate Bravery: Kate is a Corporate Psychologist and Mercer’s Global Talent Advisory Leader. She is a Senior Partner with 25 years of experience advising executives on Global Talent Trends and the future of work. She is a UK Chartered Occupational Psychologist with an MSc. in Organizational Psychology and an MBA. She has expertise in people strategy, talent management, assessment/leadership development and HR process design. Kate commenced her career with American Express where she focused on new employee orientation and its impact on cultural integration. Her interest in cross-cultural leadership and decision making have been constants throughout her career.Her technical background lies in people strategy, design of talent management solutions, organizational development, performance and succession management systems, assessment and high potential development, as well as career architecture and job levelling. Connect with Kate:Email:           kate.bravery@mercer.comLinkedIn:      Kate Bravery | LinkedInBook: Work Different: 10 Truths for Winning in the People Age: Bravery, Kate, Bonic, Ilya, Anderson, Kai: 9781394181292: BooksAbout the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:
Understanding and Dealing with Negativity Bias with Guest Cheryl Brewster | HR 68
Understanding and Dealing with Negativity Bias with Guest Cheryl Brewster | HR 68
Episode Intro:Ever find yourself constantly ruminating over a comment where you felt criticized, still fuming over that driver that gave you the finger on your way to work, really down over that disappointing performance review, and hypersensitive over what felt like a disappointed look towards you from your boss. Do you, like me, tend to brush off compliments, focus on the poor grade you received instead of the good ones, and look to the next goal without really recognizing and celebrating the one you just accomplished???? You are not alone. It’s actually an evolutionary thing and one that guest Cheryl Brewster has delved into to find not only the “why” but also tools that we can be using to stop negativity bias in its tracks – we need to be modelling this – because when we help ourselves, we also help those we lead – and love! Join us to learn more!!! About Cheryl Brewster: As a Transition Specialist, Transformational Speaker, and Spiritual Mentor, Cheryl inspires individuals and organizations keen to make big differences in the world, to find the hidden treasure within challenge.   Cheryl’s story is one of extraordinary trust and the ability to ride the waves of change. In 2004 she left a successful career in the corporate world to “follow a calling” and founded The Intuitive Life to provide intuitive consultations, workshops, and training to both individuals and organizations. In 2010 a family health crisis plunged her deep into her own “dark night of the soul,” testing every ounce of her faith and stamina. As a result, Cheryl discovered that with the right mindset, severe challenges can be catalysts for powerful, positive change.Widely respected for her talents and abilities, Cheryl possesses the rare gift of inspiring the best in people and organizations for better outcomes, communication, connection, and resiliency. Through her intuitive consultations, workshops, seminars, speaking, and coaching programs, she works with individuals and business groups to foster empowered decision making, creativity, improved working relationships and practical, strategies for meaningful, creative solutions.Over the course of her career as a personal and business intuitive, Cheryl has consulted with and coached, executives and leaders in social and business projects, including company directors, naturopaths, entrepreneurs, local government, and small business. Clients who work with Cheryl come away inspired, transformed and fully committed to living the deeper meaning of their lives with increased clarity, confidence, and self-trust.Connect with Cheryl:Email:           Cheryl@TheIntuitiveLife.comWebsite:
Ch ch ch changes…  with Host Susan Ney | HR 67
Ch ch ch changes… with Host Susan Ney | HR 67
Episode Intro:Ch ch ch Changes… evokes David Bowie, Change – Taylor Swift and yes, The Times They are A-Changin, thank you Bob Dylan. But change isn’t just within song lyrics. Whether it be those New Year’s Resolutions or moving forward with organizational objectives, making small, incremental steps in the direction we are wishing to head truly works. Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
Reflections - 2023 - with Host Susan Ney | HR 66
Reflections - 2023 - with Host Susan Ney | HR 66
Episode Intro:2023 and oh, what a year! Reflections – everything changes but so much stays the same – using excerpts from my book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within on improving communication and conflict resolution. And more! Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
