Start Thinking Forward Podcast

Serebro Studios Inc.

In each episode of the Start Thinking Forward Show, host Brandon L. Draper sits down with successful business owners and leaders to discuss their journeys and how they took their businesses to the next level. From discussing innovative strategies to overcoming challenges, this podcast is full of valuable insights and practical advice for any entrepreneur looking to improve, challenges, and triumphs. Listeners can expect expert insights and practical advice on everything from managing a team to scaling a business. But it's not all work and no play – Brandon also brings his trademark wit and humor to the podcast, making it both informative and entertaining. So, tune in and join the conversation on the Start Thinking Forward Show. read less


Organizational Dysfunction and Building Accountability
Organizational Dysfunction and Building Accountability
In this episode of the Start Thinking Forward podcast, we welcome Dr. Anne Dranisaris and Heather Dranisaris-Hillard, a mother-daughter duo with extensive experience in leadership and entrepreneurship. Our focus today is on organizational dysfunction, and we are excited to explore this topic and provide valuable insights. Heather reveals that she and Anne became business partners in 1998 after her adoption, and their different backgrounds in psychotherapy and organizational consulting complement each other in their work. We delve into how their personal history and reunion shaped their professional journey, and I express my admiration for their powerful story.We discuss how their business partnership developed over time, despite living in different parts of the country initially. I ask how their reunion in 1985 influenced their professional paths and how they believe their lives would have been different had they not crossed paths. Heather explains that Anne's expertise in understanding human behavior and driving factors complemented her own business background, allowing them to create a successful company.I emphasize the unique aspect of our work as both mother and daughter and Sagittarians. We test everything on our family, making our stories and examples richer for our clients. Building our leadership systems while nurturing our relationship was not easy due to our different personality types and brain functionality. Heather is extroverted, while I am introverted, but our complementary strengths make us a great fit. However, we had to navigate the challenges of running a joint business while maintaining a personal connection.We reveal that we kept our mother-daughter relationship a secret for the first 10 years of our business. Now, everyone knows, but we waited until we were both ready to disclose our relationship, as I wanted us to be seen as equals and partners. We discuss the importance of addressing dysfunctions within organizations and the necessity for leaders to actively engage in leading and setting expectations.We delve into the issue of a lack of accountability among leaders and organizations and stress the importance of fostering followership and accountability through effective leadership. We also touch on the pressure on leaders to keep their employees happy and engaged and the need for them to strike a balance between empowerment and performance tracking.We highlight the significance of emotional intelligence and leadership development, as well as the need to tackle systemic issues within organizations. We believe that investing in leadership development and understanding brain functioning can help create a culture of trust and support. We discuss the imposter syndrome and the importance of leaders setting clear expectations and providing feedback.To address dysfunctional dynamics within organizations, leaders, and individuals, we provide practical and pragmatic actions. We have a YouTube channel with content covering various topics and an Ultimate Accountability Experiences program designed to drive accountability in organizations and shift leadership behavior. We emphasize the importance of addressing issues and creating a supportive work environment.Discussing the imposter syndrome and its impact on leaders and organizations, we recommend books for thought leaders looking to elevate their organizations to the next level. We also touch on permissive leadership and the need to implement an accountability system and train leaders in managing performance and development.Overall, our conversation centers around the crucial importance of addressing dysfunctional dynamics and offering practical solutions to leaders and organizations. By understanding brain functioning and implementing accountability initiatives, leaders can create thriving work environments and drive success for their teams. I wholeheartedly agree with Heather's perspective on permissive leadership. As entrepreneurial leaders, it is essential for us to recognize when we are being permissive and understand how it hinders our ability to focus on growing our businesses. Allowing permissiveness to seep into our leadership style often leads to getting caught up in day-to-day operations instead of focusing on the necessary steps for propelling our businesses forward. If you constantly feel like you're the bottleneck and lack time, it is likely a symptom of being too permissive. Fortunately, there is a remedy for it. We express our gratitude to Dr. Anne and Heather for sharing their valuable knowledge. To connect with them and access their resources, please visit their website at We eagerly await hearing from our audience. Let's continue thinking forward and making progress!
