Just Keep Learning

Justin Nolan, JustTries

Teaching Solopreneur Business Confidence And Goalsetting For The Creator Economy. Achieve your big dreams! Host Justin interviews experts in their field, and creates solo lessons to help you learn growth mindset, business, and goal setting. Just keep learning will help you design your life without burn out. read less
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Embrace Your Unique Journey: Cody Wanner on ADHD, Authenticity, and Creative Success
2d ago
Embrace Your Unique Journey: Cody Wanner on ADHD, Authenticity, and Creative Success
In this insightful Cody Wanner Podcast, he shares his personal and professional experiences, emphasizing the importance of embracing imperfections. He discusses how the pressure to be perfect can stifle creativity and hinder progress. By allowing oneself to be imperfect and even laugh at mistakes, Cody believes individuals can unlock greater creative potential and find more joy in their work. This lesson is especially pertinent in today's highly polished social media landscape, where perfection often seems to be an unrealistic goal.Don’t Give UpCody's journey underscores the significance of persistence. He recounts how his initial videos were far from perfect, yet he continued to create, learn, and improve. Cody made over a hundred videos before he felt confident in the goal. This perseverance is a crucial takeaway for anyone aspiring to succeed in content creation or any other field. The key is to keep producing and iterating, understanding that each attempt is a step towards improvement. Cody's story is a testament to the power of showing up consistently, despite the inevitable imperfections and setbacks.Be YourselfStaying true to your values in life overall is something Cody does really well. This theme of authenticity is clear across all of his content and Cody's overall story.Developing a genuine presence on camera was a process that took him a long time to feel comfortable with. But now it’s definitely, definitely a strong suit. He explains that this authenticity resonates with audiences and builds a deeper connection. Cody's experience highlights that finding one's true voice is a journey that requires time, patience, and a lot of practice. It’s about being real and relatable, rather than striving for saying some sort of script. This might be the biggest creator misconception. It doesn’t matter how many people consume your work. It doesn’t matter how polished it is. What matters most is how well you connect with the audience.No ExcusesCody also opens up about his ADHD diagnosis and how it has influenced his life and work. By embracing ADHD, figuring out more of what it means in his specific case and coming up with ways to channel it into a positive, Cody better understands how to leverage his unique strengths. Working within his constraints, with his capabilities can actually keep him in his zone of genius. This acceptance has allowed him to create in a way that feels natural and fulfilling. His story is a powerful reminder that understanding and working with one's inherent traits, rather than against them, can lead to greater productivity and satisfaction.Building Community Is An Infinite GameLastly, the conversation touches on the importance of community and support. Being a creator can be super lonely. It can also feel like pushing a massive boulder up a hill. The goal is to eventually hit a tipping point so it rolls down with momentum. But on the way up it can be a grind. Leaning into your community (even if it’s your first two subscribers) can help build momentum quicker and the trust can grow forever. Cody also talks about the value of having mentors and a supportive network, which can provide guidance, encouragement, and opportunities for growth. Building and nurturing your relationships with mentors, collaborators, audience and customers can be a game-changer in your creative and professional journey. Cody’s insights remind us that we are not alone in our struggles and aspirations, and seeking out a supportive community can make all the difference.Practical Tips for Aspiring CreatorsEmbrace Imperfection: Cody highlights the importance of not taking life too seriously and allowing oneself to be imperfect. This mindset leads to greater creativity and satisfaction in one's work.Persistence Pays Off: Success on platforms like YouTube often comes down to persistence. Cody emphasizes the need to keep creating and iterating, even when initial efforts seem subpar.Authenticity on Camera: Developing a genuine presence on camera takes time and practice. Cody shares his journey of making over 100 videos before feeling truly authentic.Understanding ADHD: Cody discusses his diagnosis of ADHD and how it has shaped his approach to work and creativity. Embracing his ADHD has allowed him to work with his unique strengths.Leveraging Your Strengths: Identifying and focusing on your strengths, rather than conforming to traditional expectations, can lead to greater personal and professional fulfillment.Community and Support: Building a supportive network and finding mentors can significantly impact your creative journey. Cody shares how these relationships have helped him thrive.Memorable Quotes“I love the idea of just making people smile.”“When I’m told to do something, there is a part of me, sometimes a big part of me, sometimes a little part of me, that wants to do the exact opposite.”“At the end of the day, getting stuff out there is more important than any of the other stuff.”“I made 114 videos on my vlog channel until I started to feel like it was clicking.”Guest BioCody Wanner is dedicated to encouraging the doers and spreading the #NoSmallCreator mindset. He began his journey with a daily vlog, starting with just 111 subscribers and vlogging every day for a full year. Cody's channel is all about offering encouragement and motivation to fellow creators. With a BA in Communication (Concentration in Film) he co-founded Cap Collective Video Production and has since become a prominent voice in the creator community. As the founder of #NoSmallCreator and a YouTube Creator on the rise, Cody has shared his insights at VidSummit, Power of Video, and Social Media Marketing World. Subscribe to his channel and follow him on socials for tips and motivation.Follow CodyWebsite - CodyWanner.comX - @codywannerInstagram - @codywannerYouTube - Youtube@RCodyWanner I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Believe In Your Ability To Figure Things Out
Believe In Your Ability To Figure Things Out
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSYou Must Believe This To Learn Anything ValuableAright, welcome back to the podcast, everyone!Remember, sign up to the Just Keep Learning newsletter if you haven’t already. It’s kind of the central hub now for us to share all the things we’re up to. Today, we’re diving into a topic that is crucial for anyone looking to achieve their big dreams: the belief in your ability to “figure things out.”Maybe you wanna create a podcast, write a book, or build a business. Go figure, three things I’m always working on. But perhaps you want to make some of your own clothing, start public speaking more, or meet the love of your life. Whatever the heck it is, it all requires learning. And learning in the right sequence. What do I mean by sequence? You don’t want to learn too early, you don’t want to learn too late (obviously). You want to learn “just in time”. (Haha, that’s a nickname my Grandpa used to call me. “Just-In-Time”)Anyhow, the ability to learn like this is built on an important belief.The mindset that “Everything is figure-outable”.Do you believe in your ability to “figure things out”? If you don’t, then you simply can not learn ahead of time. You can't learn in the moment for your future. And certainly, you won’t take action toward that ideal future either. Most learning should be proactive, but this proactive type of deep learning is tied to self-esteem. When your self esteem is low, you will have trouble creating a vision. You might be able to daydream mindlessly, but you won’t be able to choose the actual aim and keep that moon in the window, so that you land amongst the stars.Maybe deep down, you know you want to achieve something greater.But you aren’t able to clearly see your vision.Even if you have the vision, you don’t know what missions, or action steps to take, because the ability to learn skills and strategy require that you believe in yourself.I’m Figuring Out How To Draw For My BookI’ll give you a perfect personal example. Drawing was something I loved to do as a kid. And even as an adult, for like the last twenty years, I’ve always wanted to get better at drawing. But unless it was purely for enjoyment, or