A "filing entity" can be a corporation, LLC (limited liability company), or other corporate form that serves as a liability veil, shield, or forcefield between claims of folks who interact with the business and the individuals who own and run the business.
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00:00 — Topic
00:32 — "Filing entity" defined, some of the types, its basic purpose, and how it is treated legally
02:50 — Why not simply buy insurance? The "your work" exclusion example.
04:27 — Veil piercing and alter ego
05:40 — Tex. Bus. Org. Code 21.223(a) limitation in the contractual context
06:58 — Return to the subject of signing business contracts properly
07:42 — Return to the subject of personal guarantees
08:11 — Final thoughts, how to ask questions or read the related blog post, and outro
Disclaimer: This audio and related blog post are for informational purposes only and should not be misinterpreted as legal or other professional advice. If you have a legal question, you should consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction. Thank you for tuning in to Keith Law, PLLC.