The Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

Jesse Lee Peterson

"Uniting the races with truth instead of dividing them with lies" M-F 6-9am PT call-in: 888-775-3773 - Jesse's nonprofit, BOND: "Rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man" - read less


Ain't no white fed no black baby to no alligator | JLP Thu 9-5-24
Ain't no white fed no black baby to no alligator | JLP Thu 9-5-24
JLP Thu 9-5-24 Bible Thumper Thursday! "Gun control"? Where was God during slavery? Hr 1 Romans 12: 21… GA shooting: Blame the gun! TONY… ADAM: sadness, evil? BQ. Supers… // Hr 2 Supers: White shooter? ANNA: End times? DENNY: Neighbors fighting. MARY: My man changed. // Hr 3 Experts: Blame God for slavery? Calls on BQ. NIGEL, be alpha? MARCO: Be done w/ ex. ANDREW: Rich girl likes me. // Biblical Question: Do you know the truth? What is it? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 — disrupted start! (0:07:12) Bible Thumper Thursday (0:09:07) Rom 12: 21, Overcome evil with good (0:17:24) Shooting in GA: blame guns? (0:27:38) TONY, CA: Republican excuses! BREAK (0:33:25) TONY: Gun didn't do it! The person did it! (0:36:16) Hell working through people! Pills. (0:43:12) ADAM, WA: Grieving of ego is evil… BQ (0:50:54) Supers… Soul vs Spirit? (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:03:13) Bible Thumper Thursday (1:04:10) Supers: white shooter? Names. BQ. Sex/married? Natural medicine? (1:15:05) ANNA, Canada: End times? It is done. Upset by nasty daughter! (1:21:29) DENNY, Bulgaria: Hotel neighbors fighting. (1:25:30) MARY, Spain: Man won't buy me flowers. (1:32:17) TFS: Pastor Jameliah Gooden; PunchieTV (1:35:48) MARY's man losing interest? Angry. Jealousy? (1:43:09) MARY vs Experts: Jealousy good for marriage? Sex drug fading (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:04:54) Experts: Woman: Where was God during slavery? Alligator bait? (2:16:28) JOSH, GA, BQ: I believe but don't know (2:19:16) NICHOLAS, TX: BQ (2:22:25) NIGEL, NC: When you know you're alpha? Angry… BREAK (2:32:48) NIGEL wouldn't have heard JLP in the past. Practice being present. (2:38:37) MARCO, NY, 1st: Be done with ex. Just memories. Feelings are evil. (2:42:42) ANDREW, MN, 1st: Girl likes me, has "good values"? (2:50:46) ANDREW: Forgiven mother? "I think so…"? Preacher father (2:54:51) Supers… (2:57:25) Closing: Get on the straight and narrow
Your Misery is Coming from your mind and emotions… NOT THE ELECTION WHAT DA? | JLP Wed 9-4-24
2d ago
Your Misery is Coming from your mind and emotions… NOT THE ELECTION WHAT DA? | JLP Wed 9-4-24
JLP Wed 9-4-24 Hr 1 6-min late! Dumb students fighting! How to end a war. Illegal crime NYC! Call: RYAN depressed, needs mother to change? // Hr 2 RYAN needs mother for money? GABRIEL, forgive dad's killer. BRANDON hasn't forgiven father! Supers… // Hr 3 Hochul's DEI spy? "Racist" sign! Husband catches wife! MARY-ANNE crazy? JUSTIN rehab "harassment." // Biblical Question: Do you know the truth? What is it? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 — late start! (0:05:37) OK (0:09:40) Israel-Palestine protesters fighting: Living in imagination (0:19:11) Students fighting makes no sense! For control! Misery of life. (0:25:56) Best way to end a war: Stop fighting, lay your weapons down (0:33:30) Illegal crime NYC: Power/money, possession, no free will (0:41:12) RYAN, OK, 30s, depressed; Need mother to change? (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:03:03) RYAN: Need mother? Mondy. Pray: Reality. Forgive, father (1:12:53) GABRIEL, CA: Should I forgive my dad's killer? (1:21:22) GABRIEL: Surrender to the pain. Missing him? Stay out of imagination (1:32:58) BRANDON, NY, 1st: "Plantation." Mother. Forgiven father? No. Illegals (1:41:57) Supers: Lin Yen Chin, BQ, smoking, nacho baby, Reparations … (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:02:32) Manhood Hour (2:04:27) Former aid NY Gov Hochul, Chinese spy? DEI boss! (2:11:04) "Hate crime," "racist sign" in Denver: Bus, blacks, migrants (2:15:45) Husband catches wife "cheating" (2:18:40) MARY-ANNE, PA: Evil to leave husband? Take money? Work on you. (2:27:26) JUSTIN, AZ, 1st, 34, kicked out of rehab for s— harassment (2:31:25) Announcements: TFS Friday (2:35:15) JUSTIN: rehab, responsibility… needing "respect"? Forgave. (2:43:03) JUSTIN: Be free. Doubt every thought. (2:50:57) Supers: Dye? Evil
No one's in charge in America | JLP Tue 9-3-24
3d ago
No one's in charge in America | JLP Tue 9-3-24
JLP Tue 9-3-24 Country & Western Tuesday. Govt without leaders! Hr 1 No one in charge: Palestinian protest NYC. Calls… RUBEN forgave; praying; leading family. MONTRILLO: Rosa Parks // Hr 2 MONTRILLO: What's a plantation? JASON dreams! ARISTOTLE… MATTHEW, sad over father, wants children. JACOB: Ambitious… // Hr 3 CA Reparations! Kamala, kekeke. Calls: BILL: "Actualized." PHIL has a free will. SUPERS… Foiled armed robbery! RICK… // Biblical Question: Do you know the truth? What is it? TIMESTAMPS (0:19:11) HOUR 1 — LATE START (0:22:06) OK, BQ, Country & Western Tuesday (0:26:30) Palestinian protests, no one in charge of America (0:34:48) "Flood NYC for Gaza," used by enemies! Scary. Country asleep (0:42:30) More footage: Thrill. (0:44:53) Supers … Announcements (0:52:40) JOSEPH, UK, 1st: Thank you. Son born July! (0:54:11) RUBEN, IN: Forgave. Prayer. Evil inside. Anger. (1:02:20) RUBEN: Your wife is your daughter, you are her father. Pray. (1:08:56) MONTRILLO, GA, 1st: Rosa Parks?! HOLD (1:14:11) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:22:39) Country & Western Tuesday; Why not give it to the blacks? (1:24:17) MONTRILLO: Rosa Parks setup. What's a plantation? (1:32:00) JASON, NY: Plantation! US best? No, Japan. Dream: Prez? (1:39:00) ARISTOTLE, UK, 1st: Thx. BQ. Pray. "This side of Heaven"? (1:45:45) MATTHEW, TX, 1st: Forgave. Hostile father made fun of me. HOLD (1:50:50) Announcements (1:52:47) MATTHEW: Sad, 25, in imagination, wants a family, selfish, God in life? (2:11:00) JACOB, Miami, 1st, 19, rushing results. No competition. (2:14:11) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:21:54) Country & Western Tuesday! (2:23:21) Reparations in CA: Atoning for disparities! Govt against us! (2:33:00) Kamala for Reparations (2:36:05) BILL, TX, 1st: …"Actualized." Who are you? "Energy." (2:46:26) PHIL, MO: We have free will. HOLD (2:50:18) Announcements… (2:53:10) PHIL: "free will" smoking. (2:59:10) Supers: BQ, Be aware, free will (3:07:51) Foiled armed robbery: Man in a cowboy hat in store footage (3:10:54) RICK, Hampton, VA: Reparations! Trump at Arlington, Kamala (3:15:21) Closing: Get on straight and narrow, keep eyes on you
Two devils fighting one another | JLP Mon 9-2-24
4d ago
Two devils fighting one another | JLP Mon 9-2-24
JLP Mon 9-2-24 Female Monday! "Labor Day." Hr 1 Last BQ, new BQ. Priest slaps baby! Calls… Gf's mom spiked stepdad's drink! Supers… TIMOTHY: Doormat with 2nd wife? // Hr 2 Calls: TIMOTHY taking woman back?! … JOHN: Men think like women! … Supers… JAKE: human "love"? // Hr 3 TIMOTHY afraid of love, wants a woman. STORIES: Breonna Taylor. Ticked gal: Illegal homes. MANDY vs JOE on their "marriage." // Last Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? New BQ: Do you know the truth? What is it? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 Happy Communist Day (0:03:44) Stuck in space… Female Monday (0:06:42) Last BQ: Do you want to be different? Yes, but leave it blank. (0:10:41) Priest slaps baby during baptism … Later: Breonna Taylor (0:18:24) DEVIN, Canada, 1st: Define God? BLM ladies. (0:21:20) MATTHEW, GA, 1st: If we say we don't sin… (0:24:55) GABRIEL, CA, 1st: GF's mother spiked stepdad's drink (0:31:34) Announcements (0:35:33) Supers: Wait and See. Imagination is not seeing. (0:41:15) Supers: Woman needs a man to get to God? (0:48:25) TIMOTHY, VA, 1st: 2nd wife. "Love." Doormat? HOLD (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:04:02) TIMOTHY: Take woman back? Daughter sees he's weak! Beta! (1:07:32) TIMOTHY: 1st wife left me for best friend. Sons 16, 18. (1:09:22) TIMOTHY: In your weakness, don't let her back, and grow. (1:11:22) TIMOTHY: Forgive parents. No feeling to strength, only weakness. (1:16:52) AARON, MD: Bill Lockwood, role of women. BQ: Truth is God. (1:20:22) CONOR, MI… Bible thumper? Nice call (1:25:16) JOHN, NC: Go into details forgiving? Thinking like a woman! (1:31:12) Music, Announcements (1:33:20) JOHN: All men think like women! JLP: Truth doesn't change! (1:37:19) TERRI, OR, BQ: Truth manifested through me …? (1:43:37) Supers… BQ, Church, Assignment: Feel the thoughts (1:48:16) JAKE, CO, 1st: Human love is hate; Over a woman? HOLD (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:25) JAKE: Afraid of love… Not praying. Forgive. (2:13:07) Breonna Taylor's boyfriend got her killed! (2:23:39) Ticked woman: Illegal home loans! (2:27:25) MANDY, MD, 1st: Husband, mother-in-law problems. HOLD (2:31:37) Announcements: PunchieTV (2:34:52) MANDY: DV arrest! Won't submit with MIL involved! He trusts her! (2:40:24) MANDY: JOE in jeep, explains his side (2:48:01) MANDY vs JOE arguing… (2:50:15) MANDY, JOE: This marriage is over. Hell. Two devils fighting (2:55:15) Supers (2:56:31) Closing: Stop fighting! Lay your weapons down. Mandy and Joe!
Men's History Month: John Wayne; GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST FRIDAY! | JLP Fri 8-30-24
1w ago
Men's History Month: John Wayne; GET IT OFF YOUR CHEST FRIDAY! | JLP Fri 8-30-24
JLP Fri 8-30-24 Get-it-off-your-chest Friday! Callers with marriage trouble. John Wayne! Hr 1 GUEST: Don Grundmann of Straight Pride. CLIPS: Kamala-Walz CNN interview. SUPERS: Thursday. Calls: LINDSEY: Frustrated. SHANNON: Angry. // Hr 2 SHANNON: Sacrifice anger. Israelite! SEAN: Ambition. STORY: Anti-Israel vandalism, Cornell U. SUPERS: Disavow. SEAN: Wife won't obey… // Hr 3 CLIP: Trump at 34. SEAN confused, looking for advice. MEN'S HISTORY: John Wayne. CALLS: TINA: Sean; CONOR dating. Supers. DELLA on 4yo. // Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:03:46) Express Yourself Friday! (0:05:41) Don Grundmann, Straight Pride, PPFA, Kamala (0:15:51) Kamala-Walz on CNN: Illegals. War vet? Biden. (0:24:12) Supers from Bible Thumper Thursday! BQ… (0:33:54) LINDSEY, OH: Frustrated. Forgave. TX blue. (0:41:22) JLP: Sacrifice everything you think is important. (0:42:45) SHANNON, TX: I'm spiritual. Husband not. Anger, love? (0:47:44) SHANNON: Forgiven mother? Don't talk to her. Judgmental. (0:51:51) SHANNON: Don't have relationship with father — HOLD (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:02:15) Wherever you are… Get it off your chest! (1:05:31) SHANNON: Sacrifice your anger, don't try to please anyone (1:08:36) SHANNON, Israelite! We really follow the Bible. No peace (1:15:28) SEAN, Spain: Ambitious person is evil; Mediocre life? (1:18:44) Anti-Israel agitators, Cornell U (1:24:57) Super: Hake disavows; BQ; Assignment; LYC; Forgiveness (1:35:33) SEAN, CA: Wife trip with unmarried woman? Work on you. (1:42:15) SEAN, 49, remarried, prior kids. Why be married? "Love" HOLD (1:54:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:02:31) JLP sings: Express Yourself! (2:04:18) JLP: No such thing as a good person. (2:05:48) Trump at 34 (2:08:03) SEAN: Wife bored, disobeying. Confused in JLP advice. (2:17:24) SEAN vs Nick, Joel, Hake. JLP: Wait and see! (2:31:27) Announcements: Labor Day (2:32:52) SEAN: If she doesn't listen, next step? Joel's shirt (2:36:44) Men's History Moment: John Wayne (2:45:09) TINA, MT, 1st, re: Sean as a man (2:47:07) CONOR, MI, 1st, never dated a "godly woman" (2:49:11) Supers: Let thoughts go. Caller Sean, BQ … (2:53:49) DELLA, VA: 4yo on cemetery (2:55:07) Closing with network (2:56:52) When you don't know what to do, do nothing. God is with you.