hobby, then sinking time into that skill would have been a huge waste of time. Same goes for guitar, dance, and basket-weaving.But, fast forward to today and I am working on my first fully published book.I know my core audience appreciates books that have visuals. So I am definitely going to have some doodles in my book. Now, I could outsource these. I could hire someone to create engaging graphics that summarize my writing. I’m certainly a big fan of paying for services (figuring out the “who” not “how” of any project so to speak). But in this case, it would be way less scalable and less convenient. I have to explain which writing ideas to turn visual, and trust that the style will vibe with the book. More important to me, whenever I’m struck with a creative, visual idea, I won’t be able to make it. There would end up being a timeline of deliverables for the visuals. But what if I think of a great one a month later? Finally, I am the creator of the book. I have zero problem with collaboration, or relinquishing some control. In fact, I have an author coach, I’m trying to get someone to work on the cover art together, and of course, I will have editors.But as far as the visual ideas throughout, I see them a lot more like the writing itself. I want to be the one completing the writing, the designs, and the overall messages in the book. Learning To Explain Ideas VisuallySo, I knew heading into this first book draft that I wanted to take a course on drawing simple images to explain ideas. I enrolled in Janis Ozolins' course called “Explain Ideas Visually.” I’m learning how to visualize ideas to turn my writing into simple, powerful graphics while brushing up on my drawing skills. It’s been something I know I want to add to my list of skills, but if I took the course any earlier, it would have been a waste of time against other priorities in life. But in this season, as I have a clearer picture of what the book will be, as I get my ideas organized, it’s time to learn about explaining ideas visually in a more simple way. If I waited longer, that could have been a problem too. As I organize the book into chapters and start removing material, I want to have the visuals completed. So this part had to happen now.NOW, I know you’re in one of three spots. You might have a solid idea of your vision, the actions you should take, and what learning you need to get there. But you might also be sitting there thinking, "I have no idea what my big dream goal is," or maybe you know that vision, but you have no idea what to learn to get you there. In all of these cases, a reminder on how to improve self-esteem can help.How to improve self-esteem? The trickiest thing I tell everyone is: FIND YOUR GO-TO PERSON. There is at least one person who believes in you, who supports you and you need to be able to lean into them when times get tough.Marie Forleo has a book on this exact topic called “Everything Is Figureoutable” and here are a few things that she says you can do too.Belief in Yourself:Forleo emphasizes that the foundation of achieving anything starts with the belief that you can figure things out. This mindset shift is crucial as it transforms challenges and obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning.Take Action:She advocates for taking consistent, small steps towards your goals. Action is a key component because it helps overcome fear and inertia, moving you closer to your desired outcomes even when the path isn’t entirely clear.Reframe Problems as Opportunities:Forleo encourages readers to reframe their problems. Instead of seeing a problem as a dead end, view it as a puzzle to be solved. This positive outlook can make daunting challenges feel more manageable and less intimidating.Progress Over Perfection:Embrace the concept of progress over perfection. Forleo highlights that striving for perfection can be paralyzing, and it’s more important to make progress, learn from mistakes, and continually improve.Resourcefulness:She stresses the importance of being resourceful and creative in finding solutions. This means leveraging all available resources, including seeking help from others, using technology, and being innovative in your approach.Persistence and Resilience:Persistence and resilience are key themes in the book. Forleo shares stories and techniques on how to stay motivated and resilient in the face of setbacks and failures, reinforcing the idea that persistence pays off.Train Your Brain:Forleo talks about the importance of training your brain to be solution-oriented. This involves positive self-talk, visualization, and other mental practices that prepare you to face challenges with a proactive attitude.Celebrate Small WinsForleo emphasizes the importance of recognizing and celebrating small achievements along the way. Acknowledging your progress, no matter how minor it may seem, can boost your confidence and self-esteem. By focusing on these incremental successes, you build a positive self-image and reinforce the belief that you are capable of achieving your larger goals.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Finding Your Freedom By Living On Purpose And Writing In The Creator Economy With Taylin Simmonds
Finding Your Freedom By Living On Purpose And Writing In The Creator Economy With Taylin Simmonds
In the Taylin Simmonds podcast episode, we had an engaging and inspiring conversation about the world of creatorship. Taylin talked about solopreneurship, and the pursuit of success in online business. It used to be very difficult for people to become entrepreneurs. But the internet has allowed for all of us to become business owners if we want to. Creating, buying and selling assets no longer has a barrier to entry. And there is a huge benefit for those who take advantage of the fact that it is accessible to all of us. Taylin understood this from an early age and got to work.He shares the whole journey and gives a few tips for if you want to do a similar thing.The Importance of AlignmentTaylin emphasizes the significance of alignment in choosing the right vehicle for success. There are so many options. Almost unlimited options for making money in life. That it’s really important for it to align with your true values.His own journey took him from college teacher to successful business owner. There is a path that is right for you, but you’re the only one that can figure it out.Clarity and alignment will fuel your motivation and persistence.So make sure your business aligns with your personal goals and lifestyle. Overcoming Challenges and Finding FreedomOne of the best moments in the interview was when Taylin discussed what it meant for him to be "set free." He candidly shared his personal struggles, feeling stuck in a job with limited growth and financial opportunities. Discovering the right vehicle, in his case, the creator business and writing online, transformed his life. This newfound freedom allowed him to break free from mental and environmental chains, enabling him to achieve financial stability and personal fulfillment.The Power of Clarity and FaithTaylin highlighted the importance of clarity in achieving his own success. Again, there are so many options. But there is only one that is best for you!He shared that understanding your goals and having a clear vision of where you want to go is vital. This clarity, coupled with faith in the process and in yourself, can drive you forward even when faced with challenges. He emphasized that faith is the first step, believing that what's possible for others is also possible for you.And believing in your ability to be able to figure it out.Practical Tips for Aspiring CreatorsFor those looking to dive into the creator economy, here is some practical advice:Pick a High-Income Vehicle: Focus on marketing, sales, or high ticket domains, where you can leverage hard skills to generate income at first.Define Your Niche: Choose a specific area and identify the transformation you want your audience to achieve. This helps in creating targeted and effective content.Learn and Adapt: Embrace a growth mindset and continuously learn. Whether through courses, mentors, or self-study, keep refining your skills and knowledge.Systems Thinking: Understand how different components of your business work together. This holistic approach helps in optimizing your strategies and achieving better results.Embrace the Right MindsetThroughout the conversation, Taylin stressed the importance of mindset. Whether it's dealing with imposter syndrome, staying productive, or coping with stress, having the right mindset can make all the difference. He shared his own experiences and insights on how to stay focused, organized, and motivated.Ultimately this Taylin Simmonds podcast was a deep dive into the mind of a successful creator. His journey, insights, and practical advice offer valuable lessons for anyone looking to succeed in the creator economy.As Taylin put it, "Culture is just what’s emotionally popular at the moment. Don’t be afraid to go against it if it doesn’t align with you."How To Start Writing OnlineIdentify Your Niche and Passion: Choose topics that genuinely interest you and align with an audience's needs to stay motivated and engaged.Understand Your Audience: Research and engage with your audience to tailor your writing to their interests and problems.Develop a Consistent Writing Schedule: Set a regular writing schedule to maintain momentum and keep your audience engaged.Create High-Quality Content: Ensure each piece of writing provides clear value and uses storytelling to make it engaging and relatable.Promote Your Writing: Use multiple platforms to share your work and build a personal brand to increase visibility and credibility.Learn and Adapt: Seek feedback regularly, stay updated with industry trends, and be open to experimenting with new formats and styles.Memorable Quotes“You have to find alignment in your work and business, or else the tradeoffs aren’t worth it.”