Today's guest on the Bed Head Chronicles is Camille Herron. Camille is the World's Best Ultra Runner.
Camille is the 1st and only athlete to win at all 3 of the International Association of Ultra Runners 50km, 100km and 24 hour World Championships.
In 2017 Camille Broke Ann Trason's 100 mile World Record by over an hour. Camille Ran the 100miles in 12:42:40. Camille is propelled by joy! Her passion fuels everything she does. She has a relentlessly positive attitude and takes challenges in stride. Camille knows that there is no such thing as perfection, to expect challenges along the way, and accept that fact. Learning from the challenges and
having them bring out the best in her.
I so enjoyed hearing about Camille's training philosophies as she shares my outlook entirely. All the things I share with my athletes on the best way to train, Camille affirmed through her own philosophies. I loved this!!
Camille has taken the sport to a whole new level! She is an example of the magic that is within us all.
I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I did. Camille is a bright light of inspiration. Sharing her magic with all of us on the Bed Head Chronicles.