Confidence, mindset & presentation skills Sarina Mann on The Small Business Podcast

πŸŽͺ Digital Circus LIFE | The Small Business Podcast

17-04-2024 β€’ 30 mins

There were two huge takeaways for us from our chat with Sarina..

1) You can choose to stop your anxiety

2) Business owners who have the confidence to public speak have an advantage from the outset

These are the reasons why Sarina now helps other business owners work on their public speaking skills.

A huge thank you to Sarina for her time.

After all, what would you say to your younger self?

Full show notes further down...

This is Ep32 of πŸŽͺ Digital Circus LIFE | The Small Business Podcast

Fancy saying 'Hi' to Sarina Mann

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Emily & Alan πŸ’›

Thanks for watching: Confidence, mindset & presentation skills Sarina Mann on The Small Business Podcast

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Sarina Mann, a public speaking coach, shares her journey from overcoming stage fright to becoming a confident speaker.

Her goal is to help others become confident speakers by demystifying public speaking and teaching the necessary skills. She emphasises the importance of authenticity in public speaking and the impact it can have on personal growth and happiness.

Sarina also discusses the role of confidence and how it can be developed through a combination of mindset work and presentation skills. She encourages individuals to focus on what they can do and not overthink things.

Overall, Sarina's message is that anyone can become a confident and impactful speaker.


public speaking, confidence, authenticity, mindset, presentation skills, personal growth, happiness


-Anyone can become a confident and impactful speaker by learning the necessary skills and demystifying public speaking.

-Authenticity is key in public speaking, allowing individuals to be true to their personality and style.

-Developing confidence involves a combination of mindset work and presentation skills.

-Focusing on what you can do and not overthinking things is important in overcoming anxiety and imposter syndrome.

-Public speaking can have a transformative effect on personal growth and happiness.

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