“Creator business, especially writing, is the vehicle that really clicks for me.” “I think all of this comes down to clarity.”“Finding the right mentor that will give you actual actionable steps can unlock everything.”Guest BioTaylin Simmonds is a top personal branding voice on LinkedIn and X. He is a retired college teacher turned consultant who was barely scraping by until Dakota Robertson became his mentor.With his guidance, he was able to take his own ghostwriting agency to $500K/year.Now, he leads cohorts on ghostwriting and personal branding. He guides people toward building profitable online businesses. If you’re looking to thrive as a creator, he is definitely a great person to learn from.Follow TaylinWebsite - TaylinSimmonds.ComLinkedIn - @taylin-john-simmondsX - @TaylinSimmonds I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Unlocking the Secrets of YouTube Success with Mihir Narula
Unlocking the Secrets of YouTube Success with Mihir Narula
Welcome to a deep dive into the captivating world of YouTube success with Mihir Narula. This Mihir Narula Podcast episode is all about unraveling the intricacies of content creation, marketing strategies, and the art of balancing multiple passions. Whether you're a budding YouTuber or a seasoned creator, Mihir’s insights offer solid guidance on navigating your creator  business. Especially with YouTube.Mihir Narula is incredibly wise when it comes to YouTube excellence and innovative marketing. He shares his journey from a young, ambitious content creator to a successful entrepreneur. It’s a testament to his dedication and strategic thinking. In this episode, Mihir shares his experiences, challenges, and the wisdom he's gathered along the way. It was a truly exciting interview. Hope you enjoy! Here’s a bit of what we talked about.Balancing Multiple InterestsOne of the key themes of this episode is the concept of balancing multiple interests without spreading oneself too thin. Mihir emphasizes the importance of focusing on one primary interest at a time, following the philosophy of "working in seasons."This approach allows for deep dives into specific areas, such as business or YouTube, ensuring that each passion receives the attention it deserves.Slow Productivity: A Game ChangerInspired by Cal Newport's concept of slow productivity, we talk about deep work and focus compared to hopping all over the place. Mihir discusses the significance of maintaining that focus while being productive. But this can also be really tough for creative minds. Mihir has a great solution for boredom.He shares his strategy of working in seasons, dedicating quarters of the year to different aspects of his career. This method not only enhances productivity but also prevents burnout, a common issue among creators.Transitioning Focus: From YouTube to BusinessMihir’s journey has seen a significant shift from being a full-time content creator to diving into the business world. Initially focused on YouTube for his own channels on gaming, he realized the need to expand his expertise to other areas of social media marketing. His current venture involves helping traditional businesses navigate the online space, prioritizing video content to reach their target audiences effectively.Advice for Aspiring YouTubersLike we always do on the Just Keep Learning Podcast, we got into some practical tips for starting your own creator business. For those considering starting a YouTube channel, Mihir offered a ton of guidance.He stresses the importance of understanding one’s goals and financial aspirations. Whether aiming for a modest income or leveraging existing skills to create a niche, Mihir encourages aspiring YouTubers to focus on delivering value to their audience. Always keep that key audience member in mind. You will have other people in your audience, but make sure to create with one person in mind.The Power of FreelancingOne of the biggest challenges we face as creators is making money. It sounds so simple, but it really does hold people back. One of the best ways to prepare yourself for this challenge is to monetize a service. Any service that can solve a problem for someone else can be turned into an offer. That offer can be the first way you make money while your channel grows steadily.Mihir’s initial foray into freelancing played a crucial role in his own career development. Starting as a video editor for creators, he quickly realized the potential of offering comprehensive channel management services. His proactive approach, including offering free services to potential clients, helped him secure long-term collaborations and build a solid reputation.Once you make money and have financial freedom then you can create any type of content you’d like.Navigating Burnout and Finding Joy in Content CreationBurnout is a challenge many creators face, and Mihir is no exception. He shared a heartfelt, candid story about feeling trapped in a niche and the eventual burnout from creating repetitive content. Mihir’s solution involved pivoting his focus and finding joy in helping others succeed, which reinvigorated his passion for content creation for himself.This Mihir Narula Podcast episode on JKL can be super powerful for anyone looking to succeed on YouTube, or even  in the broader content creation, digital marketing space. Mihir’s journey, marked by strategic shifts and a commitment to just keep learning, offers valuable lessons for all of us. By balancing multiple interests, embracing slow productivity, and prioritizing value creation, Mihir exemplifies the path to sustainable success in the digital age.7 Secrets To Unlock When Building Your YouTube ChannelKnow Your Audience: Understand who your target audience is and what they are interested in. Create content that caters specifically to their needs and preferences.Consistent Content Schedule: Upload videos consistently. Whether it’s once a week or twice a month, consistency helps build a loyal audience who knows when to expect new content.Engaging Thumbnails and Titles: Your video thumbnails and titles should be eye-catching and accurately represent the content of your video. They play a crucial role in attracting viewers to click on your videos.High-Quality Content: Invest in good equipment and editing software to ensure your videos are of high quality. Clear audio, sharp visuals, and good editing make your content more enjoyable and professional.SEO Optimization: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. This helps your videos appear in search results and reach a wider audience.Engage with Your Community: Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and build a community around your channel. Engaging with your audience creates a loyal fan base and encourages more interaction.Collaborate with Other Creators: Collaborations can introduce your channel to new audiences. Partner with creators in your niche to create mutually beneficial content that appeals to both your audiences.Memorable Quotes“I found success making FIFA videos. But I got sucked into that niche.  I enjoyed it for a while, but after six years of just doing FIFA gaming content I was stuck. When I hit 40,000 subscribers I really started to burnout, because I wanted to try more creative videos, but every time I would do those, I would get fewer views.""A lot of people get this wrong. They struggle with having a basic idea of where they want to go, how they’ll execute it they don’t even have a basic outline or gameplan.”“You want to give people as much content as you can, without it being too overwhelming.”
