Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube Presents Skaja Evens

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

08-05-2024 • 1 hr 13 mins

Skaja Evens is a writer, publisher, and artist living in Southeast Virginia. She runs Mōtus Audāx Press and publishes Disturb The Universe Magazine and It Takes All Kinds Literary Zibe. Publication credits include Spillwords Press, Medusa’s Kitchen, Ink Pantry, Off the Coast, The Crossroads Lit Magazine, The Rye Whiskey Review, Synchronized Chaos, and Blue Pepper. Her first book, conscientia veritatis, was recently published by Whiskey City Press and can be found at Amazon.com. conscientia veritatis We experience an ever-changing landscape of emotions while living our lives and trying to find our ways through the world. conscientia veritatis is a book that translates these emotions through the world view of Skaja Evens. Touching on love, mental health, patriarchy, grief, boldness, and more, Evens pours her heart out on the page, offering a look inside her experiences, written to foster connection to those around her. And hope for connection in return. https://www.amazon.com/conscientia-veritatis-Skaja-Evens/dp/B0CZTRN7ZP/ref=sr_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.D7YrhrU5tQcfneUu1o8RWg.UQJBq-BbGSPNtWsU32KH9ZBe5BDBFSBB4PRCZ6ts-30&dib_tag=se&keywords=skaja+evens&qid=1714536038&sr=8-1

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