The tradition of sending cards to loved ones was in decline — until it was rescued by a new generation. But millennials have their own ideas about what sentiments they want to convey. Zachary Crockett is thinking of you on your special day.
- Mia Mercado, writer and former editor at Hallmark.
- George White, president of Up With Paper and former president of the American Greeting Card Association.
- 34th Louie Awards - Finalists & Winners, (2022-2023).
- "Season’s (and Other...) Greetings," by Maria Ricapito (Marie Claire, 2020).
- "Hallmark Greeting Cards Have Adjusted to the Digital Revolution," by Trent Gillies (CNBC, 2017).
- "Testimony of Don Hall, Jr. President and CEO of Hallmark Cards, Inc. Before a Joint Hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services and International Security and the House, Postal Service and the District of Columbia" (2010).
Devin Friedman, Sarah Rieger, Matthew Karasz