Guest BioMihir is a YouTube Strategist for Entrepreneurs, Businesses & Brands. He shares content about marketing and social media.His main goal is to help great brands scale with video, especially on Youtube.Mihir is a content creator at heart having built his own successful channels. But his business is the main focus right now. He helps Coaches, Consultants, and Agency Owners who make $20,000 per month.If you want to build an authentic personal brand on YouTube to attract clients, but don't have the time, systems, team or clarity to do it effectively, Mihir can help.Follow MihirX - @mihir_narulaYouTube - @Mihir_Narula I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Number One Learning Strategy According To Tony Robbins
Number One Learning Strategy According To Tony Robbins
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSWhat Is Immersion?Let’s be honest, immersion is a “strategy” that’s been around as long as learning has.There isn’t a lot of creativity to it. Yet its potency in accelerating learning and transformation is unmatched. It is the best.Immersion is the opposite of passive learning. Becoming obsessed and focused with finding feedback on your abilities as soon, and as much possible.Diving so deep into the practice that the intensity brings about rapid change. This is how I felt with football, fitness, writing, parenting and podcasting.If I did want to learn to crochet, or draw for real, then I would do as much as I could, quickly and get as much feedback as possible.This is why Tony Robbins workshops are delivered in a very intensive 3, full day schedule.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
We Need Reminders To Keep Going
We Need Reminders To Keep Going
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSAs a podcaster I have continued to push forward.Through many ups and downs. So many challenges.But I keep going. Like a true professional I put in the practice and I publish.Rinse and repeat. Over and over again.‘Til the night closes in.You Can Only Connect The Dots Looking BackAnyways, like Steve Jobs infamously said,“You’ve got to find what you love. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.But you can’t connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backward. So we have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in our future.Trust in something- your gut, destiny, life, or karma. This approach has never let me down. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.”So, even though I often feel like giving up on my big dreams, I will never settle.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Dylan Schmidt On Podcasting, Content Creation And Being Multi Passionate
Dylan Schmidt On Podcasting, Content Creation And Being Multi Passionate
Dylan discussed being multi passionate, some of the challenges of being creative and solutions that he has found. We also thought about some more questions and ideas around creativity in general.  We talked about overcoming fear to become a content creator.Dylan shared some lessons about online business, podcasting and choosing your niche, or target avatar. Dylan also shared his framework “CLIPS” for creating great short form content.You don’t have to overthink learning and posting.  We talked about the continuum between being an expert vs being an enthusiast and how we can create from either side, or anywhere in between. Making Creativity SustainableThere is a blessing and a curse of having a lot of creative ideas. But you need to take care of yourself first. We discussed this foundation we need as creatives to keep us in check. You have to prioritize and let some things go. And, if you’re multi passionate, it’s definitely important to embrace your identity, incorporate a few aspects, but not give in to too many shiny objects.Social media and procrastination can be addictive. The only way to achieve work is to find a personal solution to this problem. You do have an incredible message, and social media use does have a powerful role to play in helping spread messages. But we have to be mindful about how much.How can you go from doom scrolling and consuming content to making it instead? Be mindful and intentional about how you’re spending your time. Whenever you’re spending time, think through the lens of What do you want to make? What are you making? Why are you making it? Who are you making it for? And what impact will it have?Mental Health For CreativesBeing a creator can be an ongoing battle to find balance. Figuring out when to push toward your goals and when to give yourself the space to pause, relax and recharge.It was actually Dylan’s therapist who helped guide to continue with podcasting. We talked about a lot of his career, school journey and how he sets goals with mental health in mind.Dylan shared the value of mindfulness, and how he got into stuff like meditation and breathwork. We also discussed the value of deep work beyond our online personas. Which ultimately comes down to self awareness. There are so many options to being a creator. For example, we can build successful businesses, books and achieve big goals completely offline without sharing publicly. We could build exclusively online like livestream, or social posts. Or anywhere in between. And in any order. There are successful examples everywhere on this continuum. So don’t stress. Do what works for you.And be patient. The business of creativity is a step by step climb. You build up and up to certain levels of success in the content creation space. Maybe someday you will have large successful brand deals. But you build up to it. Not to say you can’t start now, but it may not be the amounts, or brands you have in your big dreams. You start out small and continue to build. By the time we see creators, we see them as an “overnight success”. But really that overnight success took five, or ten years to get to.And of course, Dylan is the Digital Podcaster, so we had to talk about clip creation and podcasting. He shared a few pretty unique tips in case you want to start your own show, or short form content.How To Make Great Short Form Videos (CLIPS)One of Dylan’s expertise is creating powerful short form content that stands on its own. He shared that the best videos don’t have much extra information. They can be a complete story all on their own. To make the process of creating short clips more simple he uses an acronym “CLIPS”. 
“CLIPS” stands for
C: capture key moments
L: length optimization 
I: improve visual appeal
P: promote on social media and S: study performance.14 Things To Keep In Mind When  Podcasting Less can be better because we get paralyzed by analysis and fear. Get your first idea and get started as soon as possible.Build your foundation on the right niche for you that you can sustain (for you) long form and long term.If you want to create the show to teach in a binge-worthy way, by going more and more niche, recognize you might not have long term recurring listeners. But if you create categories that are a bit more broad, it can expand and be more sustainable over time.On the flipside, you don’t need a super clear niche, but the less specific it is, the longer it might take to grow an audience.Know your why and goals for creating the show. This will change the format and cadence of your schedule and workflow.Be authentic by following your curiosity and sharing what you learn. The more interested the host is the more interested the audience will be.Don’t define the direction, the workflow, or try to make the show perfect in the early days. Build consistency as soon as possible. See more and more episodes through and get to the 100th episode.The first year, the first hundred episodes will be most challenging, but then you’ll really understand the direction and workflow. Keep going.  Always be improving your general creativity, because even once you have the technical elements of podcasting, the need to be creative will always be there. Continue to create, improve and network. Keep growing the show and opportunities to monetize will come to mind. You could definitely monetize early on, but that requires specific skills in terms of business, such as niche selection, outreach, coaching, advertising, or an existing audience. Everything starts with great content, so just keep learning how to get better and better at creating. With every decision you make, think through the lens of “are you adding value to your audience?”Memorable Quotes“You can do things your way! And if you take a step back a lot of your best ideas will come about naturally which is always the best way.”“My tattoo means stay focused and spend time on what really matters most to me in life.”“You can’t fake being interested when it comes to hosting a podcast.”
