You can't come up with a SINGLE reason to be angry! | JLP Tue 8-27-24

The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

27-08-2024 • 3 hrs

JLP Tue 8-27-24 Country & Western Tuesday! Texas turning blue. Black judge cuffs black girl! Hr 1 Supers: BQ, Assignment, stay with it. JASON "sinned." LAUREN's "different"? Have anger? // Hr 2 LAUREN: Vengeful God? VICTOR trying to "save" his fiancée! RENE: TX turning blue? // Hr 3 Kamala yard signs. Judge cuffs 16yo sleeping girl. RENE: blue TX? RONNIE: Men cry? … Supers. BIANCA: A mother's discipline? BINIAM on judge. JAY's female therapist! // Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? Assignment: For one week, the only evil I want you to think about is your own. TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1: Most don't want to be better (0:05:54) Country & Western, Supers: Betas, Joel, Do the Monkey (0:15:45) Supers: Assignment, BQ, Family, Let life happen, Stay with it (0:27:17) JASON, FL, 1st, how to suffer; "sinned," lost peace — LONG BREAK (0:35:48) JASON's "deadly sins." Who are you? Mother? (0:41:28) JASON: July BQ: People don't believe in God, lay weapons down. (0:44:58) LAUREN, TX, 1st, BQ: "different" (0:51:15) LAUREN: Do you have anger? I get ticked. No. Irritated. HOLD (0:54:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:03:53) LAUREN: Why not drop anger? (1:08:45) LAUREN cries: Angry, no love. OT/NT: Vengeful God? (1:13:45) LAUREN: Sinner, or wiped away? (1:14:55) VICTOR, CA, 1st: How to find a church? (1:20:38) VICTOR: Forgiven mother? Perfect? Father's mother. (1:24:29) VICTOR, 21, Engaged. No sex 1-yr! Mama! Can't save her! For you! (1:31:36) JLP Network: Hake, Joel, Nick (1:35:15) VICTOR: Afraid of putting it off 1-year? Backlash? (1:40:52) VICTOR: Joel, Hake, Afraid of fiancée, 22, dad's ex's daughter (1:48:05) RENE, TX: Joel zipper shirt. Texas turning blue! HOLD (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:45) Kamala Harris yard signs (2:05:50) Detroit judge puts 16yo girl in cuffs for sleeping in court! (2:10:15) RENE: TX will go the way of CA. (2:12:50) RONNIE, OH: Waiting and seeing? USA gone? TX blue? (2:16:37) RONNIE on PunchieTV, Tyrese: "Black men cry." (2:21:43) MATTHEW, Canada… Were you called? Or chosen by God? (2:25:53) Supers… BQ, Mothers, Fathers, Jesse sings Billie Holiday (2:36:01) BIANCA, TX: Mothers discipline? (2:40:50) BIANCA: Texas, purple state: Coyote mama, suburbs (2:43:08) BINIAM, CA: Judge cuffs girl. Right? Mother. (2:49:49) JAY, CA: Female therapist! How to face victim mother, bro dad died. (2:55:34) Last Supers (2:56:07) Closing: Endure, endure, endure

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