Dr. Emma Apatu - Bitcoin The Future Of Public Health & Money

The Your Life! Your Terms! Show

26-04-2024 • 57 mins

Dr. Emma Apatu is doing some very important work. She's taking her experience in public health and combining it with Bitcoin to explain how a sound form of money has the potential to be a great healer in society. On this episode of The Your Life! Your Terms! Show we chat about Emma's history in academia, her current focus on Bitcoin and public health and some of the projects she's now focusing on. You can learn more about Emma and her work at Dream Grad Academy, DreamGradAcademy.com and visit her other resources including her Bitcoin Magazine article below: www.bitcoinmentor.io https://bitcoinisbetter.org https://bitcoincoalition.ca https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/bitcoin-public-health-addressing-the-debt-money-crises-