The History of Egypt Podcast

Dominic Perry

Ancient Egypt, from Creation to Cleopatra. This podcast tells the story of pharaonic Egypt "in their own words." Using archaeology, ancient texts, and up-to-date scholarship, we uncover the world of the Nile Valley and its people. Hosted on the Airwave Media Network. read less

Our Editor's Take

The History of Egypt Podcast examines artifacts of this ancient world to bring them back to life. Egyptologist Dominic Perry transports listeners to the Great Pyramid of Giza and beyond.

When it comes to Egyptology and ancient history, Perry is a leader. An expert in both the New Kingdom and Old, his appreciation of this civilization shines. He examines the music, beliefs, and customs that defined the Egyptians. His expertise conveys these facts in ways listeners have never heard. Anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history may find a thrilling listen in this podcast.

The History of Egypt Podcast explores fascinating details of the Tomb of Tutankhamun. From its discovery to its excavation, it is examined over a series of six episodes. The podcast explores the truth behind legendary names like Hatshepsut, Horus, and Hathor. Listeners will hear experts like Prof. Ann Rosalie David discuss facts about mummies. They will learn about the forgotten campaign led by King Horemheb and the artifact confirming the fascinating event.

Listeners hear the host dissect old texts to tell these thrilling stories from the pastThey will also listen to other experts' views on the two lands of this great civilization. They will hear from Dr. Joyce Tyldesley, a leading expert on all things King Tut. Renowned composer Michael Levy also joins the podcast. He discusses an ancient lyre and the beauty of Egyptian music. Podcast fans can also explore the origins of the Karnak temple complex. The episodes feature gorgeous music interludes that may captivate listeners.

The History of Egypt Podcast is a history podcast and an experience. The episodes immerse listeners in tales about Thoth and Nefertiti in unique ways. Each episode may make listeners feel like they are listening to an audio documentary. This podcast is a great listen for history enthusiasts everywhere. Each episode lasts from one to four hours long.

