#2 Jakey's Mum Shares Her Story of Jakey. This boy is the reason I am the dog trainer I am today.mp3

Thinking Outside the Dogbox

18-06-2021 • 11 mins

Now Jakey's story is a sad one with a happy ending. The story is about Jakey's last 3 months on earth, before he crossed the rainbow bridge.

He had severe kennel stress that came with self mutilating behaviours as well as pacing and constant stress. This was present back in 2014 when I first met Jakey.

Thanks to my very good friends Megan and Toni who both did everything they could to make Jakey's last few years as comfortable and as happy as possible!

Jakey is the dog who became my why and made me the dog trainer I am today.

Because he made me realise that if I could upskill more owners to become good dog trainers, then more dogs like Jakey could have a long and happy life. They wanted to cut his life short. They wanted to end this wonderful boy's life at 5. I said no then, and started Operation Save Jake. And thanks to Megan for giving him a loving home till she had to give up her home.

I hope Jakey's story gives you hope! Find out more about how I can help you at www.luzellethedogtrainer.com

For free tips and freebies advised on this episode, check out https://luzellethedogtrainer.com!

Happy Training!