Gratefulness and humility are two qualities that elevate humankind. Combined, they cushion our falls in life. Because in a way, they help us "fall upwards", such that our hardships become catalyst for ever greater appreciation of blessings we once had, and ones we continue to have. When we let go of entitlement, we develop a sense of awe towards everything we get to experience, no matter the magnitude or level of familiarity.
Lee Brown (IG @fallingup79) writes some beautiful heartfelt reflections. He shared with me the following passage that he wrote while listening to a Calm Pill mix:
"I am humbled that I get to be here for a little while. That I get to experience taste, touch, sight, and sound. I’m in awe that I get to feel deeply. That I get to experience joy and sadness, love and loss. I’m amazed at being broken open and becoming whole again. What a gift to be on this great journey. What an honor to be the hands and feet of the universe. To reach into the unknown and find meaning — and ultimately myself."
Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ☕. You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you.
Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills. It features the same quality of mixing craftmanship but focuses on more genres of downtempo music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop and lounge.
Palancar ― The Rain is Full of Ghosts Tonight (Excerpt)
Applefish ― Call of the Sea
Synthy Lights ― Voices of the Sea
Spheruleus ― The Ocean Yawns
v e n n ― Buoy
Spirit Minds ― Beautiful Awakening
Kazuma Okabayashi ― Rising
Hilyard ― Somnolent
anthéne ― fallen mountains
anthéne ― The Sun Is Up, My Eyes Are Open
Francesco Siano ― Wavering Heart
The Monk by the Sea ― Asleep
Endless Melancholy ― A Neverending Descent (Excerpt)
Steve Roach ― Holding Light
Steve Roach & Vidna Obmana ― The Graceful Sky
Spacecraft ― Light Years
Kilometre Club ― Drifting Through