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198b: The Tomb Builders in the Age of Sety I
198b: The Tomb Builders in the Age of Sety I
Livestream recording. The village of Deir el-Medina first arose in the 18th Dynasty (c.1550—1310 BCE), but the historical records really multiply in the 19th and 20th Dynasties (c.1310—1070 BCE). In this livestream recording, I set the scene for the village and introduce you to some of its inhabitants. We explore houses and families, and a couple of intact tombs that shed light on the inhabitants… Video version available at Deir el-Medina Village Museo Egizio excavation photos: Kairo info4u: Wikimedia: TT1 Sennedjem and Family Kairoinfo4u: Metropolitan Museum of Art: TT8 Tomb of Kha & Merit Museo Egizio excavation photos: Museo Egizio objects collection The History of Egypt Podcast: Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Intro music by Ihab. Music and interludes by Keith Zizza Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
198: Servants in the Place of Truth (The Tomb-Builders)
198: Servants in the Place of Truth (The Tomb-Builders)
Deir el-Medina’s Golden Age (Part 1). In the age of Sety I, the village of the tomb-builders expanded significantly. Likewise, our evidence for daily life, families, households, and business begins to proliferate. Historians can identify individuals from tombs and connect them with specific houses. We can track their movements, as they form relationships, get married, have children, and pass things to their descendants. Written records tell us about the village’s operations, including their funding from the pharaoh’s government. Around 1300 BCE, we stand on the threshold of some truly detailed stories… DEIR EL-MEDINA LIVESTREAM, open to the public, see details here: See photos of Deir el-Medina by: Kairoinfo4u Margaret Lucy Patterson Heidi Kontkanen For personal items, including food discovered in tombs, see the collection of the Museo Egizio, Turin (English database). People and families of Deir el-Medina: Davies, B. G. (1999). Who’s Who at Deir el-Medina: A Prosopographic Study of the Royal Workmen’s Community. Available free from the publisher and author at and Music and interludes by Keith Zizza Music and interludes by Luke Chaos Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Logo image: The Workman Sennedjem and his wife Iy-Nefret worship the sky goddess Nut, who emerges from a sycamore tree (Photo Chris Ward). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
197: How to Make a Pharaoh's Tomb
197: How to Make a Pharaoh's Tomb
Sety I in the Valley of the Kings (Part 1). Archaeological remains and ancient texts reveal a great deal about tomb-building in the 19th and 20th Dynasties (c.1303—1070 BCE). Records, artefacts, and art all combine to inform us of the workers and their practices. In this episode, we use the sepulchre of Sety I (KV17) as a case-study, to understand an ancient tomb project. Logo image: The cartouche of Sety I from the ceiling of his tomb (Photo Dominic Perry). Explore the tomb of Sety I in a 3D Walkthrough by MuseEd Archaeological information for Sety's tomb at the Theban Mapping Project: Photos of Sety’s tomb by Kairoinfo4u: For up-to-date studies and discussions of the royal tombs and their history, see The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings: Individual articles may be available via their authors if you do a web search of the author + article title. Music and interludes by Keith Zizza Music and interludes by Luke Chaos The History of Egypt Podcast: Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
195: A Quest for Gold
195: A Quest for Gold
Sety in the Desert. Around 1300 BCE, King Sety led an expedition into the Red Sea hills. His purpose? Gold. The King brought soldiers and charioteers out to mine precious metals for his treasuries. The journey was difficult, traversing a dry and rocky landscape far from the comforts of home. Fortunately, Sety left detailed descriptions of the event; and art and artefacts from this era allow us to reconstruct the journey... Episode details: Logo image: Soldiers make camp, setting up tents for commanders. Tomb of Horemheb at Saqqara (Martin 2016). Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Music and interludes by Keith Zizza Music and interludes by Luke Chaos The Wadi Barramiya, in which Sety’s expedition travelled, by Hakatani Tenfu at The Kanais Temple of Sety I, in the Wadi Barramiya, by Mutnedjmet at Select bibliography: A. Dodson, Sethy I King of Egypt: His Life and Afterlife (Cairo, 2019). H. Gauthier, ‘Le temple de l’Ouâdi Mîyah (el Knaïs)’, Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 17 (1920), 1--38. Available online. K. A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Historical and Biographical, I (Oxford, 1975). R. Klemm and D. Klemm, Gold and Gold Mining in Ancient Egypt and Nubia: Geoarchaeology of the Ancient Gold Mining Sites in the Egyptian and Sudanese Eastern Deserts (Berlin, 2013). G. T. Martin, Tutankhamun’s Regent: Scenes and Texts from the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb (EES Excavation Memoir 111; London, 2016). C. D. Reader, A Gift of Geology: Ancient Egyptian Landscapes and Monuments (Cairo, 2022). R. D. Rothe et al., Pharaonic Inscriptions from the Southern Eastern Desert of Egypt (Winona Lake, 2008). B. M. Sampsell, The Geology of Egypt: A Traveler’s Handbook (Cairo, 2014). See website for complete listing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