The Start Thinking Forward Podcast with Kim and Todd Saxon 1
The Start Thinking Forward Podcast with Kim and Todd Saxon 1
In this segment of the Start Thinking Forward podcast, we have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Todd and Kim Saxon from Indiana University. These esteemed guests bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in advising startups and entrepreneurship, making them the perfect experts to shed light on the challenges and strategies for success in the startup world.We kick off the conversation by highlighting their passion for educating entrepreneurs and preparing them for the obstacles they may face along their journey. Dr. Todd and Kim emphasize the critical phases that startups go through, which we outline as pre-revenue, minimal viable product, replicable product, and scaling. Understanding these phases is key to achieving long-term success.One important takeaway from our discussion is that success as an entrepreneur is not limited to raising venture capital or going through all four stages. Being self-employed and creating jobs for others is also a meaningful and valuable achievement. We also delve into the three P's: punt, pivot, and proceed, which are essential considerations as entrepreneurs navigate through the different stages. Thoughtful decision-making is crucial to make the most of the opportunities and challenges that arise.Moving on, we dive into the concept of a lean startup versus traditional business plans. We stress the importance of formulating hypotheses, conducting thorough tests, and avoiding careless assumptions. We draw examples from startups that failed to gather market feedback and adjust their strategies accordingly, leading to their downfall. The need for startups to adapt and attract their target audience is emphasized throughout the conversation.Furthermore, we explore the concept of hidden liabilities and debts that startups often overlook, likening them to the hidden dangers faced by the Titanic. These mistakes, or "icebergs," can have serious consequences. To help entrepreneurs navigate these treacherous waters, we share 32 common mistakes that entrepreneurs should avoid. Hard work and equity earned through efforts are underscored as essential ingredients for success.Next, we address the challenges of being the first in the market and stress the importance of having a profitable mission. We discuss various revenue generation strategies and the significance of considering customer preferences and market dynamics when choosing a business model. Continuous experimentation and learning based on customer feedback play a crucial role in staying ahead of the curve.Throughout the conversation, we emphasize the value of setting milestones, resisting the temptation to cut corners, and prioritizing customer needs and desires. We also touch on the importance of personal relationships, support from partners and family members, and the imperative of taking action and creating opportunities.As we wrap up the conversation, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Todd and Kim Saxon for sharing their insights and expertise. We encourage our listeners to go back and rewatch the episode, take notes, purchase their book, and visit their website for further guidance. We sign off by reminding everyone to always start thinking forward, innovate fearlessly, and push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of entrepreneurship.
The Start Thinking Forward Podcast with Jeff Rick 1
The Start Thinking Forward Podcast with Jeff Rick 1
In this episode of the Start Thinking Forward podcast, host Brandon L. Draper welcomes Jeff, a seasoned executive and serial entrepreneur, to discuss the process of building successful empires from startups. Jeff shares his extensive experience in the software industry and his passion for empowering people and creating successful businesses. He talks about his last startup, Deerwalk, and how they hired and trained professionals in software development in Nepal to address the challenges of finding technology workers in the United States. Brandon and Jeff discuss the importance of training programs and address the issue of low pay for trainees.They also highlight the initial stages of product development and the value of breaking down ideas into manageable tasks before handing them off to a team. While they offer outsourced software developers and operations staff, their main focus is on consulting and mentoring startup founders and entrepreneurs, helping them turn their ideas into viable products for the market.Jeff shares his journey as a serial entrepreneur, including the lessons he learned from a failed company called Resonate. He emphasizes the importance of paying attention to users and customers and validating ideas with potential clients. He also discusses the challenges of transitioning from small to large companies and why he decided to start his own company after working for a larger corporate environment.The importance of having the right mindset and dedication when starting a company or working for a startup is discussed. They emphasize the need to be problem solvers, good listeners, and committed to the venture. Building a strong team with diverse perspectives and complementary strengths is crucial, along with understanding one's own capabilities and weaknesses when selecting team members.The conversation also explores the financial aspects of structuring a startup, including the division of equity and decision-making power among partners. They acknowledge the advantages of expanding beyond being a solopreneur, as it allows for a stronger team. However, they stress the importance of focusing on growth and leveraging the strengths of each team member rather than solely on the division of equity.The potential of AI as a tool for entrepreneurs is introduced, with a discussion on its limitations and the need for human expertise. They stress the importance of asking the right questions and seeking knowledge when using AI effectively. The conversation also delves into client engagement and the significance of understanding and addressing clients' needs and feedback.Jeff shares his insights on building a strong company culture, highlighting the importance of leaving ego at the door and viewing everyone as equals. He emphasizes the value of humble leadership, teamwork, and making decisions based on the merit of ideas rather than personal bias. Creating a positive and enjoyable work environment is also discussed.The podcast concludes with a discussion on leadership and the qualities of effective managers who understand how to scale a business while maintaining a strong company culture. They stress the importance of focusing on team effectiveness rather than team size and fostering a supportive environment that values all employees.Overall, this episode provides valuable insights and advice for entrepreneurs and startup founders on building successful businesses, training programs, outsourcing, team building, company culture, and the integration of AI into operations.
