Healthy Canadians

Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada

Welcome to the Healthy Canadians podcast – your space for nuanced conversations and expert insights on the health topics that matter to all of us. We’ll share practical information and resources for you and your family. Watch Healthy Canadians on YouTube or find us wherever you get your podcasts. We would like to respectfully acknowledge that this podcast is produced on the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe people. Pour écouter en français, cherchez : Canadiens en santé read less
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Here, There and Everywhere: Environmental Chemicals and Contaminants
Here, There and Everywhere: Environmental Chemicals and Contaminants
Every day, we are exposed to chemicals and pollutants - in our air, food and water. There are chemical substances in the products we use at work, at home and at play. While chemicals play an essential role in our daily lives, some chemical substances can negatively affect our health and the environment if poorly managed. Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman sit down with Tyler Pollock, PhD, Scientist with the Environmental Health Science and Research Bureau at Health Canada, to discuss lesser-known facts about environmental chemicals and contaminants. They chat about the chemicals that surround us, potential exposures, and how this all comes into play in our day-to-day lives. About the Canadian Biomonitoring Dashboard: Risk assessment of chemical substances: Environmental Contaminants: Exposure and health effects of chemicals: Human Biomonitoring of Environmental Chemicals: Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS): MIREC - A research study on early life exposure to environmental chemicals: Northern Contaminants Program:
Deep Breath, Deep Dive: Air Quality and Your Health
Deep Breath, Deep Dive: Air Quality and Your Health
Most people in Canada are exposed to air pollution every day while inside and outside their homes. Air pollution comes from a variety of sources, and even at low levels, has an impact on human health. Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman sit down with Angelos Anastasopolos, PhD, Scientist with the Water and Air Quality Bureau at Health Canada. They explore how air quality can affect our health and what we can do about it.  Learn more: Air pollution and air quality in Canada: Wildfire smoke, air quality and your health: Overview: Outdoor air pollution and health: Overview: Traffic and air quality: Driving change through research: Breathing easy in port cities: reducing the impact of marine shipping pollution: Greater Toronto Hamilton Area Transportation Strategy for air quality: Health impacts of traffic-related air pollution in Canada (PDF, 4.2 MB): Exposure to traffic-related air pollution in Canada: An assessment of population proximity to roadways (PDF, 2.2 MB):
Living with a Serious Illness (Part One): A Palliative Approach to Care
Living with a Serious Illness (Part One): A Palliative Approach to Care
Palliative care is a holistic approach that treats a person with serious illness of any age, and in any setting. In Part One of our two-part series on serious illness and palliative care we address some misconceptions around palliative care and shed light on what a palliative approach to care looks like in practice. Hosts Megan Beahen and Alex Newman chat with Dr. Samantha Winemaker, Palliative Care Physician, Associate Professor at McMaster University and Hsien Seow, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Palliative Care, Professor at McMaster University. Learn more below. Palliative care: Overview: Palliative care can help improve quality of life: Fact sheet: What to do when facing a serious illness: 3 sets of questions to ask your health care team: Waiting Room Revolution: Canadian Directory of Hospice Palliative Care Services: Infographic: Explore the full spectrum of palliative care: Caregiving and palliative care resource list: Advance care planning resources: