Time Collective

Welcome To Earth Stories

13-10-2022 • 28 mins

A Television set gives Delion glimpses into the future, will he use this knowledge to feed his gambling addiction or to save the world? Season 5, Episode 5 This story takes place in the 1930's when Televisions were a hot commodity. Owning a television was a symbol of wealth and status. Every family craved for a picture box even though the screen was small and the images were in black and white. There were only a couple of channels and the content was subpar but it was the latest and greatest technological achievement. Remember when Apple launched the IPhone in 2007. We marveled at its touch screen display and smooth edges. It could make calls, play music and even surf the web. However there was no Gmail, Facebook and other third party apps, you couldn't even cut and paste. This did not stop the average consumer from going ape crazy for the new device. A television was like an iPhone but on steroids. In this story Delion was trying to compete with his neighbor by buying a picture box and not just any old picture box but one that displays a window into the future. Special performance by Ichabod Ebenezer, follow him on Twitter @IchabodEbenezer Karin from Chaika podcast Author, Tiffany C Lewis from Beta Reader Bits podcast And the Head Instigator himself Timothy Kimo Brien from Create Art Podcast Special thanks to the lady with the golden voice, Shawntay from Ctamarketing.biz Earthling Studio Thinking about podcasting but you dread the thought of audio editing? Send me a DM on twitter @poeticearthling so we can have a 30 minute free zoom chat to see if my services are right for you. Sign up for our newsletter The Earthling Report, brief articles about the creative process and how you can become a creative genius. Welcometoearthstories.com Music by Epidemic Sound Please give back by buying me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/earthstories