John Zada - How the News Media is Warping Our Minds

The Your Life! Your Terms! Show

15-08-2023 • 1 hr 25 mins

John Zada is the author of the book, ‘Veils of Distortion: How the News Media Warps Our Minds’. He’s a lifelong journalist who’s worked as a news writer and producer at CBC News, and Al Jazeera and appeared in various publications such as the Globe & Mail, Toronto Star, The Guardian, National Geographic, the BBC, New York Post, and more. John explains how and why the news has become broken, by depicting our world through a tiny sample of dramatized events that are often far-removed from our experiences, thus warping our picture of reality. In this podcast, John walks us through how the newsroom works, to reveal these distorting 'veils’ and offers suggestions on how to mitigate the effects of this infotainment.

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