“Sure someone else could make the creative thing you thought of, but you have the pull to make it, you had the idea, you need to be the one to make it.”Guest BioDylan Schmidt specializes in digital content creation.He builds his own creative content, but also helps other businesses and individuals create their own content too.Since 2022 his company Content Clips has produced tens of thousands of social media posts, podcasts, and newsletters for New York Times Bestselling authors, TED speakers, Ivy League professors, and 7-figure entrepreneurs. His content has been viewed nearing a billion times.He is also a creator himself as host of the Top Apple Podcast "Digital Creator".Dylan's passion lies in assisting those with a message to share the resources they need to produce and profit from their digital content.That’s why he started a membership site called the Creator Club to bring brand new and experienced writers and podcasters to support each other.Want to connect with Dylan? You can hit him up at his website: DylanSchmidt.ComFollow DylanLinkedIn - @DylanSchmidtPodcast Youtube - @DigitalPodcasterWebsite - DylanSchmidt.Com I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
7 Tips For Better Storytelling
7 Tips For Better Storytelling
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSHow To Tell Better StoriesI hope by now you understand that stories can be short, sweet, but also really powerful in helping you share any message you want. The best thing about storytelling to me is that it is yet another infinite game. We can get better and better at storytelling forever.So for today, let’s keep it simple, what are a few things you could do today to improve your storytelling? I’ll keep these quick. Keep It Simple - A good story is easy to understand.  It should be around the 5th grade level in terms of language. Don’t make it any longer than it needs to be. Remove the fluff, no extra stuff. And don’t rush the pace, or rate of revelation, just let the story breath.“No And Then” - There’s a funny moment in the movie “Dude Where’s My Car?” where the person working the drive through window keeps saying “and then” and they’re having to say back a bunch of times “there’s no and then”. It’s a great way to remember the main storytelling tip that the creators of South Park Matt Stone and Trey Parker say. Don’t create “and then” moments. Instead make your beats, or events lead to each other. Connect the moments. For example “this happened, so this happened, because this happened, so this happened”. As opposed to “this happened and then this happened and then this happened.”Hooks And Headlines - You need to grab attention. So, you should spend disproportionate time on the head line and hook. This is the catchy, thesis, value statement of the piece. It creates intrigue and without it no one will listen to your story anyways.Engage Emotions - Use power words that connect with your audience on an emotional level. This makes it more impactful, memorable and worthwhile.Show, Don’t Tell - Rather than explaining, use immersive words and phrases that tap into the senses of sight, sounds, smells, and tactile experiences to create a vivid picture in the audience's mind.Relatable Characters - Develop the archetype of your character in a way that makes them understood, intriguing and connected to the audience. Give them depth by adding unique traits, desires, and conflicts. Use A FrameworkNow these can be a bit abstract, maybe something we can look at in more detail later, so I’ll give a couple examples for now. You can go off the beaten track and get as creative as you want, but at first you should start with a framework for the story. There are many frameworks. You can look them up specific to telling stories for education, memoir, business, or fiction. The simplest is to think in terms of “a beginning, middle and end”. And one of the most popular is “the hero’s journey.Hero’s JourneyA series of steps the character must take to achieve their goal. The main steps include: call to adventure;  crossing the first threshold; leaving behind the known world, venturing into the unknown; tests, trials, and allies; a major enemy or obstacle; and finally, the return home, transformed and changed by their experiences.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Justin Freishtat On Life Lessons, Sales And Sports
Justin Freishtat On Life Lessons, Sales And Sports
Justin shares his entire journey of going from athlete to entrepreneur.He talks about the importance of fighting shiny object syndrome.How books, podcasts and masterminds changed his trajectory.Justin shared everything he has learned about being great at sales while being a good person.He talked about building confidence in the world of business.And we also touched on some difficult life stuff. The existential crisis, balancing goals with wellness and his brother’s cancer diagnosis.Life Lessons From Sport And Counter BalanceJustin shared a lot of wisdom from his success as an athlete that transfers to business and life.He reminded us that life is never linear.We’ll have ups, downs, setbacks and jumps forward.There will be times you need to really commit yourself to a goal, maybe lose some sleep. At other times you’ll be able to craft a really consistent routine for wellness. Similar to an athlete in camp training for an event, you’ll need to triple down. After the event there will be some time to rest and recharge.The wins, losses and ties will come too. And similar to sports, our careers and life decisions will evolve. We need to know when to quit and when to fight through a situation.Maybe sometimes you need to switch teams, ask for a trade, or completely move on to a new situation.How To Be Great At SalesTo Sell Is Human: There shouldn’t be any stigma associated with sales. Persuasion and influencing others are skills used in everyday interactions. Leading, teaching, parenting, coaching and business all require great sales.Master Your Product: Thoroughly understand whatever you're selling. You need to know that it’s the best solution for people. Therefore you must know it on the deepest level possible. This enables you to sell with authenticity and confidence.Evaluate Your Sales Vehicle: Does your current product or service have the potential to meet your revenue and income goals? If not, consider switching to a higher-value product, or new way to sell.Don’t Hide From Objections: You shouldn’t need to keep anything secret. In fact knowing what might prevent someone from purchasing and tackling those topics head on, well ahead of time is key to being transparent and trustworthy.Learn from Top Performers: Identify and learn from the top mentors and salespeople in your field. What do they do differently and what makes them successful?Practice, Practice, Practice: Even if it means facing rejections, practice as much as possible. Professional preparation will pay off when it matters most.Ethical Common Sense Psychology: Sales is about psychology in the most practical way. Not a matter of studying manipulative techniques. But understanding how the mind works, why we desire things and why customers would be super excited and grateful to be able to even purchase.Put Yourself In Customer Shoes: Why would someone really want to buy? If your product, or service is truly valuable, then why wouldn’t they buy?Memorable Quotes“I’m learning to have a deeper appreciation for normal days, because those are the simple days, the good days.”"I want people to take wealth seriously because you’re just one tragedy away from losing everything.”“After a few months all of the haters will go away and you can keep building a tribe of people like you.”Guest BioDemonstrated mastery in sales, leading sales teams, training, marketing, customer relationship management, and performance management. Proficient in shaping sales strategies and go-to-market approaches for organizations, backed by more than ten years of experience in customer-facing roles as the brand's ambassador. A compelling presenter who thrives in high-pressure situations, celebrated for a track record of responsibility, achievement, and driving revenue.Justin Freishtat is a hedge fund manager, sales professional and investor. The first 15 years of his professional life was spent building Heartland Foods which is the #1 Farm-to-Table Food Service on the east coast. The company had generated $87 million in gross revenue when the business was acquired by a private equity firm in early 2022.Now, Justin is a Managing Partner and President of Sales at Kerns Capital. This hedge fund is growing rapidly with several funds that use multiple strategies including swing trading in equities, joint ventures in aerospace, and 3B+ unicorn companies in their private equity arm. Kerns Capital is partnered with Forte Capital Group and Innovation X with over $1B+ in assets under management.As an individual investor, Justin and his partners have also amassed a multifamily real estate portfolio comprised of 1674 units across 5 states.Justin is also personally invested in multiple funds inside the Kerns Capital ecosystem as he believes you should only partner with managers who have skin in the game.Follow JustinInstagram - @justinfreishtatLinkedIn - @JustinFreishtatFOLLOW JUSTIN AT JUST KEEP LEARNINGWebsite - JKLHOMELinkedIn - @JustinNolan-JustKeepLearningTwitter  / X - @JustinNolan_JKLInstagram - @JustKeepLearning.CaTiktok -  @justkeeplearning.caFacebook - Just Keep LearningFree Group - JKL Goal Setting CommunityWe appreciate you being here! Be sure to leave the podcast, “Just Keep Learning” ratings and reviews because it will help people who need it be better able to find it. Also, if you want a shoutout, simply share an image of the episode, you listening, or your takeaways and share it @JustKeepLearning anywhere on social! I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Dave Danna On Weight Loss, Mindset And Content Creation
Dave Danna On Weight Loss, Mindset And Content Creation
Dave tells everything about no longer lying to himself in the mirror. He talks about breaking his scale and realizing that he weighed well over 400 pounds.How he set his sights on achieving big dreams and the fact that he is in act 1 of his 3 part hero’s journey. We chatted about the fact that you’ll never feel “ready” if you’re waiting for your nerves to go away.You just have to face your fears head on because they’re the only thing standing in your way.Documenting The Process For AccountabilityDave has an incredible story of his journey on social media. Dave tried many times to lose weight before, but the main thing that made a difference this time?Documenting the process on social media. That was the difference between this weight loss journey and all the others before. We talked about the mixed reputation social media has and some of the pros and cons. How to be authentic, how to create in a way true to you and the message you want to share. Such a wild thing to hear how unexpected it was for him to become a social media influencer.Tips For Your Own Weight Loss JourneyDon’t over analyze the plan, mostly take action. Do things that make it more sustainable.Eat less bad foods and more healthy foods.Create some elements of accountability. If not social media, how do you keep yourself accountable?Make sure supportive people know what you’re up to and how to hold you accountable.Keep it lighthearted and fun as much as possible because it’s going to be serious in many other ways.The best exercises are ones that you’ll enjoy doing as much as possible.Choose a gym and times that you are comfortable with.  Do what works for you that you can stick to.Creating Content In The GymDave shared how he decided to start filming and posting his workouts. He talks about how scary it was at first. It did not come naturally at all. It was like a whole year before he started to feel comfortable with using his camera in the gym. Now that he’s done it a bunch of times he is much better and more comfortable.Maybe a few people look, but really no one is paying attention to you.Now he creates multiple pieces of content on his phone over the course of about three minutes during his workouts.The main thing to keep in mind is being respectful and ethical toward everyone else in the gym.Don’t do any filming or pictures in the locker room. And don’t get anyone in the backgrounds of your videos.And remember that most people want to support you, so don’t give energy to the negative reactions, or comments.Memorable Quotes“Try things. Whether it's different diets, different exercises, different types of content creation, different platforms, different careers, different things in academia and education, different parts of the world to live in, just try more things”"Man, now I’m gonna be the fat guy filming himself in planet fitness.”“I don’t really know what to do except I don’t wanna get on the bad side of Joey Swoll in the gym. Haha.”Guest Bio“Life is good, Dave is fat. Aspiring supermodel. 30. Accountant. MBA Candidate.”Follow DaveInstagram - @david.e.dannaTwitter X - @DaveEDannaYoutube - @DaveEDannaFOLLOW JUSTIN AT JUST KEEP LEARNINGWebsite - JKLHOMELinkedIn - @JustinNolan-JustKeepLearningTwitter  / X - @JustinNolan_JKLInstagram - @JustKeepLearning.CaTiktok -  @justkeeplearning.caFacebook - Just Keep LearningFree Group - JKL Goal Setting CommunityWe appreciate you being here! Be sure to leave the podcast, “Just Keep Learning” ratings and reviews because it will help people who need it be better able to find it. Also, if you want a shoutout, simply share an image of the episode, you listening, or your takeaways and share it @JustKeepLearning anywhere on social! I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
3 Fun Tricks To Spark Your Creativity
3 Fun Tricks To Spark Your Creativity
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSI know you want to increase confidence in your creativity.Artist, business leader, teacher, stay at home parent. Whatever.We'll always say yes to more creativity.But a lot of times we feel stuck.Do you ever feel like you’re stuck?There are a bunch of things you could do to light your creative fire.I'll share a few today.But, remember, these are simply exercises.And much like exercises in the gym, they can help us maintain a healthy body and mind.(If we do them consistently)They’re simple, tiny invitations to venture beyond the familiar. And, even though they're small exercises they can a MASSIVE impact.Because your ideas and projects have the power to change your life, maybe even change the world.If you can unleash them…**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
5 Ways You Can Grow And Thrive From Trauma
5 Ways You Can Grow And Thrive From Trauma
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSWe may not be able to outright choose our emotions. Our thoughts and feelings stem from a long history of how we react to different situations. But what is reassuring is understanding that it IS POSSIBLE for anyone to live with vitality. If you haven't read “Man’s Search For Meaning” I mean it’s the absolute most incredible book when it comes to this concept. Aside from personal stories I know from clients, this book was the most impactful and clear for me about the mind's ability to thrive through difficulty. Here’s a quote from the author Viktor Frankl about his finding happiness amidst the chaos of living in concentration camps:“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”I wanna tackle specifics about what you can do to make growth a real possibility and give some idea of where this research comes from, but first I want to point out that the examples I’ve shared so far are about the extreme, massive external traumas, things that happen to us that are unbelievable and near unbearable. But the important thing is that this applies also to our day to day, to the struggles every one of us face year over year at any given moment as a result of the suffering and adversity that can come from simply being human.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Do You Know Your Mission?
Do You Know Your Mission?
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSThere are so many things I wish I had done differently when starting a creator business.I have no doubt in my mind that this podcast would be far more successful if I knew then what I know now. But I’m not mad about it. That’s just life. And my whole mission is to learn these things so I can pass ‘em on to future clients, or my own kids to give them a head start. In that regard, I am well on my wayThe Most Common MistakeThere are so many things I would do differently. But many of them don’t matter all that much. But there is one specific thing that does make a big difference.It’s one of those things that has an outsized exponential impact for the amount of time it takes.It is an absolute game changer, yet it can be summarized really quickly. I was reminded of it while listening back to the latest JKL Interview.(Which you can hear here: JKL Int 57 Joe Casabona)It’s a great episode, especially if podcasting or the business of being a creator is of interest to you.I asked Joe the number one mistake he sees creators make and he said hands down, it’s definitely not knowing your “mission.”Understanding your mission is one of those things that has huge returns. No matter what you want to build.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Joe Casabona Podcasting And Business Success The Right Way
Joe Casabona Podcasting And Business Success The Right Way
In this episode we chat with Joe Casabona. Joe is known specifically as a “podcast coach”, but he has a broad wealth of experience and expertise.He has helped companies and individuals with brand building, marketing, monetization, workflow automation and web design.We talked about starting a podcast, building a solopreneur, creator business, and balancing all of this with life and family.We also discussed the value of learning and understanding your own curse of knowledge that can get in the way of teaching.Joe shares the change in mindset that he went through once he became a parent.We also talked about forging a habit that allows our hobbies to be simply for fun, not productivity, success, or outcomes.And the lifestyle of having flexibility to hang with his family that drives him to succeed as an entrepreneur.Find Your Balance Of Niche vs Broad As A CreatorYou have to find a way to appeal to a broad audience to make your creator life sustainable. You want to be human. Because people want to network with and buy from people they can relate to. So that means you should share your stories as a parent, with your pets, or about your favorite sports teams. Don’t hold back, just be a person first.But when it comes to the professional elements of your brand, be sure to find your niche.For things like sales, marketing, building a community around the solutions you provide, you need to niche down. What problem do you solve? Who do you solve it for? And how do you solve it? Once you figure this out, then people will understand why they should work with youSteps To Succeeding As A One Person Creator BusinessThe first question you need to ask yourself is “how will you support yourself”? And that’s a tough reality check for many of us. We need to be real with ourselves. Literally, how will you support yourself? How will you support your family if you have one?How much money do you need to live? What is your freedom number so to speak. Once you know this, then you need to decide what will bring in revenue?Drawing from personal experience, the entrepreneurial journey often begins early with a profit making service. In the beginning take a very pragmatic approach. It’s likely going to be a side hustle. But it can definitely gradually expand through strategic use of social media and networking. But it’s most important to align your business with your lifestyle goals rather than just chasing money. You need to establish your balance between work and personal life. Set your non-negotiables such as family time, or fitness.And devise strategies for revenue, eventually passive income that are in alignment with your values.Also, understand that it won’t be an overnight thing. This will take a lot of trial and error. But it will be well worth it. The Biggest Mistake Podcasters MakeThe number one thing Joe says gets in the way for clients is not knowing why the show exists, or who it’s for.When you start a podcast, you need to know what your mission is. This is the number one thing podcast creators get wrong. And it’s easy to define. So define it! “I Create [Podcast Name] to help [Audience] With [Problem Solved] By [Delivery Method]”The Second Biggest Mistake Podcasters MakeThis was an amazing part of the episode. You need to know how much time you spend on each step of an episode.The answers will lead to the creating capacity you have and also set goals for making things more efficient.When it comes to workflow, Joe asks every client the same first question:“What is the checklist of every single step you take to create an episode?”If the client doesn’t have a checklist clearly defined, then that’s the starting point.Make your checklist. Podcasting Automation And Workflow Joe is an automation genius. But a word of caution, he shares that it probably is a toxic trait because he tried to automate absolutely everything. Either way, we can learn a ton from Joe when he says “if I will need to continue to do something a few times, then I need to find robots to take care of it.”The best way to figure this out for you, as a podcaster, or a business owner in general, is listing out your workflow. What is everything you do to run different elements of your work?O.K. Now that you know all of the things, start setting up the dominoes to knock each other over. Don’t just fly randomly by the seat of your pants.What can you automate?This might look different for everyone. The details will change and evolve. But a couple things are universal. Have a calendar set up. Have an episode tracker that defines each stage the episode is as it moves along from an idea to published.What can you outsource?You won’t be able to outsource maybe even anything at first. But, you should have goalposts to work towards. Your workflow checklist will get more efficient over time. This will include hiring to buy back some of your time. If your goal is to work more and more in your zone of genius, aka being the creator, the podcaster, then it all starts with hiring for the first thing. Maybe it’s someone to edit. For most people that’s where we can buy 5  Strategies To Make Money With A PodcastJoe was super generous in the way that he dove into the framework that he teaches clients. He explained each piece of his 5 part framework to make money on your show. He calls it the SMASH Framework. Sponsorship: The most common way people think of to monetize their podcast because it’s the most visible. You get a company to give you money in order to advertise on your show.Membership: Another commonly known way to monetize. Instead of asking potential sponsors, you ask your listeners to directly support the show, usually in exchange for some members-only benefits.Affiliate Links: This is the lowest barrier to entry, but may take time to get a decent income. You sign up for affiliate programs of products you commonly recommend, and you get a cut of each sale from people who click your link.Selling (Products or Services): I feel is the least-used way to monetize a podcast. You, using the podcast to prove your expertise, sell directly to your audience.Helping (Coaching, Consulting, Courses): Similar to Selling, you use you podcast to land consulting clients, coaching clients, or sell your online courses. This could be a little easier than selling since you can have a podcast that does exactly what your “helping” service does.Memorable Quotes"The only person who will remember that you worked late is your children, because you weren’t there.”“The biggest mistake new podcasters make is not knowing their mission. Who do you create for, and what problem does your show help them solve?”"You need to be selective about who you work with. And then once you have expectations managed, you need the right systems in place.” “Take all business advice with a grain of salt.”Guest BioJoe Casabona humbly brags on his website that he will help you win back 12+ hours per week.He does this with podcast automation and workflow coaching. Joe helps busy solopreneurs take back their time by streamlining their process. His strategies come from many years of experience as a teacher, web developer and podcaster.He’s also a podcaster himself, a husband, dad, author and baseball fan.Follow JoeWebsite - Casabona.OrgLinkedIn - @JcasabonaTwitter X - @jcasabonaFOLLOW JUSTIN AT JUST KEEP LEARNINGWebsite - JKLHOMELinkedIn - @JustinNolan-JustKeepLearningTwitter  / X - @JustinNolan_JKLInstagram - @JustKeepLearning.CaTiktok -  @justkeeplearning.caFacebook - Just Keep LearningFree Group - JKL Goal Setting CommunityWe appreciate you being here! Be sure to leave the podcast, “Just Keep Learning” ratings and reviews because it will help people who need it be better able to find it. Also, if you want a shoutout, simply share an image of the episode, you listening, or your takeaways and share it @JustKeepLearning anywhere on social! I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Virgil Brewster Insights on Entrepreneurship, Success And Personal Growth
Virgil Brewster Insights on Entrepreneurship, Success And Personal Growth
Virgil shares the inception story of his business. It’s a testament to the power of partnership and importance of mentorship.Starting with a simple yet powerful interaction with a young entrepreneur, Virgil's journey is a prime example of how a single moment can alter the course of your life. Despite the success, he emphasizes the hurdles. And shares about the mindset shifts required, as well as invaluable lessons from mentors.Mentorship To Navigate The Course Creation Industry Virgil shares his remarkable transition from business ideas and aspirations to actualization. He managed to build a wildly successful business in the competitive space of course creation. From a pivotal conversation that reshaped his outlook to building a $10 million business, he shows us the power of determination.This all started when he decided to set his ego aside and learn from people who have already achieved the things he wanted.Virgil emphasizes this transformative role of mentorship in both his life and business.He recounts how guidance from others really propelled his business.Highlighting the influence of Russell BrunsonCrafting a Legacy Within And Beyond BusinessVirgil's narrative challenges the romanticized version of being a “business guru”.But, as much as his philosophies are awesome, we also talked about the practical aspects of building a business.We talked about vision, values, how to copy-write, storytelling, and the ethics of marketing. Virgil shared his pretty awesome take on the balance between personal growth and professional development.He reminds us of the deeper satisfaction derived from purposeful entrepreneurship.He advocates for a business model that emphasizes well-being alongside wealth.We should focus more on  mental health, personal fulfillment, genuine connection, and alignment.Embedded in this episode are incredible tips to help you focus on your foundation first. To be “successful” while also achieving wellness.14 Strategies To Balance Success With Well-beingPrioritize health as the true wealthEmbrace continuous learning as a lifestylePractice gratitude for both trials and triumphsValue genuine relationships over achievementsEmbrace your real identity and stay true to yourselfStay grounded in remembering your roots and your why Focus on your dream, but remain flexible in your approachCelebrate all small wins by acknowledging every step forwardCultivate resilience and the strength to bounce back from adversityLearn from failures, setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growthSeek counterbalance by creating harmony between your work and personal lifeEmbrace change while  expecting the unexpected and be open to evolving your actionsAlways give back, with generosity from day one and never stop making a positive impact on othersMemorable Quotes"I like to approach a niche as fluid. Everything changes. Markets change. People change. You change. When you look in the mirror 10 years ago, you look totally different from now. Externally and internally you change. What you thought was cool 10 years ago may seem totally absurd to you now. So pivot and change direction.”“People buy Fiat Pandas, but people also buy Ferraris. So, people buy both. Because there is a market for both. It depends on which crowd you position it for.”"Relationships matter. Not relationships from a business perspective, that goes without saying. You need relationships to grow your business. But the people around you in your journey, through the ups and downs, don't forget, or neglect them, don’t take them for granted, because they are the ones who are with you from the beginning and will be there no matter your glory, or failures.”Guest BioVirgil was a high school dropout, who realized he would not work well with a boss. His only option was to become an entrepreneur.He failed in many business projects. Until he discovered the potential of courses. In just a few years, he’s now built a $10M business.And he’s been coaching others to do the same. The main strategy is to build and sell online courses. Virgil Brewster is an entrepreneur who transcends the conventional definitions of success. He brings a fresh perspective to the world of digital entrepreneurship. With a journey marked by significantpersonal and business achievements, he is a great example of fulfilling your life's mission. His dedication to empowering others makes him a pivotal figure in the entrepreneurial, social mediacommunity.FOLLOW  VIRGIL BREWSTERWebsite - VirgilBrewster.ComTwitter X - @thevirgilbrewFOLLOW JUSTIN AT JUST KEEP LEARNINGWebsite - JKLHOMELinkedIn - @JustinNolan-JustKeepLearningTwitter  / X - @JustinNolan_JKLInstagram - @JustKeepLearning.CaTiktok -  @justkeeplearning.caFacebook - Just Keep LearningFree Group - JKL Goal Setting CommunityWe appreciate you being here! Be sure to leave the podcast, “Just Keep Learning” ratings and reviews because it will help people who need it be better able to find it. Also, if you want a shoutout, simply share an image of the episode, you listening, or your takeaways and share it @JustKeepLearning anywhere on social! I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Less Stress, More Focus: How To Find Your Purpose
Less Stress, More Focus: How To Find Your Purpose
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSProbably the most common question people ask me. (I love your questions, so keep 'em coming!)"How do I pick my niche?" or "I have so many dreams, which one should I work on?"Once you remove your dream blockers, you're gonna have a ton of ideas.And those ideas can become really overwhelming.So "picking" becomes that much more important.But I put "picking" in quotations because you can do them all (eventually).This was really freeing for me.A friend of mine, Jaime Masters who I really look up to reminded me. You can do all the things. But the fastest, less stressful way to do them all is in sequence.One at a time.So, the question becomes what is your "One Thing" for now?**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram – @JustKeepLearning.CaYouTube –@justkeeplearningpodcastTwitter – @JustinNolan_JKLTiktok – @justkeeplearning.caPinterest – JustKeepLearningcaFacebook – JustKeepLearningLinkedIn – Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
Therapy, Life Coaching And Why I Do Both
Therapy, Life Coaching And Why I Do Both
Click To JOIN! Just Keep Learning Newsletter I WILL HELP YOU GET CLARITY, BUILD YOUR GROWTH MINDSET AND OWN YOUR BIG DREAMSI personally recently started therapy again, and it's been incredible. I feel like I could write a book about my experience in therapy alone, or start an entire podcast. But one specific moment sticks out that I wanted to talk about today. And it's actually really connected to my life as a creator, podcaster, entrepreneur, and I'm, I'm sure that a lot of you will be able to relate.And it's a conversation that I had about therapy itself and how therapy compares to coaching, teaching, parenting, really helping somebody else. learn by guiding them through a process. And my therapist specifically has been helping me because I have so much experience already with psychology. I've been on the receiving end of a lot of therapy.I've worked with a lot of other therapists. I've read a ton of books on the concept. And because of my experience, it was decided that we would actually look at The underlying mechanics, the foundation to the therapy itself, as opposed to just sitting on the couch, experiencing the therapy. And so, we've talked a lot about the actual philosophy.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram - @JustTriesYouTube - Just TriesTwitter - @JustTries_Tiktok -  @justtriesPinterest - JustTriesFacebook - Just TriesLinkedIn - Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main
How To Steal Like An Artist Without Being A Thief
How To Steal Like An Artist Without Being A Thief
If you copy artists you look up to enough you will shift from imitation to inspiration. From copying to emulating. From emulating to making your own stuffThen, and only then, you will start creating in your own voice.How I would do this is by creating a quick steal list. Victim list is a bit harsh, especially because any great creator would be honored and thrilled for you to steal from them. But I think you get the idea. How I would do this is to make a list of six creators you look up to. 1. Find two people creating content in the medium you have chosen.2. Two people creating on the platform you have chosen3. And two people who share similar topics, or ideas you have chosen.Steal some of their style, creative decisions and thought process as you start shipping your own work.Austin Kleon covers this concept beautifully in his book titled “Steal Like An Artist”.**For the full written version of the episode see the transcript. FOLLOW JustinInstagram - @JustTriesYouTube - Just TriesTwitter - @JustTries_Tiktok -  @justtriesPinterest - JustTriesFacebook - Just TriesLinkedIn - Justin I'm so happy you found this podcast. I am here to serve you, the creative solopreneur & aspiring content creator to get clarity on how to create content, teaching, build a business and design the life of your dreams without burning out in the online learning, creator economy.Want to get every single secret, tip, or idea I learn about channelling our emotions into success in this new creator economy, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter: https://newsletter.justkeeplearning.ca/main