From Pain to Power: Fitness, Faith, and Fearless Living
From Pain to Power: Fitness, Faith, and Fearless Living
In this episode, I am joined by Derrick Johnson, an army veteran, life coach, and trainer, who shares his mission of helping others tap into their true potential. Derrick discusses his upbringing and how he used fitness as an outlet for his pain as a bullied and shy child. I share my own journey of using fitness and faith to break free from family patterns of addiction and anger.We highlight the importance of pushing ourselves physically and mentally to achieve new heights and experience confidence and satisfaction. We discuss the obstacles of pride and ego that hinder individuals from being honest with themselves and acknowledging their shortcomings. Setting high standards and living by them is crucial, as how we do one thing is how we do everything.I encourage listeners to have specific and measurable goals and hold themselves accountable. Seeking external resources and guidance can also help elevate productivity and efficiency. We discuss the concept of creating a clear vision of what we want by listing out things we don't want. Starting with the body and incorporating physical activity into a morning routine can clear the mind and generate ideas.Stress management is essential, along with quickly returning to a calm and confident state after being thrown off. We explore the correlation between mental and physical health and how pride and ego can limit beliefs. I challenge listeners to stop allowing others to control their reactions and instead choose a different response. Identifying repetitive patterns and no longer giving expected reactions can lead to personal growth.We delve into the topic of success in relationships and friendships, emphasizing the importance of aligning visions to avoid conflicts. Celebrating each other's accomplishments and surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals is key. Success can sometimes make others uncomfortable, so it's important to focus on personal achievements and choose uplifting people who will support us.Lastly, we discuss how success can impact friendships and relationships. Evaluating the history and dynamic of a relationship is essential to determine if it's positive or negative. I share an example of someone who asked for help but then ghosted when assistance was offered. Prioritizing our own well-being and mental health is crucial.We wrap up by recommending the book "Outwitting the Devil" by Napoleon Hill to explore intentional living.
Art of Building Unbreakable Client Relationships
Art of Building Unbreakable Client Relationships
In this riveting episode, we dive deep into the art of building unbreakable bonds with clients and why going the extra mile can make all the difference. Learn how to be a "yes" person, offering more than just your expertise to win trust and loyalty. From connecting clients with industry experts to advocating for their needs, our guest Bruce Weinstein shares real-world examples that underscore the importance of genuine care in business relationships.We also touch on the transformative power of setbacks. Hear about a pivotal moment in 2016 that led to a renewed sense of purpose and passion for helping others. Bruce opens up about the importance of legacy and how sharing his message has become his ultimate goal.But that's not all! We explore the concept of financial dignity—having the resources for a comfortable retirement and the freedom to choose your path.Bruce shares invaluable insights from his workshops and webinars, using vivid metaphors to drive home the importance of financial planning. In a heartfelt segment, Bruce talks about personal challenges that have shaped his views on money and life. From a family history marred by illness and divorce to professional experiences that tested his integrity, Bruce's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.As we wrap up, Bruce offers his wisdom on financial and insurance matters, emphasizing his open-door policy for free consultations. We also delve into books that have influenced his approach to money and time management, such as "The Power of Broke" and "Buy Back Your Time."Don't miss out on this enriching conversation!Bruce leaves us with thought-provoking questions about legacy and what truly matters in life. So, if you're looking to elevate your client relationships, gain financial freedom, or find inspiration to overcome life's hurdles, this episode is for you!
Scale or Grow: The Million-Dollar Choice That Also Fuels Your Business
Scale or Grow: The Million-Dollar Choice That Also Fuels Your Business
In this episode, we had a fascinating conversation with a guest expert, Kerry Ann Powell, who provided valuable insights on growth and scaling in business. She emphasized the importance of balancing personal well-being with business goals and aligning a life plan with business strategies. Kerry-Ann expertise received rave reviews, highlighting the value she brings to the table. We also had an opportunity to reflect on a past experience where we were faced with the daunting challenge of raising funds for the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. Despite being 10 million dollars away from our goal, I believed in myself and my ability to achieve it. Building a strong team was crucial, and I shared the example of negotiating with a trucking company to wrap their semis with promotional materials for a program we were running.This required careful planning, including a press conference on the National Mall. While we faced challenges in bringing the semi truck to the National Mall, we managed to coordinate with the driver and guide him to the location on time. This demonstrated our team's dedication and commitment. I stressed the importance of providing the right tools, support, and vision to your team, as it motivates them to go above and beyond.To further enhance your business, I encouraged listeners to visit my speaker's page or LinkedIn, our business website,, or check out no business for valuable resources on improving business and addressing chaotic elements.I'm Brandon L. Draper, and I was inspired Kerry-Ann wisdom and passion. Reviews from our listeners help us bring more valuable content and invite more expert guests.So, please leave a review and stay tuned for our next episode, where we will delve into strategies, systems, and mindsets for future success. Remember, the future belongs to those who prepare today. Keep thinking forward, take action, and be ready.
