Texas Prompt Payment of Contractors

Keith Law, PLLC Podcast

21-04-2021 • 4 mins

You performed work on a private construction project in Texas and you're wondering how long until you receive payment. In Texas, there are time limits and interest penalties on all private construction projects within the state. Chapter 28 of the Property Code governs this situation. It's called Prompt Payment to Contractors and Subcontractors.



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00:00 — Topic

00:35 — The governing statute

01:30 — Exceptions to the deadlines

02:00 — The penalties

02:19 — Government projects are different

02:35 — The takeaway—submit your invoices!

02:54 — Where to find the associated YouTube video, the blog post, etc.

04:05 — Outro

Disclaimer: This audio and related video and blog post are for informational purposes only and should not be misinterpreted as legal or other professional advice. If you have a legal question, you should consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction. Thank you for tuning in to Keith Law, PLLC.

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