Susan Signing Off – Thank you – It has been a wonderful journey! | HR 74

HR Inside Out

12-08-2024 • 52 mins

Episode Intro:

It is time to “sign off” with this being my final podcast in the series HR Inside Out. And wow, what a wonderful experience this has been, learning how to become a podcaster, having the courage to reach out to potential guests, developing the programs, working with an editor, undertaking the related research, meeting new people, and deepening my relationship with others – so many new experiences along the way. I sincerely hope that the series has accomplished its goal of providing you insights that have helped you personally, and in your people oversight responsibilities.

As shared in the podcast, at times I tackled a topic on my own. At other times, I reached out to experts in the specialized areas, my podcast guests. It is with huge gratitude to the individuals who agreed to be those guests over the tenure of the series: Malcolm White, Paul Moffat, Stuart McNish, Monique Liddle, Pamela Jones, Debbie Comis, David Harvey, James Ridge, Dr. Kieth Deats, Lisa Wilson, Victoria Miles, Tony Martignetti, Gwyn Teatro, Paul Harrietha, Dimple Dhabalia, Sharon Summerfield, Melissa Deally, Julia Wooster, Catherine Elliott, Steve Serbic, Cheryl Brewster, Sam Thiara, Barb Ashcroft, Amal Anup, Dr. Aliaa Remtilla, Kate Bravery, Ayo Owodunni, Tracy Lee Lorenson, Nadine Hanchar, Marc S. Miller, Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt, Heather Abbott, Stephen Hammond, Alex Cann, Cindy Rogers, Bill Howes, Ed Seymour, Brian Schramm, and Charlene Wright. Thank you to each of you for trusting in the process, in me, and in the product.

And thank you to my listeners. I have appreciated your time and support. I wish each of you well in your own endeavors. Remember – Dare to Soar! I believe you can! Fly high!

About the Host:

Susan has worked with people all her life. As a human resource professional, she has specialized in all aspects of employment, from hiring to retirement. She got her start as a national representative for a large Canadian union. After pursuing an undergrad degree in business administration, Susan transitioned to HR management, where she aspired to bring

both employee and management perspectives to her work. Susanholds a Master of Arts degree in Leadership and Training. She retired from her multi-decade career in HR to pursue writing and consulting, and to be able, in her words, to “colour outside the lines.” She promises some fun and lots of learning through this podcast series.

Susan is also the author of the book Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from

Within available on Amazon – click below.

Leadership Inside Out: Effecting Change from Within: Ney, Susan G: 9781777030162: Books -

If you wish to contact Susan, she can be reached through any of the following:

Website: Home - Effecting Change from Within


Linked In:



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