What happened to you? Venezuelan takeover! | JLP Thu 8-29-24
What happened to you? Venezuelan takeover! | JLP Thu 8-29-24
JLP Thu 8-29-24 Bible Thumper Thursday! What's wrong with you? Voting your own destruction! Evil hearts! Hr 1 [Music interludes] What happened to you? Kamala. Venezuela gang in CO. // Hr 2 …Supers. Calls: KAYA update! DENESHA, lonely in Atlanta; forgive mother! HUNTER in Colorado with Venezuelans! // Hr 3 Calls… AARON: Know for yourself. WYATT: Pray without words. … PHILIP: questions. Supers… RICKY: Venezuelans! // Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 — LATE START (0:10:30) Bible Thumper Thursday: False gods (0:15:26) Govt you deserve. What happened to you? Fear. LONG BREAK (0:36:44) What's wrong with you? Waiting. Borders wide open. (0:46:52) Clip: Venezuelan gang takes over Colorado (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:02:40) Bible Thumper JLP sings: "I got the Holy Ghost…" (1:03:45) You love the thrill of pain: Relationships, voting (1:09:37) Supers. Stay with it. BQ. Mothers. Trump bad?! Vote destruction (1:20:50) KAYA, NC: Kids' father died. Prayer, faltering. BREAK (1:34:09) KAYA: BQ (1:35:19) DENESHA, Atlanta, 1st: Lonely individual amid sex, liberalism (1:44:34) DENESHA, afraid to forgive "sweet" mother. Chew you up, spit you out! (1:51:39) HUNTER, CO, 1st: Venezuelans here. HOLD (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:19) HUNTER: Govt brought them in! (2:09:21) AARON, MD: John 8, Jesus… Prayer looking up. BQ (2:15:56) WYATT, WA: BQ. Why no speaking prayer? (2:18:13) RON, TX: God creates evil. (2:20:55) PHILIP, Sweden: If you could go back… You talk about my life. BREAK (2:34:06) PHILIP: God will control you, give you words. Heart is evil. (2:41:25) Supers: JLP sings "Two Lovers." "If" poem: NT. BQ… more to come! (2:48:07) RICKY, TX, 1st: Ennis race track, Venezuelans party. Haitians. (2:51:51) LINDSEY, OH: Frustrated at children! Forgive mother. Heart change (2:55:24) Closing: Work on you, your problems inside you
You can't come up with a SINGLE reason to be angry! | JLP Tue 8-27-24
You can't come up with a SINGLE reason to be angry! | JLP Tue 8-27-24
JLP Tue 8-27-24 Country & Western Tuesday! Texas turning blue. Black judge cuffs black girl! Hr 1 Supers: BQ, Assignment, stay with it. JASON "sinned." LAUREN's "different"? Have anger? // Hr 2 LAUREN: Vengeful God? VICTOR trying to "save" his fiancée! RENE: TX turning blue? // Hr 3 Kamala yard signs. Judge cuffs 16yo sleeping girl. RENE: blue TX? RONNIE: Men cry? … Supers. BIANCA: A mother's discipline? BINIAM on judge. JAY's female therapist! // Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? Assignment: For one week, the only evil I want you to think about is your own. TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1: Most don't want to be better (0:05:54) Country & Western, Supers: Betas, Joel, Do the Monkey (0:15:45) Supers: Assignment, BQ, Family, Let life happen, Stay with it (0:27:17) JASON, FL, 1st, how to suffer; "sinned," lost peace — LONG BREAK (0:35:48) JASON's "deadly sins." Who are you? Mother? (0:41:28) JASON: July BQ: People don't believe in God, lay weapons down. (0:44:58) LAUREN, TX, 1st, BQ: "different" (0:51:15) LAUREN: Do you have anger? I get ticked. No. Irritated. HOLD (0:54:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:03:53) LAUREN: Why not drop anger? (1:08:45) LAUREN cries: Angry, no love. OT/NT: Vengeful God? (1:13:45) LAUREN: Sinner, or wiped away? (1:14:55) VICTOR, CA, 1st: How to find a church? (1:20:38) VICTOR: Forgiven mother? Perfect? Father's mother. (1:24:29) VICTOR, 21, Engaged. No sex 1-yr! Mama! Can't save her! For you! (1:31:36) JLP Network: Hake, Joel, Nick (1:35:15) VICTOR: Afraid of putting it off 1-year? Backlash? (1:40:52) VICTOR: Joel, Hake, Afraid of fiancée, 22, dad's ex's daughter (1:48:05) RENE, TX: Joel zipper shirt. Texas turning blue! HOLD (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:45) Kamala Harris yard signs (2:05:50) Detroit judge puts 16yo girl in cuffs for sleeping in court! (2:10:15) RENE: TX will go the way of CA. (2:12:50) RONNIE, OH: Waiting and seeing? USA gone? TX blue? (2:16:37) RONNIE on PunchieTV, Tyrese: "Black men cry." (2:21:43) MATTHEW, Canada… Were you called? Or chosen by God? (2:25:53) Supers… BQ, Mothers, Fathers, Jesse sings Billie Holiday (2:36:01) BIANCA, TX: Mothers discipline? (2:40:50) BIANCA: Texas, purple state: Coyote mama, suburbs (2:43:08) BINIAM, CA: Judge cuffs girl. Right? Mother. (2:49:49) JAY, CA: Female therapist! How to face victim mother, bro dad died. (2:55:34) Last Supers (2:56:07) Closing: Endure, endure, endure
Men Lead and Women Follow | JLP Mon 8-26-24
Men Lead and Women Follow | JLP Mon 8-26-24
JLP Mon 8-26-24 Female Monday. RFK. Experts. Kamala. Chad O. Jackson! Callers include a black Willis! // Hr 1 Late start… RFK Jr endorses Trump! EXPERTS: Could Kamala win? Nasty criticism: blacks vs whites // Hr 2 SEAN taking care of grandma! GUEST: Chad O. Jackson of Uncle Tom II, men, entrepreneurship, leaving mama, blacks, socialism… // Hr 3 WILLIS: whites to blame! Love them? Know God? SUPERS, CALLS, Supers, Calls, Supers… // New Biblical Question: Do you want to be different? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 — LATE START (0:07:56) … BQ, Female Monday, Church! (0:13:26) RFK endorsed Trump! Kennedys' background (0:23:10) RFK's right on food, obesity: black women! BREAK (0:33:31) RFK: Family public criticism! (0:37:34) Experts: Kamala no-interview win? — Joel red eyes, roller skating (0:50:46) Experts: Nasty criticism, black vs white, Dem vs Trump (0:54:50) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:03:36) SEAN, Spain, 1st, 28: great call about beliefs (1:11:22) SEAN: Taking care of grandma? Live your life; you're a man! (1:14:09) SEAN on dreams: Ambition vs expectation? Drop both! (1:15:46) GUEST: Chad O. Jackson, Uncle Tom, men (1:18:24) Chad Jackson: Entrepreneurs vs YouTubers (1:23:42) Chad Jackson: Men not moving out of mama's… BREAK (1:32:40) Chad Jackson: Uncle Tom III? MLK, blacks, socialism (1:41:16) Chad Jackson: Kamala win? Jussie Smollett, 2020 (1:47:21) Chad Jackson: RFK for Trump? Look like MLK! … (1:49:56) WILL, NY, 1st: animosity to blacks, tough love (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:36) WILL/WILLIS! whites more welcome than black, equal opportunities (2:07:56) WILL: Who are you? Love white people? Believe in God? (2:14:46) Supers… Whipped bro. Dogs: Lady Gaga's fault? Created to serve? (2:23:01) TONY, MA: Stay with it. Gal's husband died: Take it slow. (2:25:32) CARLOS, FL, 1st: Thx… (2:30:25) Announcements: PunchieTV 2 PM PT (4 CT / 5 ET), Nick (2:33:27) CARLOS: Complainers? (2:34:51) "MURPHY" or Humphrey, NY, 1st: "Praise the Lord"? Evangelize (2:39:42) "MURPHY": Be of God and have anger? The fact I'm trying… (2:41:11) Supers: Tithing. Don't think about seeing. Marriage. RFK wife. (2:47:11) VINCE, PA, 1st: Women 24/7 in family: The glue of the family? (2:49:06) MARY-ANNE, PA: Husband complains! (2:51:56) FRITZ, FL: Women obeying the man? (2:53:10) Supers… Closing