Unlocking the Secrets of Resilience with the Turnaround Queen, Victoria Pelletier
Unlocking the Secrets of Resilience with the Turnaround Queen, Victoria Pelletier
In this riveting episode, we're thrilled to introduce you to Victoria Pelletier, the indomitable "Turnaround Queen" who has carved a niche for herself in the corporate world.Victoria opens up about her awe-inspiring journey of overcoming adversity and trauma, shedding light on the power of understanding your "why" and cultivating a resilient mindset.🧠 Emotional Intelligence: The Unseen PowerhouseOur host, an expert in emotional intelligence, delves into the crucial role it plays in understanding and managing emotions. Together, they explore how emotional intelligence is a cornerstone for effective leadership, especially in an era marked by rapid technological advancements.🌈 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: More Than Just BuzzwordsThe conversation takes a transformative turn as we discuss the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in today's workplace. Our host argues that these aren't just ethical imperatives but strategic necessities that enhance employee engagement and drive financial success. Learn how to measure and track diversity efforts effectively, and why it's essential to analyze diversity across various job levels within organizations.🛠️ Personal Branding & Relationship-Based SellingHear firsthand experiences from our host about overcoming challenges and the power of personal branding and relationship-based selling. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to elevate their career.👩‍💼 Empowering Aspiring Female LeadersVictoria offers invaluable advice for aspiring female leaders and emphasizes the urgent need for pay equity. She also gives us a sneak peek into her upcoming books, leaving us eagerly awaiting her next appearance on the show.🌟 Wisdom & ResilienceBefore wrapping up, our host highlights the wisdom shared throughout the episode and quizzes Victoria on her unique approach to resilience. Victoria shares her actionable steps for building resilience and her aspiration to leave a lasting, positive impact on the lives of others.📞 Connect with VictoriaDon't miss the chance to connect with Victoria as she shares her contact information, ensuring you can continue to benefit from her wisdom long after the episode ends.🔚 Closing ThoughtsWe conclude this enlightening episode with a heartfelt message from our host, leaving you inspired and ready to take action.Don't miss this episode filled with actionable insights, personal stories, and expert advice. Tune in now! 🎧
Running the Race of Life: Adrian Knight's Story of Triumph
Running the Race of Life: Adrian Knight's Story of Triumph
Unleash Your Potential: From Breakdown to Breakthrough with Adrian KnightDive into an exhilarating episode as we follow Adrian Knight, an acquisition entrepreneur and endurance athlete, on his transformative journey from hitting rock bottom at 19 to conquering the peaks of business and life. Adrian's story is a masterclass in resilience, ambition, and the power of a disciplined morning routine.🌅 Morning Rituals for Success Adrian kicks off his day with reading, visualization, and meditation. Discover how these simple yet powerful habits set the tone for his day and can do the same for you.📚 Building an Educational Empire Adrian isn't just a business mogul; he's a visionary committed to children's education. Learn how he turned his passion into a thriving empire and how you can align your business ventures with your life's purpose.🏃‍♂️ The Athlete's Mindset From running ultramarathons in Northern England to scaling Arctic Circle mountains, Adrian's athletic pursuits mirror his business acumen. Get inspired by his relentless spirit and learn how to push your own boundaries.🎯 The Art of Acquisition Adrian shares invaluable insights into the world of business acquisitions. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a budding entrepreneur, his experiences offer a wealth of knowledge on navigating the ups and downs of the acquisition landscape.🌱 Personal Growth & Discipline As we delve deeper, Adrian emphasizes the importance of discipline and personal growth. He reveals his future challenges, including a 14-day jungle trek and an audacious trip to the South Pole.🌟 Your Path to Triumph This episode isn't just about achieving milestones; it's a call to action to live your life to the fullest. Let Adrian's extraordinary journey inspire you to seize control of your destiny and turn your dreams into reality.Don't miss this life-altering conversation. Tune in now to redefine your own path to success!
