Distracted by Life - Making change within Yourself and your Relationships

Amal Candido

Hello, and thank you for joining us today at Distracted by Life. Our Podcast is all about making change within yourself and your relationships. We share conversations, stories and explore ideas coming from our lifelong journey of the high points but especially the low points where we learned to face our fears or cope with pain, loss, and failure. We do this on a discovery quest to establish patterns around our past and understand whether we are tripping up from our past or being held hostage by it. We work on identifying ways to move forward, aligning our core values, and unlocking the keys to self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-compassion, and letting go of what is not serving you positively in life. A better you is always there, ready to explore a new world! -----WEBSITES: Amalcandido.com MyEABlog.com -----BOOKS: https://amalcandido.com/books/

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