Collaboratory Conversations: Mattering and Learning Communities
This Collaboratory Conversations episode features a conversation between Karen Marcdante, Natalie May, Julie Haizlip, Dave Hatem, Jessica Quaintance, and others, about their team's collaboratories projects about feelings of mattering in medical education and training and the use of learning communities in undergraduate medical education. It was recorded as part of our March collaboratories program meeting. They update everyone on their progress and then talk together about the transformation of medical education. This podcast is brought to you by Medical College of Wisconsin. To learn more about MCW's transformative medical education, visit here: https://www.mcw.edu/education/medical-schoolHosts: Michael T. Braun, PhDGuests: Dr. Karen J. Marcdante, MD, professor of pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin (https://www.mcw.edu/departments/kern-institute/people/karen-j-marcdante-md)Dr. Natalie May, PhD, associate professor of research, School of Nursing, University of Virginia (https://www.nursing.virginia.edu/people/nlb7r/)Dr. Julie Haizlip, MD, MAPP, FNAP, clinical professor of nursing, School of Nursing, University of Virginia (https://www.nursing.virginia.edu/people/jah4ub/)Dr. Dave Hatem, professor of medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (https://www.umassmed.edu/learningcommunities/burncoat_house/house-faculty/mentors/hatem/)Dr. Jennifer Quaintance, PhD, associate research professor, Department of Biomedical and Health Informatics, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine (https://med.umkc.edu/dir/Quaintance-Jennifer/)Producer: Michael T. Braun