I “C” You as a Leader with Host Susan Ney | HR 65
I “C” You as a Leader with Host Susan Ney | HR 65
Episode Intro:Using metaphors from nature, and brilliant insights from leading authors, I share lessons and tools for your leadership toolkit through what I have found helpful in my own journey. We have fun with what I call the three “C” s of leadership evolution; these being Confidence, Curiosity, and Connection. Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
What’s Happening to Customer Service? with Host Susan Ney | HR 64
What’s Happening to Customer Service? with Host Susan Ney | HR 64
Episode Intro:Staff and skills shortages aside, truly, what is happening to customer service these days? When benefits such as customer retention, employee retention, troubleshooting and problem-solving, leads to referrals, boosts the brand, increases customer lifetime value, and influences corporate culture are noted as the benefits, seems to me there is enough to make ensuring a really positive customer service experience worth an organization’s while. This certainly hasn’t been my experience recently… Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
On Simplicity with Host Susan Ney | HR 63
On Simplicity with Host Susan Ney | HR 63
Episode Intro:I am sure that you have heard of the KISS principle – the one about “keeping it simple”. With our world feeling so much more complex and, at times, out of control, it seemed an appropriate topic for a podcast. Where might you be making your world more complex than it needs to be? Simple is about actions and experiences. And it is about what we teach and learn through these. Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
Psychological Safety with Host Susan Ney | HR 62
Psychological Safety with Host Susan Ney | HR 62
Many of our organizations are striving to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workplaces. We can’t achieve any of these without ensuring that these same work environments are felt to be psychologically safe, where candor and willingness to engage in “productive conflict” is part and parcel of learning from different points of view. According to Amy Edmondson in her excellent book The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth, “…in a psychologically safe workplace, people are not hindered by interpersonal fear. They feel willing and able to take the inherent interpersonal risks of candor. They fear holding back their full participation more than they fear sharing a potentially sensitive, threatening, or wrong idea.” As a leader, are you helping create a psychologically safe work environment by practicing attributes of “leader inclusiveness” - of being approachable and accessible, willing to acknowledge your fallibility, and proactively inviting input? Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave...
Guest Lisa Wilson on Leading with Ease | HR 61
Guest Lisa Wilson on Leading with Ease | HR 61
Lisa is a wonderful example of someone who chose to blossom when confronted with the reality of both job loss and health challenges. In 2014 she was laid off from her Human Resources Manager position. A few months later, she had half of her thyroid removed in error. This sent her on a long process of healing. It also encouraged a change of mindset and a decision to let go of what she describes as “who she used to be”. Lisa transitioned to offering her skills in a different way - as a Leadership Vision Coach and a Human Resources Cultural consultant.  Witnessing the impact of both poor and great leadership, she now devotes herself to coaching leaders so their teams can experience the excellence they deserve.  She now uses her passion to teach leaders in medium and small business to effectively lead their teams by creating exceptional workplace cultures.  Author of recently released best selling book Leading with Ease; Creating a solid foundation for your leadership role, with over twenty years of experience and training, she is set up to fast track you to become the leaders you want to be. Hope you will join us! Connect with LisaEmail: lmwcoaching@gmail.comLinkedIn: Lisa Wilson | LinkedInWebsite: 705-288-6554 (Mobile) Lisa’s Book Leading with Ease – The New Book from Lisa Wilson - Leading with Ease - The New Book by Lisa WilsonLeading with Ease: Creating a solid foundation for your leadership role: Wilson, Lisa: 9781957013541: Books - Amazon.caResourcesPodcast • Keepers of Culture w/ Lisa Wilson ( Global Voice: Feminine Leaders Sharing Their Story to Change and Empower Your Heart, Soul, and Spirit: Jackson, Dr Anita M, Mills Blue, Joyce, Bode, Gayle: 9780578752181: BooksGood To Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't: King, Graham: 9780066620992: Books - Amazon.caAbout the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.
