144. Brandy Kawulka - Running A Renovation Company As A Journeywomen

In The House

19-07-2023 • 49 mins

Brandy Kawulka, a ticketed journeywoman, is the driving force behind Wood Be Art, a high-end home renovation company based in Vancouver, B.C. She shares her inspiring journey in a male-dominated industry and explores the challenges she has faced and overcome, empowering her to make a positive impact in the industry. Brandy challenges common misconceptions and stereotypes about women in trades, debunking notions about salaries and tuition. She also shares insights on how to make the most out of a $100k renovation budget, emphasizing the value of investing in kitchen and bathroom renovations.

Brandy also hosts her own podcast, "All Things Renovation" offering a unique female perspective on the trade and reveals how she brings creativity, entrepreneurship, and inclusiveness to her work. With her lively personality and unwavering commitment to quality, Brandy quickly earns clients' trust, leading them through every step of their renovation projects with her life partner and team.

In addition to her thriving business, Brandy's commitment to inclusivity extends to funding a bursary for women entering the woodworker joinery foundations program at BCIT. Tune in to learn more about this exciting opportunity and how to apply. She shares significant milestones and achievements she's proud of, while offering valuable advice to women aspiring to enter the trades or home renovation field. This episode will inspire you to pursue your passions fearlessly.

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