Andi Pitt & Nico Lechuga - Ego Death Capital & Investing Into Monetary Technology

The Your Life! Your Terms! Show

15-06-2022 • 1 hr

Andi and Nico have a great back story. They've both walked away from traditional investment banking roles into the world of Bitcoin. They remind me of some investors we would come across in the early 2000s. No one could quite figure out which technology would survive the tech crash but some investors had extreme confidence and changed the world with their moves into Amazon, and NetSuite. Today Ego Death Capital is poised to make some big moves of their own and on this episode of The Your Life! Your Terms! Show we hear their stories and learn their approach. You can learn more about Andi Pitt and Nico Lechuga at EgoDeath.Capital or on Twitter @nico_lechuga and @1andipitt

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