Guest Nadine Hanchar on Creating Better Relationships at Home & at Work | HR 60
Guest Nadine Hanchar on Creating Better Relationships at Home & at Work | HR 60
Even though there were dozens of individuals on the Grand Connection networking group Zoom call, Nadine and I kept ending up in the same breakout rooms. We both took this as an indication that we should chat further. On my recent trip to Victoria, British Columbia we agreed to meet and exchanged books; hers, Knowing me. Knowing You: The PEP Personality Process and mine, Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within. The more I learned about Nadine and the work she is doing…. Well, I just had to introduce you to her through the podcast especially when she is all about creating better relationships at home and at work!Nadine is a bestselling author, counsellor, consultant, speaker, and trainer with over 35 year’s experience delivering programs to both public and private sector organizations locally and internationally. She is known for her energetic, engaging, and authentic presentations as an expert on workplace communications. Her upbeat and interactive style allows her audiences to have fun learning how to stay positive and constructively confront tough communication challenges at work and at home. Nadine’s presentations cover topics on Communication, The PEP Personality Process and Heart Consciousness.Hope you decide to join us! More About the Guest – Nadine HancharAs a personality profiling expert, Nadine is the developer of The PEP Personality Process which provides insights concerning the tendencies of self and others. In 1994 with her expertise and as a Trainer in NLP she launched a private postsecondary training institute. Since then, she has taught most of the therapies & techniques she uses herself.As a counsellor she works with individuals, couples, and partnerships in both life and in business. She specializes in relationship issues, trauma & communication. Nadine uses an approach which can include many types of traditional & non-traditional methodologies. Along with all her psychological and communication wisdom, her extensive training also includes physical disciplines like nutrition, energy work, meditation & spiritual studies, taking a very holistic view. Her results-oriented approach is designed to resolve the root causes of issues. Therefore, the therapy, coaching or training is designed to fit the client. This allows the person, couple, family or organization to go forward with a better quality of life. As a consultant she works with individuals, businesses, & organizations to build better relationships, discover new choices, perspectives, create success, and get results. She uses NLP (neuro-linguistic psychology) & the PEP Personality Process© to assess & implement learning & communication skills for management teams, leadership teams, & small business staffs. She helps high achievers work through their blocks, build the skills, & develop the solutions for the issues presented.Connect with Nadine:LinkedIn: (1) Nadine Hanchar | LinkedInWebsite: Personal & Professional Development | Progressive Plus CounsellingPhone: 250 384-1341 Facebook: Progressive Edge Plus NLP Inc. | FacebookTwitter: Nadine Hanchar (@NadineHanchar) / TwitterInstagram: Nadine Hanchar (@nadine.hanchar) |...
Guest Alistair Moes on Anger Management | HR 59
Guest Alistair Moes on Anger Management | HR 59
Interested in learning more about the impact of shame and the inner critic, of the toxic shame spiral and our shadow, and of the negative impact that unexpressed anger can have on our health? In this podcast host Susan Ney and her guest Alister Moes explore the importance of anger management. The pain, sadness, hurt, fear, anxiety, shame, and often trauma, are what leads someone to react disproportionately to events. It is only when this is examined, with compassion and deep respect, that a person can alter their response to the triggers in their life and learn to relate to the emotional reactions that have led them astray. Alistair Moes and his team at Moose Anger Management have been humbled and inspired by the many people who have taken up the courage to take on this type of investigation. Hope you decide to join us! About the Guest – Alistair MoesAlistair is an international anger management expert and author. He has been working with people worldwide, and professionally since 1989 as an anger management specialist. He has been in private practice since 1995. He has worked with those who have enormous challenges in the world: from high-performance business leaders, gold medal-winning Olympic and professional athletes, to people that are close to homeless. Anger is indeed an equal opportunity emotion.Alistair has developed a manner of working, which is respectful, solution-focussed and based on both academic theory and extensive experience. This experience includes working with trauma, and historic abuse in a manner that honours each person and allows for deep healing. During the last twenty-eight years, he has worked with thousands of people who have made the call out of a desire to create change. Although he has facilitated court-ordered situations, he now works exclusively with self-referred clients, which includes those sent from the workplace, or strongly encouraged by a partner, or even unfortunately sometimes, a lawyer.Alistair’s approach focuses on the gifts and potential of each person. In this manner “the good” that is present in an individual is attended to, as are the challenges that face each person. He also has extensive experience working with what is behind a person’s anger. As he shares on his website, it is only when this is examined, with compassion and deep respect, that a person can alter their response to the triggers in their life and learn to relate to the emotional reactions that have led them astray. Alistair regularly presents workshops to diverse groups. He also provides counselling for parents with an extensive focus on Dads. He has developed and facilitated parenting groups for Dads and co-facilitated Parenting Together groups for couples. Connect with Alistair:Email:      alistair@angerman.caLinkedIn: Alistair Moes | LinkedInWebsite: www.angerman.onlinePhone: 604-723-5134Twitter: (both available at -Lose Your Temper: A Conscious Exploration of Anger -Healing Anger: Transforming Anger into GrowthAbout the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from...