Were they created to serve them? | JLP Fri 8-23-24
Were they created to serve them? | JLP Fri 8-23-24
JLP Fri 8-23-24 Get-it-off-your-chest Friday! Created to serve? MHM: Theodore Roosevelt! Hr 1 Tax-funded group: $30K for non-citizens! JOSH: BQ; blacks created to serve whites? Supers… // Hr 2 JAY: TX going blue. SARAH: Mother turned me into her. Trump's life threatened. JESSE: sleep scared. // Hr 3 Men's History: Theodore Roosevelt! KENNY got neutered! Supers… Joel: Created to serve? JAZZ disobeys boyfriend… Supers… // Biblical Question: What's going on on Earth? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:04:27) Express Yours Friday: Grandmothers raising children, selfish mothers (0:06:59) Go within, live from there. Have no fear. (0:09:57) Tax-funded group: $30K to non-citizens. CA, OR, TX turning blue (0:20:20) JOSH, GA, BQ: Good, bad, ugly, walking on water (0:23:32) JOSH believes blacks created by God to serve whites (0:32:02) Announcements… TFS, Anthony Rogers… (0:35:16) Hake/Josh, SUPERS: Ronnie, Anchor Baby, BQ, thinking/seeing (0:50:15) JAMES, SD: BQ; thoughts going crazy (0:55:00) NEWS … HOUR 2 (1:02:39) Express Yourself: Joel term "boss babes." (1:05:55) JAY, TX: Colombian at DNC; Texas turning blue. Fighting back? (1:15:43) SARAH, MS: Wisdom. Prayer. (1:21:36) SARAH: Know thyself. Mother turned me into herself. (1:32:00) Announcements: PunchieTV, Uncle Tom II free on YT! (1:35:40) Concerned for Trump: Man in custody who threatened his life. (1:41:00) JESSE, MN, 1st: Sleep scared, wake up in a rut (1:43:58) JESSE: Why haven't you dropped anger? NGMI, trying to write a book (1:48:55) JESSE: Just like your mother! She tries! Forgive (1:50:50) Supers… whites, Noise and lies in my head, Irish, (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:04:35) Men's History: Theodore Roosevelt, thank you! (2:14:25) They don't make 'em like that anymore. (2:15:25) KENNY, CO, 1st: You right on custody fights (2:19:10) KENNY: If you want to win, stop fighting. Got neutered! (2:21:50) KENNY on BQ: Pure hell. Was a boxer. (2:24:17) Supers: Be that as it may. JLP Donahue. Slap! (2:31:44) Announcements (2:34:41) Joel's shirt, Nick's (2:38:07) Joel: created to serve? Black quarterbacks? Michael Jordan? (2:44:50) JAZZ, MN, 1st, boyfriend told me to call. Issues… Disobeys. (2:47:15) JAZZ: Forgave mother! Drop the anger. GWH! (2:52:13) Supers: Mixed foster kids? Whites pushed around, etc. (2:57:28) Closing
Government: Evil people like you want power | JLP Thu 8-22-24
Government: Evil people like you want power | JLP Thu 8-22-24
JLP Thu 8-22-24 Bible Thumper Thursday! Hr 1 Prov 3: 5-6, govt into power: Evil people like you. Iran gov't as bad as ours! Allahu Akbar people turning Christian! // Hr 2 … Calls…JOE: Num 5: 27. DAVID: Stay with it. LUIS: Beta living with parents, afraid to leave. Supers… Kamala has nothing to offer! // Hr 3 Ten Commandments. Woman pastors. AUSTIN conflict: black dad, white women. Supers… Praying dog. FE Bible? Calls… IAN can't forgive himself. // Biblical Question: What is going on on Earth? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:05:16) Bible Thumper Thursday! Proverbs 3: 5-6 (0:07:46) They won't let go of power. Govt are evil like you. (0:23:41) Prov 3: 5-6, Let go; Who directs your path? Acknowledge (0:29:03) Iran govt as bad as ours, or worse! BREAK (0:31:28) Announcements: The Fallen State: Anthony Rogers… (0:36:01) Evil hearts! Fake smiles! Govt been evil! (0:42:01) Allahu Akbar people turning Christian! Iran govt mad! (0:52:31) Jesus never had human anger. Stop trying to make a relationship work! (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:01:01) The govt get orders from Satan! Bible Thumper! (1:07:36) JOE, MA: Numbers 5: 27, jealousy? Last BQ: Think about others? (1:14:11) DAVID, FL: Stay with it. BQ. (1:17:50) LUIS, GA, 1st, afraid to move out of parents'! (1:24:51) LUIS, 20, what's it like with mama's breakfast? Hispanic family. BREAK (1:32:53) LUIS, Ask dad, why didn't you love me enough to prepare…? Date? (1:36:06) LUIS, forgave parents, scary, depressed, insecure, anxious (1:46:41) Supers… "Momala" Kamala. Apologize. GW Hope… (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:16) LA Gov Jeff Landry: 10 Commandments, don't like it? Don't look! (2:06:36) John MacArthur: Women pastors are a disgrace (2:09:09) AUSTIN, FL, 1st, Dad Dr. Umar fan: pay rent if I date white women! (2:12:35) AUSTIN: Dad Obama fan, voting Kamala? I'm for Trump. Forgive! Move! (2:18:39) Supers: Thoughts in Melbourne. BQ. DJT, Govt. MJ? FE? (2:31:13) PunchieTV (2:33:15) Dog prays before meals (2:39:18) Bible: Earth flat or round? (2:42:31) ANNA, Canada: Praying aloud? (2:44:46) IAN, CT, 1st: Emotionally abusive to wife; Sex past crushed me. (2:47:57) IAN: I'm scary-angry with kids, can't forgive myself. It's not you. (2:55:56) Closing: You're possessed! Cruel to self and others…
A Deal with the Devil! | JLP Wed 8-21-24
A Deal with the Devil! | JLP Wed 8-21-24
