12.28 Blood Rites: Magical Spider Patty

McAnally's Pubcast

15-03-2024 • 1 hr 2 mins

McAnally's Pubcast - A Dresden Files Podcast

Here we discuss Chapter 40 in which Raith roleplays villain fantasies, Trixie skydives using a Spider Pucky Parachute, and Madge talks to herself.

Blood Rites Chapter 40 Summary:

Raith brings Murphy and Dresden into the Deeps where he divulges the details of his evil plan. Madge and Trixie are present as well but Trixie is thrown to her death in the cavern. Raith goes to investigate the sirens while Madge begins the entropy curse. While Madge is busy with the curse, Dresden and Murphy free themselves and make a plan. When Raith returns Dresden launches a surprise attack but Raith survives and kills all of the lights.

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