Guest Sam Thiara – Igniting the Dream | HR58
Guest Sam Thiara – Igniting the Dream | HR58
Everyone can go towards a path that is authentic to them. Often, we are in a role that earns us a paycheck but is that enough? Join host Susan Ney and guest Sam Thiara of Ignite the Dream as we do a deep dive into discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary, why “Everyone’s life is an autobiography – make yours worth reading”, learn of Sam’s journey – as captured in his recent book Lost and Found: Seeking the Past and Finding Myself, savour morsels from Sam’s blog - living by gratitude, changing the world and dealing with the haters (as examples), and learn of the power of acronyms and anchors to help discover who we are and how we can learn to live our best life! Hope you will join us! About the Guest – Sam ThiaraSam is a speaker, storyteller, author, coach, mentor, entrepreneur, educator and dedicated to community development. There are five areas that he identifies as his foundation: Servant Leadership; Story Sharing; Activator and Igniter; Champion and Enabler; and Community Do-Gooder. His passion is to help individuals, groups, and organizations. This also extends to the community where he enjoys and participates in community development and engagement where he has mentored/coached hundreds of individuals and worked with 45+ non-profits over the last 25 years.Sam has spent the last 17+ years at the Beedie School of Business as a lecturer, administrator and on the Alumni Association Board. For the last 20+ years, he has been involved with helping people build on their autobiographies. This has become the foundation for the building of GradusOne (which recently merged with League of Innovators), an organization to help high school/post secondary/recent graduates in their career journey. Storytelling is a cornerstone of his background. Whether as an author or speaking at a conference, he has had a very rich reflective life and enjoys sharing his experiences. He is called upon by organizations and schools to do keynotes, workshops, or panel facilitation. This exposure has enabled him to speak regionally, nationally, and internationally.Ignite the Dream was established on the premise that everyone can go towards a path that is authentic to them. Often we are in a role that earns us a paycheck but is that enough? Through the services of Ignite the Dream Coaching and Consulting, you will be provided with a tailored solution. Ignite the Dream is a coaching, consulting, training, educating company that helps and supports individuals, teams, organizations, educational institutions, and non-profits to be their pinnacle best.Specialties: Coaching, relationship building, community consultation, corporate communications, student development, educator, community involvement, public speaking and writingSam earned his Certificate in Life Coaching from the University of Cambridge, his MA in Leadership Studies from the University of Exeter and a Higher Education Certificate in Higher Education/Higher Education Administration from Harvard University. Honors and Awards: ⦁ Governor General’s Canadian Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers (replaces the Canadian Award) for leadership and community involvement.⦁ Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal⦁ Rick Hansen Difference Maker medallionConnect with Sam:Email:      asthiara@shaw.caLinkedIn: Sam Thiara | LinkedInIgnite the Dream Coaching and Consulting: About | LinkedInWebsites:
Sharon Summerfield on Nourishing Your Well-being to Prevent Burnout | HR57
Sharon Summerfield on Nourishing Your Well-being to Prevent Burnout | HR57
Join Susan and guest Sharon Summerfield, Founder of The Nourished Executive as they delve into the topic of stress and burnout and how making small micro changes, which begins with a desire for living a more nourishing (in all contexts) and fulfilling life. Sharon has turned adversity into adventure, activism, and alignment with who she is at her core. A registered holistic nutritionist and certified breath coach, she is a model of lifelong learning and of paying it forward to help others on their journeys. About the Guest – Sharon SummerfieldSharon is passionate about coaching business professionals to manage stress and nourish their wellbeing to prevent burnout. Our true constant is change. It is through making small micro changes, beginning with a desire for something different, that our health transformation begins. As we begin to pause and consider our dance with stress, look at our true priorities, ways to invest in our self-care, and nourish our body, mind, and spirit, we can show up in our lives in new and exciting ways. Sharon works with those who have a desire to live a more fulfilling and nourishing life that is so much more than only work, offering nutrition and wellness coaching with a holistic lens. At The Nourished Executive she offers • One on Ones • Small group coaching • Speaking at events, meetings, and conferences. Topics may include, but are not limited to: • Self-care- an investment in yourself • Preventing Burnout • Psychological Safety • Changing our dance with stress • Self-Reflection • Scheduling Downtime • Making lifestyle