JLP Wed 8-21-24 A deal with the Devil! Hr 1 Doug Emhoff praises Kamala. Neighbor kills man by yard. SERG: Daughters leave home? RENE: Entertainers sold their souls. JADEN, hold. // Hr 2 JADEN: Emotional deception in sales. OVIDIU: Thoughts, emotions. Supers… RAY: Judging an illusion. DANIEL: Wife hates the new real me. // Hr 3 It's cold! Manhood Hour. DANIEL welcomes truth. GALAHAD: BQ. ANNE MARIE (sp): Drop hope. BINIAM: Why Trump a great hope? Supers… CONOR: Dem family. BLAKE: Great polos. JOSHUA: More aware alone. // Biblical Question: What is going on on Earth? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:04:16) JLP: Spiritual battle. Govt lies, pushes fear, does nothing. (0:12:22) Doug Emhoff praises mama and Kamala: "blended family" (0:21:16) Evil encouraged: Neighbor allegedly murders man (0:31:35) Alpha Jerky, Hake, Joel, Nick (0:35:06) SERG, TX: Daughters leave at 18? (0:38:36) RENE, TX: Why celebrities liberal? Deal with the Devil! (0:41:21) RENE: All human beings want power. DNC for abortion (0:44:11) You're not in control. (0:47:31) JADEN, CA: Fear… door-to-door sales… (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:02:53) Raise daughters well. Good old days, they'd stay home. (1:04:21) JADEN: Cries as a salesman. Sell with the aura of God. (1:07:26) OVIDIU, Romania: Overcome thoughts. 99-pct white. Gypsies? (1:16:41) OVIDIU: Prayer. Emotion: Don't call it you. Endure. (1:20:55) Supers: BQ, Counseling, Actors' politics, Watching thoughts? BREAK (1:33:26) RAY, NJ, 1st: spectacular show yesterday. It's all an illusion. (1:35:21) RAY: Devils hate human beings, but say they love you! Friendly evil (1:38:01) RAY: I'm judging an illusion. Don't know possessed: All an act. (1:41:31) DANIEL, TX: Wife thinks me the problem; Quiet confidence, prayer (1:46:35) DANIEL: Wife wants to leave or psychologist. (1:51:35) DANIEL: Nothing more important than the truth. Let her go. HOLD (1:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:02:06) Are you cold? Hake! MANHOOD HOUR: Throwback (2:06:06) DANIEL: Don't try to convince wife. Let 15yo son. It's clear. (2:11:51) JLP: Invite the truth in. (2:12:23) GALAHAD, NY: BQ (2:16:56) ANNE MARIE, CA… optimistic? (2:21:18) ANNE MARIE: Drop your hope. Hope is for dopes. (2:22:41) ANNE MARIE: Perfect peace. Masses have fear. (2:24:16) ANNE MARIE: Heart attack… (2:27:30) BINIAM, CA, 1st: GWH? Our hope is in God! HOLD (2:31:31) PunchieTV… Nick's baby coming home. (2:34:41) BINIAM: Why is Trump a great hope? God, send great leaders. (2:38:46) BINIAM is a leader, engineer, African, God's will (2:42:21) Supers: BQ. Mercy or Grace? Women, weak men, Color Purple (2:47:11) Supers: Most don't want out. We sick. Gypsies… (2:48:51) CONOR (sp), Chicago: Dem family, Dad voting Kamala? Darkness. (2:51:29) Oops, I hung up on Jay! (2:52:21) BLAKE, OH, 1st: Doing great. Love your polo shirts. (2:53:06) JOSHUA, WA, 1st: Why easier to be aware alone? Unconscious. BQ (2:54:46) JAY, CA, 1st: call tomorrow! Sorry! (2:55:36) Closing: Work on you.
DNC Neuter Bus Arrives? Democrats Love Police? | JLP Tue 8-20-24
DNC Neuter Bus Arrives? Democrats Love Police? | JLP Tue 8-20-24
JLP Tue 8-20-24 Country & Western Tuesday! Police for me, not for thee! Mobile "death" clinic! Hr 1 MARY-ANNE drives her husband crazy. Stop arguing. THEN: Biden DNC speech lies. SUPERS… // Hr 2 DNC protest, Chicago crime. Calls: MIKE's kids. UMSO tired, gf. (DNC neuter bus!) SUPERS… // Hr 3 Possessed: TikToker stole $1.2M! JOEL reacts… Angry girlfriend, wife! NICOLAS, bald, on gf, judging mother… // New Biblical Question: What's going on on Earth? TIMESTAMPS: (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:05:38) Country & Western Tuesday, s/o Hassan's dog, Pete from AK (0:06:55) MARY-ANNE, PA, 1st: husband not normal, kids, wanna leave (0:13:13) MARY-ANNE, what are YOU doing wrong? (0:17:08) MARY-ANNE driving him crazy, work on you (0:22:43) MARY-ANNE, worry about kids, "love"; Don't clean? Demons love (0:31:48) Announcements… PunchieTV, Cameo! (0:34:38) MARY-ANNE, stop arguing, lay your weapons down (0:38:08) Biden DNC lies: Very fine people on both sides: Gaza protesters! (0:43:53) JLP: You don't know how lost you are! DNC Protests (0:45:28) Supers: Goals, Watch thoughts? Decision? Women, BQ, Holy Spirit (0:52:33) NICK, WI, 33, 1st: our community, HOLD (0:54:50) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:01:28) BQ: Flat or round Earth? … My country lies over the ocean… (1:07:43) Human beings fight for power (1:10:48) NICK: Racism exists in all races… "Our community"… (1:21:18) JLP: Some want to wake up. Most don't. Can't save others or yourself! (1:23:48) DNC protests, abortion activists, funny chant (1:31:28) Announcements… JLP books! (1:34:33) DNC: Chicago businesses boarded up: Crime for thee, Police for me! (1:38:02) MIKE, CA, kids: Have an amazing day! (1:39:33) UMSO, South Africa, trying to help girlfriend. DROPPED (1:42:43) DNC abortion, vasectomy bus (1:46:13) UMSO, never work on a relationship! You were messed up already! (1:48:31) Death clinics. SUPERS: Arnold Schwarzenegger. Marvin Gaye on BQ (1:54:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:13) Possessed: Think you're in love! Looking to Demons to guide you! (2:09:18) Possessed: TX woman stole $1.2M, spent it on TikTok! JOEL, NICK (2:16:38) Experts: Girlfriend mad in arcade; Signs wife is mad! No shame! (2:25:43) Joel on JLP's glasses: Racist cop vibes. Red eyes from skating rink (2:31:48) NICOLAS, Sweden, 1st, bald, not WS, mother "forgiving" (2:36:38) NICOLAS: Thoughts! Possessed, suicide! How to get over Ex-gf (2:44:08) NICOLAS: Mother aborted sibling. Judging her, you're worse! Pray. (2:49:53) NICOLAS, age 23, not yet 24, school, no job (2:52:33) Last Supers (2:56:28) Closing
Fearful People are the Easiest to Control | JLP Mon 8-19-24
Fearful People are the Easiest to Control | JLP Mon 8-19-24
JLP Mon 8-19-24 Female Monday! Hr 1 Govt controls you with fear: Monkeypox! JD Vance's Boeing plane grounded! Calls: PRESSLEY, GAYLE busy mind. Supers // Hr 2 Supers… EUGENE demons, EMMANUEL on sugar, J: Worth dating? // Hr 3 J got played by an older married woman! Pablo never voted! Supers… // TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 — Female Monday (0:05:26) Church… HOLD ON (0:08:41) Working on yourself: Stay with it. (0:11:11) Perfect peace (0:12:01) Crumble in fear, controlled by govt: War, disease, "Mpox" (0:18:26) Clip: Monkeypox report … Why? (0:22:27) JD Vance's Boeing plane grounded. DEI? USA not coming back (0:31:30) Spiritual battle: Evil spirits hate you, mad at God (0:33:51) PRESSLEY, NC, 1st, empty nest, sons grown; father murdered (0:37:16) PRESSLEY: Silent prayer, noisy mind, don't call it you, don't argue (0:40:21) GAYLE, PA: males in family refuses to forgive. JLP sunglasses (0:46:41) JLP: Evil can only live in people who have anger. (0:47:57) JLP sings with his sunglasses (0:48:49) Supers: Boyfriend's phone, impractical vs practical thoughts (0:55:00) NEWS … HOUR 2 (1:03:16) Female Monday, You ain't nothing but a hound dog! (1:04:31) Supers: Lizzy cusses, So emotional, Wild dog? (1:09:46) Supers: Soul lost till return to father. Paranoia movie … (1:15:26) Supers: No goals, no plans; JD Vance (1:18:46) Supers: Ego pain not you, Hake, Nick; Prayer; Gf; Sunglasses (1:24:37) EUGENE, GA, 1st, demons, body-shaking, quit medication … (1:31:17) Announcements… PunchieTV (1:34:23) EUGENE: Scary demons in me at work. Doctors. Prayer lights. (1:40:35) EMMANUEL, Canada: Cold turkey, sugar, JLP cut stealing sugarcane (1:45:19) EMMANUEL: Mpox scare, body parasites, thoughts on pot (1:50:56) J, MI: Worth dating nowadays? (1:55:00) NEWS … HOUR 2 (2:03:14) J dated a married older woman and got played! GREAT CALL! (2:24:02) PABLO, GA, 1st: Church of Satan Maga, Donald Trump, elites: Hake (2:31:32) Announcements: PunchieTV, Cameo, Joel mending broken hearts (2:34:14) PABLO reading too much into it! Classic overthinker; blacks in Georgia (2:35:00) PABLO never voted; flinging brass, not ballots; come out of imagination (2:43:11) PABLO: Waiting for Revelation? It's already here! Living from within (2:46:06) Supers: Punchie nickname, Meds, women baptizing, Pray, Forgive a cheater (2:50:43) RIP Phil Donahue, passed on at 88 (2:52:24) BRANDI, HI: Vote anyway! (2:54:36) Closing: You are your world