Why You've Been Selling Wrong: Diane Helbig Sets the Record Straight
Why You've Been Selling Wrong: Diane Helbig Sets the Record Straight
Get ready for a game-changing episode of the Start Taking Forward Show that you can't afford to miss! We're thrilled to bring you an exclusive sit-down with the sales maven herself, Diane Hellbig. Ever wondered how to close deals without the hard sell? Diane spills the secret sauce on mastering the art of 'Succeeding Without Selling.🧠 Dive into the psychology of sales like never before! We dissect the mental triggers that make Diane's groundbreaking strategies a league above traditional sales methods. Say goodbye to the fear and resistance that have been holding you back, and unlock a world of untapped potential.🤝 But that's not all! Diane takes us on a deep dive into her revolutionary concept of 'soft selling.' Discover how to build unbreakable trust and leverage emotional intelligence to skyrocket your sales. Diane's wisdom will help you align perfectly with your clients' needs—even when making a sale isn't the answer.📚 Bonus: We also get the inside scoop on Diane's must-read book, 'Succeed Without Selling,' and her hit podcast, 'The Art of Selling Without Selling.' These are your ultimate cheat sheets for mastering the delicate balance between persuasion and manipulation.🧗‍♀️ As we wrap up this eye-opening chat, Diane unveils her toolkit for overcoming the psychological barriers that every salesperson faces. Learn how to link solutions to problems seamlessly, from decoding your client's mindset to articulating unbeatable value.🌟 Diane's expert strategies promise to revolutionize your sales game, setting you on a path to sustainable, profitable client relationships. Don't miss out—tune in now and transform your sales strategy into an unstoppable force!"
The Art of Landing Lucrative Federal Contracts: An Insider's Perspective
The Art of Landing Lucrative Federal Contracts: An Insider's Perspective
🔒 Unlock the Goldmine of Federal Contracting Opportunities! 🔒🌟 About This Episode: Are you a small business owner looking to scale new heights? Do you find the idea of securing government contracts intimidating?Look no further! In this episode, we're joined by a retired Lieutenant Colonel who managed an astounding $82 billion in Department of Defense contracts. He's here to share his insider knowledge to help YOU unlock the treasure trove of federal contracting opportunities.🎯 What You'll Learn:🛠 Demystifying Government Contracts: We break down the complex system of selling to the government, making it digestible and actionable.🎯 Identifying the Right Buyers: Learn how to stand out in a sea of competitors and catch the eye of the right government buyers.📚 DoD Contract Academy Tour: Get a sneak peek into a program that offers a step-by-step guide to registering with and crafting your strategy.📝 Crafting Winning Proposals: Discover the art of creating compelling government contract proposals that are sure to secure you that coveted contract.🛠 Tools & Strategies: CRM Tool: Optimize your client relationships within the government contracting space. Subscription Model: Navigate the complexities of federal contracting with ease.🎧 Why Listen? As we wrap up, you'll walk away armed with practical strategies for building relationships, enhancing your proposal success, and leveraging tools to navigate the complex federal contracting process.Don't miss this chance to tap into a deep well of expertise and unlock new growth avenues for your business. Your government contracting dreams are just a click away! 👇 Listen Now and Take Your Business to the Next Level! 👇
The Road Less Traveled: A Deep Dive into Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Personal Mastery
The Road Less Traveled: A Deep Dive into Vulnerability, Authenticity, and Personal Mastery
Are you stuck in a rut, feeling unfulfilled despite your accomplishments? You're not alone. Today's episode is a deep dive into the transformative journey of Kevin Palmieri, the visionary founder and CEO of Next Level University. This is not just another self-improvement podcast; it's a roadmap to reclaiming your life and realizing your true potential.🔥 What You'll Discover:The raw, unfiltered truth about hitting rock bottom and rising like a phoenix.The psychology of vulnerability and the transformative power of beliefs.The real-world, no-BS hard work that goes into achieving your dreams.The secret sauce to entrepreneurial success and podcasting mastery.🌈 The Journey from Despair to Hope Once battling depression despite achieving considerable success, Kevin's story is a beacon of hope and resilience. He shares his inspiring tale of overcoming adversity, embracing self-improvement, and finding hope in the darkest corners of life.🎯 The Power of Beliefs and Authenticity Are you afraid of success? Or perhaps, do you fear letting down those who count on you? We dissect the power of beliefs, the importance of authenticity, and the essence of a heart-driven yet no-nonsense approach to life.📈 Consistency is Key In a world obsessed with overnight success, we emphasize the underrated power of consistency and the role of self-awareness in achieving sustained success.🎙️ Entrepreneurship and Podcasting Unveiled Navigate the exciting terrains of entrepreneurship and podcasting. Learn the potential pitfalls and the secret recipes to becoming a skilled speaker and interviewer. Understand your audience and resonate with them like never before.🌟 Why You Can't Miss This Episode If you're grappling with self-doubt, fear of failure, or simply hungry for inspiration, this episode promises a treasure trove of wisdom. Tune in for a heartwarming exploration of personal transformation, fear of success, and the relentless pursuit of improvement. Join us, won't you? Together, let's take our lives to the next level.
