Purchasing Secrets

Interior Design Business

01-04-2023 • 25 mins

Have you ever had a job go sideways because a client wanted to get involved with the purchasing process?

There are ways to allow clients to make their own purchases if that’s what they really want to do, but it’s really important to know how to protect yourself in those situations because they can get messy if you’re not careful.

In this episode of the Interior Design Business podcast, I’m sharing my purchasing secrets with you.

I’m teaching you how to handle clients who insist on purchasing from retail stores, why you need to avoid hybrid purchasing, and what rules to follow and boundaries to set when it comes to purchasing.

Topics covered in this episode include:

  • When to let your client buy something from a retail store
  • Why I no longer use a “cost plus” model
  • How to avoid hybrid purchasing
  • Why you should never let a client do their own purchasing for a custom design

If you’re ready to put the fun back in purchasing, tune in!

I would love to connect on Facebook: facebook.com/InteriorDesignBusinessAcademy or Instagram: instagram.com/interiordesignbusinessacademy!

Show notes are available at https://interiordesignbusinessacademy.com.

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