092: 45 Ways to Stop Doing Too Much

The Affluent Creative

24-06-2024 • 49 mins

Many business owners fall into the trap of "doing" too much and forget the simple joy of just "being." If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. We “do-ers” feel like we are being lazy if we aren’t constantly performing. Let me clue you in on a lesson I had to learn the hard way. If your switch is always set to “do” instead of set to “be,” your creativity, productivity, and profits will suffer.

In today's episode, you will discover the benefits of stepping into "being" and away from "doing."

You will learn that doing less can lead to more productivity, profitability, and fulfillment. I will also share practical ways to incorporate more "being" into your life. It's time to shift gears and embrace a more fulfilling, balanced approach to life. For all you do-ers out there, I’m giving you permission to do less, stop the overwhelm, and step into “being.”


Taking a step back from constant activity and learning to simply be can transform your life. When you allow yourself to be present and in the moment, you not only reduce stress but also open yourself up to greater creativity and joy. When you shift from the relentless cycle of doing to a state of being, you feel more aligned, relaxed, and fulfilled.

By focusing on "being," you can accomplish more since you’ll be more productive and profitable while feeling a deeper sense of fulfillment. This shift can feel drastic, especially for those who thrive on staying busy, but the rewards are profound. Giving yourself permission to step back and be creates space for personal growth, leading to greater happiness and contentment.


I have created a list of 45 practical activities designed to help you embrace the joy of being. These suggestions are adaptable, allowing you to find what resonates most with you. Whether it's binge-watching your favorite series without guilt or exploring nature to rejuvenate your spirit, these activities are meant to bring balance and joy into your life.

Many of the items on the list of 45 have helped me feel more inspired, fueled, curious, energized, rejuvenated, and joyous. Instead of feeling constantly drained and worn out from always doing, I encourage you to engage in a few of these activities I share in the episode.

These activities are not just about taking breaks but about creating moments of joy and relaxation that can recharge you for the tasks ahead. By integrating these practices into your routine, you’ll find a better balance between doing and being, which will bring positive results to your business and personal life.


It might seem counterintuitive, but doing less can help you achieve more. When you stop overdoing and start being, you align yourself with a natural flow that boosts productivity. Stepping back from constant busyness leads to increased creativity and efficiency, making you more profitable in your business endeavors.

Focusing on being allows you to tap into a deeper sense of fulfillment, encouraging quality over quantity in your efforts. You can approach tasks with greater clarity and efficiency, when you feel mentally refreshed. For example, decluttering your workspace can lead to better focus and creativity, and taking breaks to play with your pet or enjoy a hobby can provide a mental reset that boosts overall productivity.

Embracing the joy of being rather than the constant push to do more can transform your life. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you will be more productive, profitable, and deeply fulfilled. So take a step back, breathe, and give yourself permission to just be.


  • (2:05) The benefits of stepping into “being” and away from “doing”

  • (3:50) A list of 45 different activities to encourage “being”

  • (14:55) Activities that bring feelings of awe, love, and inspiration

  • (18:55) The benefits of decluttering, organizing, and purging

  • (22:25) Creating space for things that actually fulfill you

  • (31:05) Exercising your body and your mind

  • (36:05) Becoming more vulnerable and opening our hearts

  • (47:55) The joy that comes from living in a place of “being-ness”

When you’re ready to step into a bigger vision in your design business and create exceptional results and celebrations book-a-call to explore how coaching can take you there faster, with a solid plan, proven process, and smart strategies.

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