Breastfeeding Secret Service?? And You Wanna Call ME Crazy? | JLP Fri 8-16-24
Breastfeeding Secret Service?? And You Wanna Call ME Crazy? | JLP Fri 8-16-24
JLP Fri 8-16-24 Get-It-Off-Your-Chest Friday! Hr 1 Order of God can't change! Secret Service breastfeeding! SHANT's grown "kids" don't like him! JULIE on BQ. Supers… // Hr 2 Supers… GREG, distant from 30yo son. His wife says she obeys! TERRY's ex-wife keeps his son unhealthy. Mother takes her side! … // Hr 3 EXPERTS: J.D. Vance's mother-in-law raised his kids, not his working wife! Rachel Duffy lies about grandparents! CALLS… Nice guys, BQ. Biracial, left out... JAMES: Forgive father, mother // Biblical Question: Why do you think about other people? (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:04:32) Women's Forum! Express Yourself! World a mess! (0:09:32) Order to life: Men over women, Pretending women can lead (0:16:55) Female Secret Service breastfeeding; Lil Olympics all women (0:23:27) SHANT, CA: Adult "kids" don't like me (0:27:49) SHANT don't wanna abandon grown adults! Need companionship (0:31:56) Announcements: The Fallen State, Church (0:34:34) SHANT children from previous marriage, remarried (0:40:57) SHANT new wife "obeys." Forgiving parents… (0:43:24) SHANT ask, ask! … not trying to please wife… living in the present (0:47:28) JULIE, CT, BQ, think about husband, others, distraction (0:50:48) Supers: Ex-gf/mother? Reflexes? Can't help anyone? (0:55:00) NEWS … HOUR 2 (1:03:05) Express Yourself! Supers: Do what YOU want. Ladies! Men crying. (1:10:50) GREG, WA, 1st, distant from son, mothers jealous of fathers (1:13:32) GREG: Don't make a relationship work! 30yo son! (1:18:27) GREG: Does your wife obey you? "Yes!" Wife, stop being so bad! Aloha (1:24:42) TERRY, TX, should I take her to court for custody? Save your money! (1:31:43) Announcements: PunchieTV ep Mon 2 PM PT; Women's Forum; Church (1:35:28) TERRY: Son's mother, don't play. Unhealthy boy! Thrill. No love. (1:38:52) TERRY: Father in prison, I'm disappointed. (1:41:02) TERRY: Ex-wife reminds me of mom! Face your mother. Queen of Hell (1:48:58) TERRY on BQ: IDEK, I don't even know! New wife, happy he drives! (1:52:05) Experts intro, NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:04:47) "Accepted Jesus"? JD Vance MIL, kids; Rachel Campos-Duffy (2:10:27) Experts react: Mama, family, Vance, Sean Duffy wife… (2:17:02) JLP stunned JD let his wife not raise his child! Duffy a liar! Grandparents (2:25:32) SERG, TX: Nice guys far from God, I noticed it in me (2:31:01) Announcements (2:34:51) JOE, VA, 1st, BQ, people have souls (2:37:11) GREG, CT, 1st, biracial: "I feel left out." (2:42:39) JAMES, SD, 1st: … Apologize for judging father. (2:46:21) JAMES, 25: Why angry at father? … Forgiven mother? No. Pray. (2:51:02) Supers: Eph 4: 31-32, all possessed. … (2:55:45) Closing: Forgive, you shall be forgiven
African Muslim, Mormon Israelite… Way Too Diverse | JLP Thu 8-15-24
African Muslim, Mormon Israelite… Way Too Diverse | JLP Thu 8-15-24
JLP Thu 8-15-24 Bible Thumper Thursday! Hr 1 Kamala lying, evil human nature! 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35, never try to please your wife! Calls: JADEN is Mormon, great call! JASON on BQ. Super… // Hr 2 Supers… "Just my imagination…" Calls: NOAH: African Muslim! JARRON: Forgave! Was difficult! ANNA: Mothers and church. ARI: Olive Israelite. // Hr 3 Jesus given vinegar. SHAE: Wars, Israel. JUSTIN cheated. BRANDI: BQ. SERGIO: prison. Evil black preacher for immigration; migrant R—... // Biblical Question: Why do you think about other people? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:03:08) If you're dumping your kids in Hell… Bible Thumper Thursday! (0:07:53) Human beings are evil! Kamala Harris trying to deceive voters! (0:17:04) Males concerned about marriage forget about God! (0:23:00) 1 Corinthians 7: 32-35, trying to please your wife, husband (0:28:33) JLP sings, Such a sad way to live. You're being controlled. BREAK (0:32:03) Women's Forum! Punchie.TV (0:34:18) JADEN, CA: tried to save trans friend; "My Lord and my God" (0:48:13) JASON, Buffalo, BQ: Human nature, compare self to others (0:52:30) Super: Lin Yen Chin on race, species, ethni (0:55:00) NEWS… HOUR 2 (1:03:08) Bible Thumper Thursday (1:03:56) Hake's shirt, Joel's birthday: He was late (1:15:18) Supers: BQ, Morgan Freeman, we sing "Just my imagination" (1:24:33) NOAH, WA, African Muslim, sorry! Israel, Jews, Allahu Akbar (1:33:23) JARRON, MO, 1st: Forgave father, mother… hard! (1:38:27) ANNA, Canada, mothers destroy their children, and take them to church (1:43:58) ARI, Canada, BQ, olive Israelite (1:47:38) ARI: Do you love the Jews? The whites? God? Enemies? Seen God? (1:52:03) SHAE, AR, HOLD (1:54:00) NEWS… HOUR 3 (2:03:03) Jesus given vinegar: Cruel or merciful? Bitterness of humanity (2:08:28) SHAE: Wars for money. Blessing Israel? Working on yourself? (2:13:18) JUSTIN, NY, 1st: How to help my girlfriend? Cheated. Dump her. (2:16:48) JUSTIN: Don't try to be right for her, don't want to be married! (2:18:20) BRANDI, HI, BQ: Think of people who traumatize me. Surgery. (2:23:48) SERGIO, Los Angeles: God in present, worked in prison, loved it! (2:28:47) Supers: DLive, Joel, Israelites, Samaritans… BREAK (2:32:58) Evil is real. Mothers, children. Homeless… (2:37:18) Bishop James Dixon promotes nonwhite immigration "democracy" (2:39:08) NYC alleged migrant r— from Nicaragua (2:43:17) Supers: Israel, Jesus vinegar (2:45:19) GILBERT, TX, MHM, BQ (2:47:00) SHANT, CA, 1st: Thoughts busy at night; Dealing with evil in others; Call tomorrow! (2:53:18) Closing: Stay in your hell, you're possessed!
Anyone who gets angry… has sold their soul to the DEVIL! | JLP Wed 8-14-24
Anyone who gets angry… has sold their soul to the DEVIL! | JLP Wed 8-14-24
JLP Wed 8-14-24 Hr 1 Faust sold his soul to the Devil, like most people. Ferguson riot 10-year anniversary of Michael Brown: Cop fighting for his life. Supers… // Hr 2 Supers… Calls: GALAHAD: BQ. DAVID: Race, humans, animals? REMY: Subconscious. PATRICK: Anger. Eddie: MHM tee. JUAN: Wife. Another JUAN: Absent mother. // Hr 3 JEAS tired of his hell. Supers… Jonathan Majors cries over gf Meagan Good: EXPERTS. BRUNO prays. // Biblical Question: Why do you think about other people? Men's History tee: TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:07:19) Nick: Faust sold his soul to the Devil (0:11:30) Most sold souls to Devil: Possessed with evil spirits (0:17:56) Thrill in going to war, Christians angry at abortion (0:23:00) Wisdom is hidden. (0:25:29) Ferguson protest 10-years post-Mike Brown, cop fighting for his life (0:31:35) Ferguson: A thrill about nothing, not Michael Brown, not police officer (0:35:07) Ferguson police Chief Doyle goes off on protests: Never satisfied. (0:46:20) Supers: Hake size, Human race is one? BQ. Anger. Feelings/Emotions? (0:54:58) NEWS… Female storm names… HOUR 2 (1:03:12) Supers… Listen to a thought, one with the Devil! … Women aborsh fear (1:09:05) GALAHAD, Guatemala, BQ: Think about other people? (1:12:42) GALAHAD: Who are you? Don't try to take others' fear. Brainwashed. (1:17:23) DAVID, CA: Taka's call, "race" species. Human beings, animals? (1:21:55) DAVID, BQ: Thoughts of others (1:24:03) REMY, UK, 1st: Your subconscious brings feelings; Catch the thought (1:26:41) REMY's friend PATRICK: Don't get angry anymore? Forgave mother (1:33:15) PATRICK: Riots in UK: How are you not in jail? Work on yourself. (1:35:13) EDDIE: Yellow or gold Men's History tee (1:38:01) JUAN, WA, BQ: 10yo daughter asked if I think about her at work (1:40:37) JUAN: All hell breaking loose. Wife trying to take to court (1:47:45) Another JUAN, NC, 1st: Mother not there growing up (1:52:05) JEAS, Canada, 1st: Peace. Prayer. HOLD (1:55:00) NEWS … HOUR 3 (2:02:58) Manhood Hour, Booker T, "Up from Slavery": Be free! Human nature (2:10:53) JEAS: Forgave parents… Anxiety: Who is Jeas? Not sure. (2:16:03) JEAS: Tired of my hell. Most love their hell. Paul, Bible: No free will (2:22:40) JEAS: Positive thinking is positively wrong. Prayer (2:27:50) Supers… X, thx JLP, Detailed for meme. BREAK (2:31:13) JLP: Order of God. Let your morals go, to receive. ANNOUNCEMENTS (2:36:00) Supers (2:37:30) Jonathan Majors cries over girlfriend Meagan Good at award (2:43:33) Jonathan Majors snot crying! Experts react. Beta! (2:49:20) Derrick cried at 6 or 7 over a girl vs his evil smile friend (2:51:38) BRUNO, OR, 1st: Stay with it (2:55:53) Closing with Derrick …
The Human Race | JLP Tue 8-13-24
The Human Race | JLP Tue 8-13-24
JLP Tue 8-13-24 Hr 1 Govt against the people. Blind Christians, educated women. Trump-Elon Musk interview. Calls: Levii, Josh… // Hr 2 Calls: … JOSH on BQ. OLIVER on UK govt. TAKA: There's one race, the human race. Communists push it. Hake dates only Asians? Supers… // Hr 3 Call: JAMIE leads a women's Bible study, but has a husband and children! Supers: Civil Rights, Catholics. Calls: JAMES upset at Dwyane Wade. JOSH forgave mother. // Biblical Question: Why do you think about other people? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:05:10) Country & Western; JLP: Trump, Kamala, immigration (0:22:04) "Is TrUmP a ChRiStIaN?" Dumb. Hell to come. Educated abortion. BREAK (0:34:02) Trump-Elon interview. Assassination attempt. Europe. (0:45:02) LEVII, Canada, 1st: Parents, children, controlled through thoughts. TECH ISSUE? (0:52:41) JOSH, GA, Trump-Elon: Men's History Moment! (0:54:50) NEWS … HOUR 1 — ROUGH START (1:06:20) JOSH, GA, BQ: Non-practical thinking about others (1:13:04) OLIVER, UK, 1st: Govt against the people, anti-Trump, lying (1:16:41) TAKA, 1st, NM: Black is not a race. Culture, not skin color. (1:21:18) TAKA, Hake a white guy. Human race. (1:27:41) TAKA: Not a Christian. Believe in God. BREAK (1:34:18) TAKA: Human race? Communist division. (1:40:11) TAKA: Married a black woman! Different values! (1:44:41) TAKA: Human nature is evil. Anger, Hate. Hake dating. (1:48:28) Hake, Supers: Olympics for women-only? BQ. JD. Shy bladder? (1:54:40) NEWS … HOUR 3 (2:03:06) JAMIE, NY: Evil, women of God rebuild men? Surrender to husband? (2:09:30) JAMIE: I lead women. Women suffer, listening! Also working a job! (2:16:06) JAMIE: You're doing it for a thrill! Husband, children! Drop Bible class! (2:20:11) Supers: Move out? Civil Rights suit? Bible, Catholic singing? … BREAK (2:34:24) Supers: BQ, re: Taka from NM on race … (2:37:37) Tomorrow: Ferguson protest, cop injured! Anger, admit to yourself (2:39:21) JAMES, GA, 1st: Worship God. Love. (2:42:15) JAMES: Dwyane Wade nail polish sets him off. (2:46:35) JOSH, TN, 1st, Thanks: Forgave mother! Changed everything. BQ. (2:49:32) JOSHUA, Canada: Don't judge homosexual friend; Spirit of mother (2:52:37) ANDREW, MA, 1st, coming in hot, cussing a bit (2:55:43) Closing
