21: 9 Proven Steps for Effective Chinese Medicine Diagnosis

AcuPro - The Wonders of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

29-05-2024 • 23 mins

There are no wrong treatments in Chinese medicine, only the wrong diagnosis. The key to having a successful outcome for all our patients starts with diagnosis, and that's probably the hardest part of Chinese medicine.

Today we are breaking down Chinese Medicine Diagnosis, into 9 parts. Whether you are a practitioner or a student, you don't want to skip this episode!

Key points in this episode:

  • Yin Yang Theory, 8 Principles, Internal v. External, Hot or Cold, 5 Element Theory, 4 Vital Substances & Zang-Fu Organs
  • Learn the symptoms of internal wind, dampness, and dryness
  • 6 Stages, 4 levels, and 3 Jiaos
  • Real-life case studies showing how you can use this framework together for effective diagnosis

✨BONUS: Get your FREE Zang-Fu Organs Patterns PDF!

➡️ Visit the show notes for all thelinks mentioned in this episode!

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