changes to enhance our brain health.Sharon shares that we can make different choices on how we spend our time and energy, where asking for help, taking breaks and scheduling downtime is celebrated and encouraged. She helps her clients discover new and exciting ways to invest in their well-being and be nourished in all you.Connect with Sharon:Email:   LinkedIn: ResourcesThe Power of Breath Work - YouTubeTaking Breaks and Creating Space to Pause - YouTubeDr. Deborah Nixon - YouTubeHR Strategy Council HR Strategy Council: Overview | LinkedInArticle - Managing Zoom Fatigue by Nourishing your WellbeingIntroductory piece that includes a link to the HR Strategy Council Whitepaper on Psychological Safety and the article written for the Canadian School of Nutrition – Nourish Your Wellbeing to Prevent Burnout Wellness Expo, Vancouver Island Conference Centre, Nanaimo, February 25 2023 | AllEvents.inAbout the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from
Susan Ney on Ageism | HR56
Susan Ney on Ageism | HR56
I have been surprised to hear ageism being referred to by a growing number of my colleagues and their children. Ageism is defined as prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age – at any age. And like other forms of bias, ageism is not based in biology but is socially constructed. It starts in childhood. We pick up cues that then guide our feelings and behaviour towards people of different ages and towards ourselves. According to the Global Report on Ageism, “Ageism affects us throughout life and exists in our institutions, our relationships and ourselves”. The report suggests that implementing educational and intergenerational contact interventions can help. As can becoming more aware – how might you be unintentionally contributing to the problem? Interested in learning more? Hope you will join me! About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bringboth employee and management perspectives to her work. Susan holds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.  Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change fromWithin available on Amazon – click below.  Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books - Amazon.caIf you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following: Website:          Home - Effecting Change from WithinEmail:               susangney@gmail.comLinked In:            (604) 341-5643Thanks for listening!It means so much that you listened to this podcast!  If you know of anyone else who might find this series of interest, please share. If you have questions about this episode, please send me an email at susangney@gmail.comSubscribe to the podcastIf you wish to receive automatic notifications as new podcast episodes are made available, please subscribe.Leave a reviewRatings and reviews from listeners are used to improve the podcasts.  They also help others find this series, so reviews are very much appreciated!
Victoria Miles on The Leadership of Letting Go | HR55
Victoria Miles on The Leadership of Letting Go | HR55
Join host Susan Ney and her guest Victoria Miles as Victoria shares her research, insights, and personal journey of transition – a journey of liminal leadership – the focus of her Master of Leadership major project and thesis.  What guides the good good-bye?  Victoria shares that it is all about leading a transition in a conscious and deliberate way, about letting go in increments, about dealing with the betwixt and between of transitions and, seeing uncertainty as opportunity.  Together Susan and Victoria reflect on the value of showing up with integrity and recognizing that doubt and uncertainty are an integral part of the journey.  Hope you will make the time to join us! About the Guest – Victoria MilesOur guest today, Victoria Miles, is an award-winning communications leader with over 25 years of experience in corporate and education communications, media, and public relations. She is an instructor of media studies and business communications at University Canada West and her past employers include Capilano University, North Vancouver School District, Citizens Bank of Canada, Vancity, and The Loewen Group.As a leadership consultant and communicator, Victoria’s specialties include writing and editing; education communications and marketing; public, media and government relations; communications project management; marketing and communications strategic planning; organizational branding and story telling; and employee engagement.  As an educator, she is proud to support the next generation of professionalcommunicators in their post-secondary learning journeys.Victoria is also an author of children’s books, the most recent being "Mimi Power and the I-don't-know-what" published with Tradewind Books.Victoria completed her Master of Arts degree in Leadership at Royal Roads University in2021 and her BA in Communication Studies with Simon Fraser University in 1988.  Connect with Victoria:Email:              victorianunuk@telus.netLinkedIn:             (604) 202-3681ResourcesVictoria’s books are available at:                                                             in Victoria, B.C.About the Host: Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to...