Live your life! | JLP Mon 8-12-24
Live your life! | JLP Mon 8-12-24
JLP Mon 8-12-24 Female Monday! Hr 1 Undeveloped: You were created to live your life. BQ's. "Halloween" movie: Anger, fear. Karen Bass govt sets you up. Call: Apple clams up in anger… // Hr 2 Calls: Apple: People mad at me for speaking up: Won't live your life! Calvin: Trump said: "I'm not Christian!" (False!) Supers… Jason from Buffalo // Hr 3 Calls and stories… Cori Bush… 23yo with a 31yo, both with kids… Restitution? Last week's Biblical Question: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? New (Corrected) Biblical Question: Why do you think about other people? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1, LATE START (0:06:22) Most don't live their own life. Unprepared! Female Monday (0:22:19) Last BQ: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? No. (0:27:56) Halloween movie: Jason? Michael? … BREAK (0:33:52) Halloween: Anger turns human beings against one another. (0:38:12) Karen Bass puts your life at risk on buses/trains for the Olympics! (0:46:22) APPLE, IL, 1st, clams up when angry. HOLD (0:55:00) NEWS … HOUR 2, LATE START (1:05:24) APPLE: Sister's bf, stop calling. Don't wanna hurt feelings. (1:13:05) CALVIN, OH: Trump said I'm not a Christian? (1:20:23) CALVIN: Is lying sin? Are you a good man? (1:24:48) CALVIN: Trump: "I'm a Christian" or "I'm not Christian"? BREAK (1:34:14) "Sad movies always make me cry." (1:35:26) Supers: Son work? No "Like," Smokey Robinson. BQ. Prayer. (1:48:12) JASON, Buffalo: "Live they life!" No free will. Read a book. (1:54:00) NEWS … HOUR 3 (2:02:02) People unprepared practically and spiritually. (2:03:59) DTLA mob beating, robbery. Parents no good (2:08:37) Cori Bush angry Squad member ousted (2:19:52) ALEX, PA: Halloween Kills, 2021: Watch the first one, 1978. (2:21:17) SARAH, NC: Abortion blah blah blah… THEN a fake call (2:33:27) CODY, MN, 1st, politicians working against the people (2:38:52) CODY, 23, has 3 kids, 3 "stepkids," 31yo fiancée. "I feel 40." (2:41:55) CODY: You about to catch hell! What's wrong with her? Is she fat? (2:47:07) JOE, Canada: Restitution? Can't right a wrong. Desperate seeking. God's will? (2:51:27) Supers, Abortion stats on Christian women (2:55:02) TAKA, NM, 1st, call tomorrow! (2:55:42) Closing
Booker T Washington had no anger! | JLP Fri 8-9-24
Booker T Washington had no anger! | JLP Fri 8-9-24
JLP Fri 8-9-24 Express Yourself Friday! Hr 1 … Experts on BQ: Consequences? "Cuss" words? Know there's a "not you"? Umso: How forgive myself, my ex? // Hr 2 Calls: Umso, be done with evil ex! Heyco: Feelings for ex vs fiancée. No sex 1 year! Kobe: Be done with party girlfriend! Supers, More Calls… // Hr 3 Ryan, forgive divorced mother, drunk father. Men's History: Booker T. Washington w/ Derrick, Omeed. Calls on BQ… Supers… // Biblical Question: Do you suffer the consequences of your actions? TIMESTAMPS (0:00:00) HOUR 1 (0:03:26) BOND Counseling… (0:08:26) …Evil speaks every language. Stop taking it personally. Truth same. (0:13:35) Express Yourself Friday: "black" Kamala. Personally, I choose Trump. (0:15:31) EXPERTS: Early cellphones days? (0:22:58) BQ: Nick… Joel, Hake, BREAK… (0:34:06) Boomers on TFS (0:36:13) Experts: Know there's a not-you? "Cussing show" (0:49:46) UMSO, South Africa: How forgive myself, my ex? (0:52:46) UMSO: No one can help others. Most love being evil, misery. HOLD (0:54:00) NEWS … HOUR 2 (1:03:58) UMSO: Be done with "evil" ex, wish her well. Evil feels like life. (1:10:55) UMDO: Walk away from her in your weakness. (1:15:11) HEYCO, Netherlands: Feelings for ex vs fiancée. Never loved, covered emptiness. (1:19:33) HEYCO: No sex with fiancée a year till marriage. "I will think about it." (1:21:06) EDDIE, CA, 1st, BQ (1:24:11) KOBE, FL, 1st: Party girlfriend moving. Trust her? Most do not change. (1:27:43) KOBE: Be straight up, be done, but don't be angry. (1:31:14) Music, PunchieTV Monday (1:34:55) Supers: Girlfriend's phone, "Misty," BQ, Trump vs media (1:43:51) BRANDI, HI: BQ so relevant: "God's trying to tell you something" (1:45:51) BRANDI: In-law dying from drinking: Consequences (1:47:21) EMMANUEL, Canada: The "not you," analytical mind (1:52:44) RYAN, OK: Doctor parents divorced when I was young. HOLD (1:54:00) NEWS … HOUR 3 (2:02:46) Express Yourself Friday (2:04:10) RYAN: Mom, abusive stepfather. Love/hate women. Father drank, Scientology, Prayer (2:13:06) SARAH, NC: Trump soft on abortion. I'm a Christian. Image bearers! (2:20:14) Men's History: Booker T. Washington w/ Derrick, Omeed (2:28:54) Booker T: Work, don't agitate. Grover Cleveland. Libs, WEB DuBois (2:35:15) Booker T vs. liberal blacks, W.E.B. DuBois… EXPERTS on BQ (2:39:43) DARRELL, TX: Nice brief call (2:43:19) AARON, MD: BQ… Excitement feels violent (2:46:47) Supers: BQ, "Hey there, (2:51:09) Supers: No good in human beings… Booker T Men's History tee; TFS (2:54:56) Closing: Church! … Endure to the end.