ROTV #6: Into the Barrows

I Should Roll

26-08-2024 • 50 mins

I Should Roll: Ride of the Valkyrie, Episode Six

Into the Barrows

Zyn and company have survived their encounter with the Queen of Omega, and have come out of it with an assignment. After downing some liquid courage, they head to the slums. Uh, the…worse slums. The ghetto. The really bad part of Omega, okay? Sheesh.

cast, in order of vocal appearance:

Kaya Renwick - Narrator and NPCs

JD Kelly - Kache

Ché Grové - Titoh Raas

Chase Hutchison - Gratch

Hans Cummings - Zynamondan

I Should Roll is a production of the Intergalactic Improv Initiative. It is created by Kaya Renwick and produced by JD Kelly. Sound design and mixing by Dan Spitaliere and Kaya Renwick.

All music is used under either a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence, or the Pixabay Content Licence.

detailed scene credits:

Opening Credits: Future Loop, Aleksandr Karabanov/Muzaproduction, Pixabay; Quantum, Tim Beek

This One Would Never (Oops): Blippy Trance, Kevin MacLeod; Cut and Run, Kevin MacLeod

Well They Don't Look Friendly: Stormfront, Kevin MacLeod; SCP-x2x, Kevin MacLeod

Actually We're Super Friendly!: Fanfare for Space, Kevin MacLeod

Motia's Folly: Paralyzed by Fear, Tim Beek; Dark Atmosphere to Synth, Tim Beek; Ghost, Tim Beek

Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor: Dark Fog, Kevin MacLeod; The Undead, Tim Beek; Decline, Kevin MacLeod; Alien World, Tim Beek; The Basement, Tim Beek

End Credits: Quantum, Tim Beek