Becoming More After Cancer & Kidnapping w/ Florence Shaffer

The Ronan Levy Podcast

25-06-2024 • 1 hr 33 mins

This episode touches on something that honestly scares the living daylights out of me, and that is getting cancer at a ridiculously young age.

So why would I start the first official new episode of this podcast about longevity talking about early onset cancer?

When you hear Florence Shaffer’s story about the diagnosis giving her clarity and finding direction and meaning in the impermanence of life, you’ll understand.

Florence is a technology executive who has worked all over the world in beauty, luxury fashion, automotive, film, real estate, construction, healthcare and hospitality.

Her wide ranging experiences have led her to launch a new company called Becoming ( which focuses on the intersection between humanity and technology by making the world’s experts in various holistic wellness fields accessible to the masses.

This is one you won’t want to miss!

Head over to to connect with me on Instagram.

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