16: Circadian Rhythms in Chinese Medicine

AcuPro - The Wonders of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

24-04-2024 • 43 mins

Have you ever wondered why you feel energized at dawn? Or why do you thrive at night instead? According to TCM, the answer lies in the natural rhythms and cycles that surround us.

In this episode, we explore these rhythms and how we can align with them to optimize our well-being and stay in harmony with nature and our internal clocks. Join me today, and learn more about the world within and around you.

Key points in this episode:

  • How you can align with the 24 Hour Health Clock
  • Lunar cycles & women's health
  • The distinction between men & women's circadian rhythms
  • How to live and eat with the Seasons
  • Breaking down the 7-year cycles in TCM

➡️ Visit the show notes for all the links mentioned in this episode!

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