193: Slaying the Bull of Seth (Ramesses’ First Rodeo)
193: Slaying the Bull of Seth (Ramesses’ First Rodeo)
In the Temple of Sety I at Abydos, an out-of-the-way corridor preserves a unique image. The King of Egypt, and his eldest son, wrangle and subdue a bull. This scene appears simple, at first glance. But it has a wealth of deeper symbolism and meanings. In this episode, we explore the idea of Bulls as images of power and violence, and their relationship with gods like Osiris and Seth… Episode logo: Ramesses and the Bull, by artist Brenna Baines (commissioned by The History of Egypt Podcast). Full version available on my Patreon (link below). The Bull Hall photos by Heidi Kontkanen at The Bull Hall in Peter Brand, Monuments of Sety I (2000) available free online. The History of Egypt Podcast: Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Music and interludes by Keith Zizza Sound effects purchased from Pond5. Select Bibliography: M. Abuel-Yazid, ‘Architecture of the Slaughterhouse of the Seti Temple at Abydos’, in I. Regulski (ed.), Abydos: The Sacred Land at the Western Horizon (2019), 7—24. L. Baqué, ‘“On that Day When the Long-Horned Bull was Lassoed...” (PT [254] 286). A Scene in the “Corridor of the Bull” of the Cenotaph of Sethos I in Abydos: An Iconologic Approach’, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur 30 (2002), 43—51. P. J. Brand, The Monuments of Seti I: Epigraphic, Historical and Art Historical Analysis (2000). Available free online. R. H. Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (2003). J. M. Galán, ‘Bullfight Scenes in Ancient Egyptian Tombs’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 80 (1994), 81—96. See website for complete reference list. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
192b: Seth's Lore
192b: Seth's Lore
Warrior, protector, murderer. By 1300 BCE, the Egyptian god Seth had become a complex and multi-faceted deity. Chaotic and destructive, but not "evil," Seth played an important role in the gods' realm and our own. This legend developed and evolved over centuries, from the earliest religious literature to the imperial age. In this episode, we explore Seth's role, appearances, and descriptions in the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, Book of the Dead, Amduat, and Book of Gates. And we try to get to grips with a god who was (quite literally) two-faced... Episode details: Date: c. 2400 - 1300 BCE (Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms up to the reign of Sety I). Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments.  Music intro and outro by Michael Levy. Music interludes by Luke Chaos and Keith Zizza. Logo image: The hybrid deity Herfy ("Two-Face"), combining the powers of Horus and Seth. Hour 10 of the Book of Gates, from the tomb of Tausret in the Valley of the Kings (Line drawing by Dominic Perry, based on photo by Erik Hornung). General studies: Erik Hornung, The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Afterlife (1999) at Internet Archive. John Darnell and Colleen Manassa Darnell, The Ancient Egyptian Netherworld Books at and the Society of Biblical Literature. Pyramid Texts in English translation and Egyptian hieroglyphs (Pyramid Texts Online by Vincent Brown). Coffin Texts in English translation by Raymond Faulkner (1973—1978): Volume I, Volume III. I have been unable to find a copy of Volume II online; if you are aware of one, please let me know. Egyptian Hieroglyphs available in Open Access via the University of Chicago. Book of the Dead in English translation by Raymond Faulkner (1982 edition) at Internet Archive. Edited volume of scholarly articles available at The University of Chicago (2017, edited by Foy Scalf). Additional English translation, transliteration, and commentary by Stephen Quirke (2013). The Amduat (Book of the Hidden Chamber) in English translation, transliteration, and Egyptian hieroglyphs by Erik Hornung (2007). The Book of Gates in English translation, transliteration, and Egyptian hieroglyphs by Erik Hornung (2013). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
192: The Trouble With Seth
192: The Trouble With Seth
Identity crisis. Seth (aka Sutekh / Setekh / Suty) is a complicated deity. A master of storms, winds, deserts and seas, Seth dominates foreigners and the world outside Egypt. However, he is also treacherous, violent, and aggressive; a god who slew his own brother and tried to seize the throne for himself. As a result, Seth has a complicated relationship with the Egyptian kingship. Part defender and source of legitimacy, but also a threat to the stable order of the world (ma’at). Most kings navigated this relationship fairly easily. But then, most kings weren’t named after the god himself. As a pharaoh of Egypt, a living Horus, and the son of Osiris, King Sety I had to work hard to reconcile his personal identity with his divine. The results are visible on his monuments… Date: Reign of Sety I (c.1300 BCE). Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Music intro, outro, and interludes: Michael Levy. Music interludes: Keith Zizza and Luke Chaos. Logo image: A Seth-headed-Sphinx, on an obelisk of Sety I, originally from Heliopolis but now in Alexandria (Line drawing by Dominic Perry, based on a photo by Heidi Kontkanen). Select Bibliography: J. P. Allen, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (2nd edn, 2015). P. J. Brand, The Monuments of Seti I: Epigraphic, Historical and Art Historical Analysis (2000). E. Cruz-Uribe, ‘The Father of Ramses I: OI 11456’, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 37 (1978), 237—244. E. Cruz-Uribe, ‘Stḫ ꜥꜣ pḥty “Seth, God of Power and Might”’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 45 (2009), 201—26. A. el-Sawi, ‘Some Variations of Writing of the Names of Sety I at Abydos’, Annales du Services des Antiquités de l’Egypte 70 Supplement (1987), 53—63. J. G. Griffith, The Conflict of Horus and Seth from Egyptian and Classical Sources (1960). C. A. Hope, ‘Reconstructing the Image of Seth, Lord of the Oasis, in his Temple at Mut el-Kharab in Dakhleh Oasis’, Rich and Great: Studies in Honour of Anthony J. Spalinger on the Occasion of his 70th Feast of Thoth (2016), 123—145. K. A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions Translated and Annotated: Translations Volume I: Ramesses I, Sethos I and Contemporaries (Second Publication edn, 2017). W. M. F. Petrie and J. E. Quibell, Naqada and Ballas 1895 (1896). D. Schorsch and M. T. Wypyski, ‘Seth, “Figure of Mystery”’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 45 (2009), 177—200. D. Stewart, ‘The Myth of Osiris in the Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Monash University (2014). I. R. Taylor, ‘Deconstructing the Iconography of Seth’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, University of Birmingham (2016). H. te Velde, ‘The Egyptian God Seth as a Trickster’, Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 7 (1968), 37—40. H. te Velde, Seth, God of Confusion (1967). H. te Velde, ‘Seth’, in D. B. Redford (ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, 3 (2001), 269—271. P. J. Turner, ‘Seth – A Misrepresented God in the Ancient Egyptian Pantheon?’, Unpublished PhD. Thesis, The University of Manchester (2012). R. H. Wilkinson, The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (2003). H. E. Winlock, The Temple of Ramesses I at Abydos (1937). ‘Stèle Cintrée E26017’, Musée du Louvre, accessed 2.2.2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Age of Montu (First Intermediate Period Finale)
The Age of Montu (First Intermediate Period Finale)
These violent delights have violent ends. Between 1992 BCE and 1941 BCE, King Montu-Hotep (“Montu is Content”) ruled the southern kingdom. And he led efforts to expand Theban power, and ultimately reunify the Two Lands… Logo image: Montu, in a chapel of Ramesses III at Karnak (Kairoinfo4u). Website: Support the show via Patreon Make a one-time donation via PayPal payments. Music and interludes by Keith Zizza Music and interludes by Luke Chaos Montuhotep’s Expansion into Wawat / Nubia and the records of the wars: Darnell, ‘The Route of the Eleventh Dynasty Expansion into Nubia: An Interpretation Based on the Rock Inscriptions of Tjehemau at Abisko’, Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 131 (2004), 23—37. Available on Darnell, ‘The Eleventh Dynasty Royal Inscription from Deir el-Ballas’, Revue d’Égyptologie 59 (2008), 81—110. Available on Montuhotep’s Mahat Chapel at Abydos, discovered in 2014: Josef Wegner at and Damarany in Abydos: The Sacred Land (2019), JSTOR. Scholarly debates on the timeline and events of the Reunification: Brovarski, ‘The Hare and Oryx Nomes in the First Intermediate Period and Early Middle Kingdom’, in Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, 1 (2010), 31—85. Available on This was the study I followed in my reconstruction. Willems, ‘The Nomarchs of the Hare Nome and Early Middle Kingdom History’, Jaarbericht van het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 28 (1985), 80—102. Available at Researchgate. Nubia – The Archaeology of Wawat and Kerma: Kerma – Mission archéologique suisse à Kerma (Soudan) C. Bonnet, ‘The Cities of Kerma and Pnubs-Dokki Gel’, in G. Emberling and B. B. Williams (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2021), 201—212. H. Hafsaas, ‘The C-Group People in Lower Nubia: Cattle Pastoralists on the Frontier Between Egypt and Kush’, in B. B. Williams and G. Emberling (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2020), 157—177. G. K. Meurer, ‘Nubians in Egypt from the Early Dynastic Period to the New Kingdom’, in B. B. Williams and G. Emberling (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2020), 289—308. B. B. Williams, ‘Kush in the Wider World During the Kerma Period’, in G. Emberling and B. B. Williams (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia (Oxford, 2021), 179--200. The Tomb of General Antef, with images of siege towers and naval forces: B. Jaroš-Deckert, Grabung im Asasif. 1963-1970. Band 5: das Grab des Jnj-jtj.f. Die Wandmalereien der 11. Dynastie, 12 (1984). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit