009. Stand Out and Sell Out by Embracing Your Inner Weird with Eva Couto

Create to Convert Podcast

05-09-2023 • 58 mins

I'm really pumped to have Eva Couto join us in this episode! Eva is one of my very first Breakthrough Designer students. She's all about helping badass business owners stand out with branding that's both bold and strategic, making it 100% unique. Imagine being able to flaunt your business to the world, knowing there's nobody quite like you out there!

Eva also got some practical tips and exercises lined up that you can totally use to bring out your own business's unique personality. So, get ready to take some notes!

Here’s a quick rundown of the episode…

  • [00:04] In today’s episode, we are joined by Eva, a brand designer & strategists from Portugal who helps business owners standout with bold, strategic & 100% unique branding.
  • [03:19] Eva shares about how we met the first time.
  • [06:11] Eva looks back at her past to know what she truly wants - finding her niche.
  • [10:51] To become a business owner, you have to be unique - stand out and step out of your comfort zone. Eva always likes to ask her clients the things they hate in their own industry as this gets them think differently.
  • [14:16] It’s hard to identify something special about ourselves because to say something good (about ourselves) is hard.
  • [15:20] Eva likes peeling layers off of her clients like an onion to dive deeper, get the frustrations and get to why they started a business.
  • [16:17] The little decisions that you take after the major ones are the ones that count for who you are and what your business will become.
  • [18:01] When you’re starting out, getting inspired by other people is normal but as you progress into your career, you become more confident as an expert in your craft and really start showing up as you.
  • [22:02] It’s normal to outgrow your brand because you evolve as a person and so your business too.
  • [24:34] Eva practices the exercise with her clients where she would ask them their personality. And when they struggle to describe themselves, she would tell them to ask others to answer for them.
  • [29:04] You may not connect with every one else but there will be one or two who will based on your stories, experience and background.
  • [33:17] The easiest way to translate your personality to into branding is through colors.
  • [36:06] Continue experimenting until you feel what color/branding feels right to you.
  • [44:04] Amplify your uniqueness by taking a look at things around you that you like. Think about what your values are in your business
  • [48:05] If you don’t talk about your brand, no one will know you exist.
  • [50:28] It’s not only about doing the internal work but also taking the internal work out and using it to promote business.
  • [52:38] Eva shares about her personal unique trait and brands that embrace her personality


Learn more about Eva

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