Skyrocket Your Business with the $150M Man: Join Josh Parrish & the Get Up Gang Revolution!
Skyrocket Your Business with the $150M Man: Join Josh Parrish & the Get Up Gang Revolution!
🌟 Why You Must Listen: Ever wondered how some people go from zero to hero, turning ordinary opportunities into extraordinary empires? Meet Josh Parrish, the man who went from watermelon fields to amassing $150 million in real estate leads in just seven months! This episode is your golden ticket to the Get Up Gang, Josh's transformative community that's redefining success. 🌟🔥 Inside the Episode:🍉 Rags to Riches: Discover how Josh Parrish leveraged his competitive spirit and love for sales to catapult from watermelon harvesting to becoming a real estate magnate.🏢 The $150M Secret Sauce: Get the inside scoop on how Josh generated a staggering $150 million in real estate leads in less than a year.🛡️ Transformative Mindset: Learn how Josh turned the negative impact of bullying into a catalyst for personal growth and resilience.🤲The Art of 'Selfish Selflessness': Josh unveils the paradoxical strategy that will help you prioritize your life and skyrocket your business.🎤 Deep Dives:💔 The Quest for Fatherly Approval: Josh gets raw and real about his complex relationship with his biological father, and how he became his own pillar of strength.📝 Mental Freedom Unleashed: Unlock the power of journaling, silence, and stillness to break free from mental barriers that hold you back.🚀Exclusive Opportunity: As we wrap up this game-changing episode, Josh extends an exclusive invitation to join his high-impact community, the Get Up Gang, for a 21-Day Transformation Jumpstart.🌈 Don't Miss Out: This episode isn't just a podcast; it's a masterclass in business, personal development, and life transformation. Subscribe now and take the first step in your journey to becoming the next business titan!🎧 Hit Subscribe and Join the Revolution with Josh Parrish & theGet Up Gang! 🎧
Unlock the Science of Referrals|How to Skyrocket Profits with Strategic Partnerships
Unlock the Science of Referrals|How to Skyrocket Profits with Strategic Partnerships
🔥 Ready to 10X Your Income Through Strategic Partnerships? You Can't Afford to Miss This! 🔥Welcome to another game-changing episode where we're diving deep into the untapped potential of referrals and partnerships to skyrocket your profits. Our esteemed guest, Brandon Barnum, is a mastermind in the art of turning partnerships into profits, and he's here to spill the tea on his proven strategies.👉 What You'll Learn:The secret sauce to building profitable partnerships that most entrepreneurs overlook.How to master the art of adding value and pre-selling to elevate your business game.The science behind selecting the right team members using personality tests.The future of influencer marketing: what you need to know to stay ahead.The ultimate guide to "Raving Referrals for Dennis": a blueprint for automating your referral process.🌟 Key Highlights:Brandon's journey in scaling a Christian-based franchise business.How he convinced industry legend Mark Victor Hansen to become his personal mentor.The critical moments when CEOs should be taking a closer look at personality tests.Building community impact through events and creating safe zones for children.🚀 Why This Episode is a Must-Watch: If you're an entrepreneur looking to scale your income and impact, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom. From understanding the power of partnerships to mastering the art of adding value, Brandon's insights are gold. He even takes us through his referral partner blueprint, covering everything from automating the ask to referral rewards and kits.🔗 Don't Miss Out! This episode is packed with actionable insights that can transform your business. Subscribe now and hit the notification bell so you never miss an episode!#StrategicPartnerships #ProfitablePartnerships #10XYourIncome #ReferralMarketing #InfluencerMarketing #Entrepreneurship #BusinessGrowth #Brandon #MarkVictorHansen #PersonalityScience #CommunityImpactOptimize your business and scale your income like never before.Tune in now! 🎧