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Linard Vrielink
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Album • 2023
Top Songs
1. Moments of Vision: 2. Transformations
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
2. Moments of Vision: 7. O Nata Lux
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
3. Moments of Vision: 5. Let Me Enjoy
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
4. Moments of Vision: 3. Moments of Vision
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
5. Moments of Vision: 6. Song of Hope
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
6. Moments Of Vision: 4. Ideoque Vobis Dico Gentes
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
7. Moments of Vision: 1. Lux Aeterna
Linard Vrielink [feat. Jaka Mihelač, Adam Kutny & Erik Rosenius]
8. Aria "No, che non sei capace!", K. 419 (Clorinda) - L'oca del Cairo: Sestetto e coro "Corpo di Satanasso!" (excerpt)
Sabine Devieilhe, Pygmalion, John Chest, Serena Malfi, Siobhan Stagg, Raphaël Pichon, Nahuel di Pierro & Linard Vrielink
9. La scuola de' gelosi, Act I, Finale 1: Son le donne sopraffine (I tre pazzi, Le tre pazze)
Linard Vrielink, John Chest, Nahuel di Pierro, Sabine Devieilhe, Siobhan Stagg, Serena Malfi, Pygmalion & Raphaël Pichon
10. La scuola de' gelosi, Act I, scene 22: Con mille smanie al core (Blasio, Lumaca)
John Chest, Linard Vrielink, Pygmalion & Raphaël Pichon
11. Idomeneo, re di Creta, K. 366, Act III, scene 2: Spiegarti non poss'io, K. 489
Siobhan Stagg, Linard Vrielink, Pygmalion & Raphaël Pichon
12. Lo sposo deluso, Act I, scene 9: Ah che accidenti! (Bocconio, Don Asdrubale, Eugenia,)
Nahuel di Pierro, Linard Vrielink, Siobhan Stagg, Pygmalion & Raphaël Pichon
Top Albums
Album • 2023