Jack has personally inspired me in so many ways, particularly because he has confirmed what I deeply believe in, which is that success and impact happens when you follow your gut! He has proven that when breaking the rules (the shoulds and conventional ways of doing things) and following your own aligned path, things simply work out and you can fulfill your purpose so much easier. We dive into many great topics in this conversation from "how to find your purpose with Ikigai" to "the importance of personal leadership and creating a sense of community in your team" to "getting out of your head and taking risks on your intuitive nudges". This conversation is for passionate, impact driven leaders who want to do great things in the world through entrepreneurship!
Jack Jendo is a social entrepreneur, digital strategist, and human rights defender who founded and managed several businesses in the Middle East, Europe, the United States and Australia. With a wide experience in digital media and business technology, Jack plans and implements digital transformation for both the private and public sectors.
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